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>Wahhhhh, there's too many Pokegirl threads
Shut the fuck up nerd. Sabrina thread
fine, but is HGSS allowed?
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When she fights male trainers is she aware how much they want to fuck her?
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No, all she can think about is playing with them
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She always knows anon
W-What is Sabrina doing?
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What history do you guys have with Sabrina? Has she affected you in any meaningful way?
>watched the Sabrina episodes as a 6 year old
>was scared of Sabrina but also felt some latent attraction
>forgot a lot about the Pokemon anime as the years went by
>got imprinted for life either way
>slowly realized through the years that I have a magnetic attraction for women that have sharp eyes, long hair styled in bangs/fringe or himecut and are cold, dangerous, mysterious and/or devious but with a soft side
>after years of not knowing why, I had an epiphany where I realized Sabrina was the origin of it all
>this whole time I had been looking for girls that reminded me of her, even long after consciously forgetting about her
I'm surprised it took me so long to realize Sabrina defined my tastes, but I'm glad I did.
Surprisingly I didn't develop any femdom or size fetish from the anime
I started pokemon with DP but it got me so deep into the franchise that I would buy any random pokemon thing I find, and that way I ended up getting my hands on some gen 1 anime DVDs and watched them. I remember I had from episode 1 up to the first episode of the Sabrina arc. Meaning I saw Ash try to take on her and then get sent to Lavender Town, but didn’t have the next episodes so I didn’t know what happens next. For some reason I didn’t watch the rest online, I was very young and maybe I was waiting for an occasion to see it on TV (which I eventually did when a friend brought the rest of the arc over and we watched it). But on the meantime, well, I was too young to care about Sabrina’s womanly attributes, but I found her very badass and grew fascinated with the idea of psychic powers. The fact that I couldn’t see the conclusion to her arc definitely helped making her seem so powerful and undefeatable in retrospect, especially considering how retarded said conclusion is in the anime kek
But yeah psychic powers and Sabrina are cool as fuck, the Alakazam line is cool as fuck, I thought so back then and now I still think so 18 years later. Except now I also want to fuck her :^)
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>especially considering how retarded said conclusion is in the anime kek
Yeah, Ash should've beaten Sabrina fair and square, then they could cure her autism with a slapstick routine. It was a super lame conclusion, it was really funny how quickly they forgave her after nearly potentially murdering them.
>Except now I also want to fuck her
Who doesn't
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True true
Much like how she is with that younger version of herself in the anime young me and current me each have our own reasons to love Sabrina
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What are current you's reasons for loving Sabrina?
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You already know the answer to that anon
But honestly, the fact that she's cool and powerful also helps still. I'm into that kind of anime girls, i don't know if it's because of Sabrina like that other anon said. The first anime girl i called a waifu was Beta from Inazuma Eleven but i knew Sabrina earlier. Maybe she shaped my tastes in women and still does today, idk. I also liked her in the adventures manga where she's part of team rocket
Perhaps, but it's more fun to hear straight from the anon himself.
I really like it when a woman is confident, powerful and strong. I really like Erika myself but over the years I appreciate Sabrina a whole lot more than I did as a kid back then. I do like her progression over the years but I really like her original design the most. It fits her more.
My intense desire to breed with her and have her sit on my face aside
I do genuinely really like Sabrina's character, being very no-nonsense and knowing how powerful she is, but also being reserved because of it. And the player implicitly breaking her out of that, causing her to loosen up in HGSS and B2W2

Not to mention all but confirming humans can also have "types" and are a natural part of the Pokemon world
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The fact that she was originally intended to be the last gym leader in gen 1 is hot as fuck
I absolutely agree. Also fits more in-line with how straight up broken Psychic was in Gen 1. I remember having trouble against her as a kid and getting very annoyed. Also a good sense of triumph in beating her too.
>she was originally intended to be the last gym leader in gen 1
She was? Based
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She gave me my femdom fetish and her and Rei gave me my himecut fetish
i dont remember ayanami having that haircut...
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It fits with her type specialty of Psychic too. Keeping her own powers in check and knows just how powerful she is. Her huge glow-up in HGSS and B2W2 are really hot and make me want to breed Sabrina even more but there's something about her Gen 1 look that's just as good too.
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She is definitely the hardest one in pretty much all Kanto games. Kanto games usually only have Kanto pokemon in them which means no dark types, only ghost is Gengar and most bugs are awful and a lot of them are weak to psychic anyway. So yeah to tank Alakazam's attacks you pretty much need your own psychic type, or if you're playing FRLG/LGPE, Magneton.

Gym leader order got shuffled a lot during gen 1's development. Sabrina and Koga's badges actually seem to have been swapped. It would make more sense for Sabrina to give you the Mind Badge, and especially for Koga to give you the Swamp Badge
It's a Japanese thing, to change the length of her hair as a sign of "character development" That said, I agree, there's something about her gen 1 design that hits in a very special way.
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That makes sense. I prefer Sabrina with long hair but I like all her designs. For me, the stockings of her Gen 1 look as well as the long hair and her powerful aura really gets me going. They show her off really well without having to expose her skin.
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Good night sabrinabros
The only things that kept psychic in check in the OG RBY were super high HP normal stompers like Snorlax, Tauros and Chansey, if psychic Pokemon had one weakness it was their mediocre defense stat, so normal pokemon could Body Slam them to death. Also Sabrina's Alakazam is super fucked in the original RBY because enemy pokemon had infinite PP and the fucker could spam Recover endlessly, Blue did the same bullshit with his own Alakazam too.
I don't even know how I ever beat her in Gen 1. My team was really bad from what I remember. Even following the advice wasn't a good idea cause, like you said, the Ghost-types were also Poison and Bugs had only one attacking move and it was Leech Life. Beedrill had Twinneedle but that was also bad with it being Poison. At the same time, I think it really gives Sabrina this amazing presence. Saffron City is already memorable to me with Silph.Co being a huge maze, having a tough Gym Leader gives a fun and tough experience.
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I wish I had Psychic powers even strongererererer than Sabrina’s so I could wow her
god I need her so bad
What would you do with Sabrina
give her warm hugs as she uses her telekinesis to lift us both off the ground, floating as we cuddle each other
>"Go ahead, Anon. Lay your head on my chest and close your eyes. Feel your vision begin to cloud as I fill your mind with blissful thoughts, drifting you off into deep slumber..."
There are days where she had to close the Gym early just because she had to relieve herself after sensing the thoughts of some of the Trainers that REALLY wanted to have sex with her
...Legends Arceus Lucas?
What kinds of thoughts was she sensing from those really horny Trainers?
Lots of things. Trainers that wanted to suck on her tits. Trainers that wanted to grind on her ass. Trainers that wanted to pin her down and fuck her senseless.
The one that got to her, though? The Trainer that wished she'd pin HIM down and utterly dominate him. She gooned so hard her Alakazam couldn't even look at her straight for a week.
How does Sabrina endure endless horny thoughts from each and every Trainer that battles her? And would Sabrina grant that lucky Trainer his wish of getting dominated and pinned down the next time he challenged her? I would imagine the next time they met and battled, Sabrina might have a hard time keeping her focus.
Having to deal with that by herself sounds painful. I wish I was there to help her
How would you help her?
>Pokegirl threat actually talking about her role in the games while still being relentlessly horny
Well about that

Who's to say she doesn't take drastic measures every now and again?
>Who's to say she doesn't take drastic measures every now and again?
And how will she do that? She's a strong Gym Leader! No Trainer can match up to her prowess!
You think Sabrina and Erika are friends?
Sabrina has a hime cut. A HIME CUT!
Hime cuts are based
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