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because they're all great
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Made for shotas.
Shota rapists.
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>I let him play with my blank
my what!? MY WHAT!?
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For me, it's Miriam.
Briar is hot but her character was so disappointing that I'm kinda mad about it.
Carmine is for bullying.
And honorary waifu award goes to Arven.
The tall bitch needs more art
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Both of them and the grunts too. The “evil” team in this last generation has been so uninteresting and forgettable that I even forgot what its name was.
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Kill all shoturds
Tulip is easilly my favorite gym leader, she deserves more art
This bitch is evil as fuck
For me, it's Perrin.
Canonically they would all be speaking Spanish
I wish Tulip got more fanart. She has a nice butt.
I see Tulip gettin more love when she arrives to Masters
I hope so. Now that you mention it, I wouldn't mind seeing her in Masters. Mela, Carmine, Perrin and Lacey are my most wanted girls at the moment, but Tulip would be nice as well.
I see Mela coming soon because Eri is already in and Carmine and Lacey because japs like Kieran and the BB league
Definitely. I imagine Mela will be added in the next few months. Carmine and Kieran will likely be added as soon as possible after they finish the Team Star bosses. At least I hope so.
No one in the picture is Paldean lol.
Also languages are just an afterthought in Pokémon, its stupid.
Briar's a descendant of Heath, so she's probably Paldean. She just lives in Unova.
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Nemona speaks Spanish all the time. She's like a taller Dora.
Is Nemona's Spanish more in line with European or Latin American Spanish?
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No idea, I played the game in Spanish.
She's literally the only character who does it. And she's not even Paldean.
where is the tail coming from...
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>We had a blank with teacher Dendra
What did they have with Dendra?
A threesome, I assume
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a homework
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Why is he like this?
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What's Briar gonna do with that boy?
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Anyone got art of the Kitakami delinquent?
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I wanna glaze her pastries...
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Taking revenge on sis and that paldean brat for taking the ogre from me
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There's a very good CarminexNemonaxJuliana animation that I fapped múltiple times
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Can you dish out the sauce?
The nemophila inspired underwear is such a nice touch.
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Paldean-speaking detected
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Why are their asses so flat?
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I want to have crazy sex with Briar.
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Love her underwear.
Who is this?
Who's the other girl?
Dragon Tamer trainer class from SV
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Children should not to be touch!
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Both are Juliana
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>Gen 9 thread
>No Sango
fuck you
Excuse me gentlemen, but Perrin has arrived
You WILL let her take your photo or she will smug you.
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Breakfast. They went to a local bagel shop, had asiago bagels with lox, it was delicious.
>Kill all shoturds
No, kill all subhumans with shit taste like you
you're the only turd here
>so mad he doubleposted on cooldown
lel, guess shotards really are subhumans with low impulse control
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>leglocks Florian
>”my, in 9 months there will be quite the proof of this historical event, won’t it?”
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Kitakami makes me want to fist her anus in rage. She's so cringe.
I meant Carmine.
She would like that, I think. She wouldn't admit that though.
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my retarded supermodel bride
my Florian only fucks hags
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mine only fucks Carmine
But Florian is much younger than her
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Gay and lame
Only by like 3 years
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that's the best part
>his shaky hands
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And Carmine likes them young and innocent!
I don't care about those human bitches
>on model
You're blind
we know Kieran
by anyone other than adult mature women*
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Its called sarcasm, redditor
That's not how sarcasm works you autist
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So we all agree that Carmine's anus is brown, right?
cute angry flattie
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Shut the FUCK up
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What do you think of Carmine's portrayal in Strip Poker Night at the Inventory?
She's Poké-Asian so yes
I didn't know she was added, neat
I'll check it out soon
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t. seething outsider
>She's Poké-Asian so yes
That's what I thought. Glad we agree.

>I didn't know she was added, neat
She's on the testing roster.
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latin american
Thanks. I was hoping that was the case.
False, she says "Toma ya" in some cases, thats Spaniard Spanish. She never actually uses any Latino expressions. But its irrelevant because her DLC interactions she says that she's not Paldean and implies she's Unovan
Interesting. Make sense. I'm not sure if the fact that she was at Lacey's party implies that she's Unovan, but I can see why people would have that interpretation.
Why were the generic NPCs so awful this gen?

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