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>did you say I'm a Nintendo marketing jeet with suspicious wholesome and friendly bots filling up fresh Nemona threads very quickly?
>here's a full day ban for you for noticing
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ngl anon
the fact you said the word "jeet" in this at all kinda proves the type of person you are, and 9/10, people like you sure love to run their mouths all the time.
But should he redeem the card?
Huh? Nemona at least has visible tits unlike Mayfags that have to fap to offmodel pajeet AI slop
You've been chimping out in the Nemona threads for a week you insufferable simpleton. Fuck off
Thank god
White fragility...
Someone mad they got got called out.
Is this another nemona thread?
Hopefully not. Nemona deserves better than this.
You lost
Keep seething or take your meds, your choice
I figured it was some kike trying to push its """black is beautiful""" degenerate fiction. That (((tribe))) is known for trying to hide how only degenerates with bestiality or scat fetishes would be interested in some subhuman ape that looks like it's covered in a layer of shit. It does look like this comment about jeets was spot on, though!
Nemona sexo sin condon
The levels of insecurity and brainwashed you even need to be to type this out is just incredible.
>oy vey, please be """insecure""" instead of insulted whenever shills try to brainwash you into admiring a subhuman ape that will always look like it's covered in a layer of shit!
It was also hoping its betters wouldn't notice how it tries to pretend a better-looking character, purely by virtue of not looking like she's covered in a layer of shit, has """AI"""" images, when the AI thread is infested with the exact same degenerate shill that's begging its betters to pretend a sheboon that looks like it's covered in a layer of shit will ever have anything attractive about it.
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woah buddy. you okay?
did you lose half your health to stealth rocks or something? no way you'd be acting this way unless you were some kind off pissed off bee with all the buzzwords you're throwing out.
how's your mother? is she feeling okay? have you checked in on her as of late? does she know of your.. verbal complexion? how about your father? is he around? is he ashamed of what you have become? or are they both unaware of your shameful acts?
I get it, this is 4chan, the one site on the internet where you're allowed to be this sort of filth, but aren't you tired of being mean? don't you have any sort of semblance to be nice at all? why not slow down, take a deep breath, and figure out why you're this way, and why you're angry for seemingly no reason outside of the girl not being an 8 year old with skin as white as snow.
You sound like a Jew who got caught
Exactly. Nemona threads never felt Natural
>Nemona threads never felt Natural
Cause they aren't spamming coomerslop like other waifu threads? Kek
Nice try but you fags post coomer slop, especially stench and sweet fetish shit.
Also this >>57058278
that, and there's not really any lolicon bullshit.
I meant Sweat
You don't know what coomerslop is
Also people in waifu threads constantly talk about sweat and feet
I'm not defending other pedo threads.
You are all gross subhumans who should be banned on sight
..where's your dad, anon?
y'know, I ain't even the guy you're replying to. have your echo chamber, man, we're done.
I knew that Niggmona threads are unnatural and full of bots at the moment in which I notice the meaningless posts, postfics and more faggot crap, they are especially obvious when threads are faster than average lasting 3 or 4 days, no fucking human posts in those threads the subhumans who spam these threads do not count as real humans
wow, you think too much about niggers and kikes, have any of them raped your asshole or fucked your mom?
>inb4: you are le hecking kikerino niggerino
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>deranged schizobabble
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>words words words
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> the ebil kikes are spamming my Pokemon section of the weaboo imageboard to end the white race D:
Go own the libs over there >>>/pol/
This IS /pol/ haven't you seen all the breloom threads
Wouldn't be a nigmona thread without the jeet samefagging again
This thread feels like dead internet theory
>oy vey, it's totally the whole thread instead of just the shills who came to this site explicitly to kvetch about the most important of 4chan's core values, goys!
Have an ultrabump as a blessing on all who expose (((their))) lies
This entire site is the dead internet, none of this is real.
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Anon, it's the delcattyschizo behind it since xhe hold hands with one of trannymod of this shiddy board
>Pokemon is full of nonwhites since forever ago? Whatever.
What causes this mental illness?
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It's just trannies and ugly w*omen that nobody will ever fuck even if they were the last standing breathing beings on the planet ,and this out of jealousy they lash out to fictional characters that are actually beautiful
>AI slop
Jeet spotted
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Love my wife
I'm a fat ugly woman and I love Nemona
And no I'm not le hecking tr*ns
I think people like OP are just self-hating brown people desu
I mean Nemona isn't even "brown" she's just tan
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Chocolate girls are sex actually
Reminder that Nemona has freckles, which are predominantly a white European feature.
Kissing ALL of Nemona's freckles.
Can't people just not like Nemona because she's ugly and annoying? You really have to be incredibly hateful to actual humans because Paldea is bad?
What the fuck are you even trying to say?
Learn to read.
Watch how the shill will never be able to get its story straight.
>oy vey, it's just a tan, goys!
>no wait, it totally has freckles
Two things which don't go together. Note that the very idea that something with any trace of (((olive))) in its skin is totally white, goys, is a fabrication from the same (((agenda))) that wants to pretend filthy spics are just """whites""" that """tan easily""" to push for subhuman immigrants to pollute the labor pools of their host countries and pretend those subhumans who take siestas are such valuable workers.
Imagine being this mad at a video game girl character from generation 9 of pokemon
Have you played a Gen 9 game? Any hate it gets, including its characters is deserved.
Who are you even talking to?
I have watched challenge runs off gen 9 on youtube. I don't get the hate besides the obvious glitches and low frame rate the game has. Also dlc costing money. Most people like the characters from generation 9 though.
oof, atheist moment
Most "people"? I wouldn't consider onions drinking slop gobblers people.
I consider everybody people. Sorry
Gen 9 is kino. Cope.
kill yourself, samefagging dog fucker
My ten bucks say you're brown yourself.
holy based
She deserves to die
She's not even real.
She's not a real person. Take your meds

Not yet
If only we got the Nemona superboss fight, then she might be worth giving a shit about.
what was this post?
>all of them removed
kek gottem
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>Dragon Ball
You chuds are always wrong you guess an ethnicity, every single time
Guy who thinks there are only 4 ethnic groups in the world
Isn't it strange, then, how every single post exposing these shills struck the right nerves? None of the subhuman (((immigrants))) to this site will ever be able to hide how they don't belong in the communities of their betters. After all, every single one of these shills is compelled to kvetch about realism, better known as """racism""" and """antisemitism""", which are the most important of this site's coe values, just to show how muc (((they))) don't belong here and never will. In fact, these are the values that triumphed forever last November, and will form the core pillars of the new world that will be built starting next year.
Yeah but Nemona won doe
>see cute spunky brown goddess
>somehow the first thing he thinks of is jews and proceeds to schizobabble
poltards are so weird man
Uh huh, so weird that anyone who tried shilling for a subhuman that looks like it's covered in a layer of shit would keep imagining they won in their hearts. Meanwhile, in the real world, the shit-covered subhuman lost against an unpopular convicted criminal, and no amount of shilling could stop the triumph or realism,, better known as """racism""".
Nemona our beloved
Nemona our friend!
Nemona, a pokemon trainer just like you and me
>Braixenfag is a mod
>Glaceon fag is a janny
>Nemona fag is a mod or janny
>Dawnfag is a mod
Who else should be aware of?
The only fully confirmed faggot is the marnifaggot mod
This thread is why the other boards make fun of /vp/ all the time
Your post proves you're retarded, and?
Cause of a single sperg having a meltdown over a hot girl? Yeah.
There's never going to be anything """hot""" about some subhuman ape that looks like it's covered in a layer of shit. No amount of shilling will ever """normalize""" degenerates with bestiality and/or scat fetishes. It even has the opposite effect, if the recent elections are any indication.
I saw that Anon's post replying to 'Shaun.' It's honestly ironic how he calls someone subhuman while wasting his time responding to an old troll's copycat. Especially when 'Shaun' clearly doesn't even bother reading his walls of boring text, He is probably one of the stupidest people on the board, I mean anyone even bothers to read his posts? LMAO!!
proof or just your boogeymen?
It's not surprising that it's always the same shill begging its betters to leave its pet 'berg alone and let him perform his degenerate ritual on this site. Of particular note is how the shill wanted to pretend its pet 'berg is just some """harmless""" copycat, when he had to hide in autosaging threads to try to complete his degenerate ritual without being found out, just like the shill got upset about being caught advertising on this board.
Another thing to note is its fervent hope that its pet 'berg hasn't been crying about all these posts for days afterward. It'll never be able to protect its pet 'berg's physical and mental degradation, as he finds less and less satisfaction out of his degenerate ritual on this site. No amount of support and coverups will be able to prevent him from getting into yet another road rage, and this time, he won't make it to a hospital in time.
Like all its (((kind))), the usual shill wanted to pretend it took soooo much effort to bother its pet 'berg this much, when all it took was the same reminder every time. It's an ideal example of the competency crisis facing the underaged and subhuman shills, since none of them will ever be able to figure out how easy it is to type on a real keyboard instead of a shitphone, and how it's the subculture it came from that made it less than human, unable to match the performance of its betters no matter how much it tries.
Jannies these guys are ban evading and spamming hate in a thread complaining about a ban. Kill them.
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>Did you say that my totally rule-breaking thread is full of actual porn and NSFW lewds and it's not getting deleted?
>here's a 3 days ban for complaining.
Now that's perfectly fine. That character looks a lot better, purely by virtue of not looking like she's covered in a layer of shit.
I think you want someone to shit in your mouth that's why you can't stop thinking about shit
LMAO this subhuman is a cropofaggot!!!
Take note of the latest shill projection, to match the earlier projection about the fans of real pokegirls who weren't the ones infesting the AI threads. It won't be able to hide how its betters aren't interested in a subhuman ape that looks like it's covered in a layer of shit, which only degenerates with bestiality and/or scat fetishes would find attractive. Note that this is the exact same choice made by those who could actually vote, despite all its (((kind)))'s shilling during the elections as well.
>Words words words
I'm not going to read that, you're a shit eater obsessed with shit, do the world a favor and kill yourself.
hmm he do be thinkin about scat a lot
>scatfag tries to hide his obsession with shit.
LMAO, kys subhuman... No, I can't even consider you subhuman.
>notice how le hecking kikerinos are chasing an honorable scatfaggot like me, obsessing over shit is based and trad, le evil jews are to blame for my stomach hurting every time I eat shit.
LMAO!! cringe scatfag.
>oy vey, please be """obsessed""" with something that got shilled on this board!
Note how the exact same shill uses the exact same story for everything from """racism""" to troons"""phobia""", begging its betters to be """obsessed""" or """insecure""" instead of insulted by its shilling and begging to have its degeneracy normalized. After all, its betters aren't the ones interested in a subhuman ape with skin that looks like it's covered in a layer of shit, which only degenerates with bestiality and/or scat fetishes would find attractive.
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This dude probably reflects light
thanks for bumping the thread
You're welcome, everyone should see the meltdown
good thing you won't have to stealth bump your own thread, eh?
karate bump
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I don’t get it
only a ginormous fag would find Nemona ugly.
We get it, you want Gobbels to fuck you up the cornhole, go back to pol and masturbate with all the other wignats to your weird conspiracy fetish.
Quit being a pussy and just say jew.
you seem unusually fixated on poo, confirmed for self-hating jeet.
She's Spanish, you dumbfuck polcel.
Kys, you worthless subhuman polcel!
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The lack of literacy among """anti-racists""" is very illuminating. While I've talked at length about the kikes who keep insisting that subhuman shitskins have any attractive features, the OP was about the pajeets (((they))) hired to shill on this site. It's very telling that the best it can hope for is to beg its betters to be shitskins, since even it can tell that having skin the color of shit makes one inherently repulsive. Otherwise, it wouldn't be this desperate to shill on this site. The subhuman shill actually tried lying about how no one could possibly advertise on this board, when it's flooded with subhumans who cry about realism, better known as """racism""", which is the most important of this site's core values, just to demonstrate that its (((kind))) doesn't belong on this site and never will.
The funny thing is, /pol/ isn't even supposed to be the """racist""" board. It's just that the rule about /b/ will never be enforceable, no matter how many shills cry about the most important of this site's core values.
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>anons will look at a forest and think “ugh, logs of SHIT are bursting out of the ground”
do anons really
>oy vey, people are totally trying to sell trees on this site, goys!
Every shill lies with every breath.
And yet the primitive junglemonkey from sharty still tried to defend its fellow subhuman shitskin. As usual.
Why was the Dawn version of this thread deleted but this one stayed on?
>oy vey, whuddabout a thread that was whining about """muh lewds""" instead of exposing shills
>it's so rayciss to prefer a character who actually is attractive because she doesn't have skin the color of shit, goys!
And the shill keeps wondering why it doesn't belong on this site and never will.
Because Jannie doesn't give a fuck, ironically this proves that Op is a retarded liar scatfaggot obsessed with shit, and that probably every time he drinks coffee or eats chocolate he gets an erection imagining that it's shit.
I love Nemmy!
>ew why is it pink I wanted blue reeeeeeee
This polcel has unironically been crying over tt for two days kek
Been at least a week
This, literally mentally ill. Built for euthanasia
if only i could be chased around by a tomboy who wants to battle me and would do anything for another match
Like all the other shlls, it replies to itself over and over, just like in every one of its threads. By a strange coincidence, that's the exact same modus operandi that the pozzed troons from shitcord and all the primitive shitskins from sharty have. All of whom also shill for degeneracy on this site, and kvetch about """racism""", which is the most important of this site's core values.
>iconic enough to get an autistic hater
Nemona won
>if your betters would rather vote for an unpopular felon than your house sheboon, you win
No wonder every shill has to keep lying outright. Then again, since it has to keep replying to itself in all its threads, it probably had to lie to itself most of all.
Kinoest thread on the board tbqh
graveyard thread with a schizo gravekeeper
thanks for the bump
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8 days of straight seething
Beats thread after thread of gay shilling. With the deletions, this thread can be bumped indefinitely.
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Nemona thread you say?
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eepy mona
why would you bump a hate thread retard
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gorgeous even straight out of bed
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I'm reviving it as a Nemona love thread. why? boredom mostly
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>Have you played a Gen 9 game? Any hate it gets, including its characters is deserved.
SV is dogshit
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You will never be white pablo
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tfw you'll never have this. why even live bros?
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Wrong, I had a burger just yesterday
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How anyone can find this face anything but beautiful is beyond me.
does it really matter?
>Anon, I got the custody papers signed and validated!
>Mom? What mom? You can visit your aunt anytime!
>Come on, your cubicle is right next to the battle facility in the basement!
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goth mona
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lmao, this fag, thinks that 4chan has values. Dude, this site has never been some whites only klan klub. There's a difference between allowing the freedom to to openly support those things and being explicitly only for those things. People of every race use this site and white people who are attracted to other races aren't brainwashed by da joos.
also Nemona is Spanish as in European, but you're probably one of those weirdos who only count Anglo-saxons to be white Europeans.
this animation would be god tier if it weren't for the lesbian bullshit
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What are you, gay? Can't jerk it unless there's a man on screen?
Right, that crackkker can take his ass to stormfront.
I need to self insert.
>inb4: that's cringe
Don't care
is this still a thing?
If anyone were to stitch those animations together in a coherently watchable way, my dick would explode. The fact that nobody has is for my safety.
What voice do I read these posts in
imagine Bubble Bass trying to imitate Hitler's energy.
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I'm curious? what's the cutoff to you? like I get you have this weird fixation with "shit skins" but there's a whole gradient of skin colors? Do East Asians get a pass but you rage against Filipinos? what about this woman? she's Indian but clearly not brown. I'm just wondering where the trigger line is?
Not surprisingly, it now has to beg its betters for? some? """cutoff"""? point? for it to shoehorn its house sheboon into. Even when some filthy 'jeet whose job is to shill on this site tries to lighten its skin, it's still very easy to distinguish it from an actual person. For some degenerate reason, it's also trying to pretend bugmen are also people.
Perhaps most telling of all is how it now wants to bring up the lowest of all austronesians, when even REAL asians get insulted each time those things try to count themselves as asians, too. The worst part is whenever those philippiniggers try to pretend they can actually speak English, let alone type it out on this site, which is one of the best examples of why realism, which keeps getting called """racism""", was the most important value even early on. The most difficult decision of all was whether pajeets or philippiniggers had worse accents, but it turns out, the philippinigger accent was voted as the world's most repulsive by a landslide.
4chan was a mistake and this thread proves it
I need a translation for bros yappin
>Not surprisingly, it now has to beg its betters for?
Fuck now I get it, these posts remind me of the boys back at /dbs/ kek
Pseudo-intellectual ramblings from someone with low empathy
This fucking thread bitching about moderation has been up for nine days. What the hell are the mods doing?
only tourists whine about shit like that, nobody cares about your opinion. go back to whatever shithole you infested before 2016. Fort Eglin ahh cointelpro shit

"coomer" whiners are the ones who usually spam that shit after their very weak demands for people to make off topic threads on /e/ are ignored
no just laughing at the clown
I think they’re just laughing at it because it’s funny
>oy vey, please pretend these are tears of joy, goys!
This shouldn't be surprising, when its whole """black is beautiful""" myth is also an outright fabrication.
Hello again, Nemona heads. I tried changing the style a bit. Is it better now? i am working on a commission on Ash and Nemona tongue kissing animation and i am changing it from the ground up.
me thinks anon be projecting, xhe so mad
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i even made it into animation. check it out.
It's no coincidence at all that the subhuman junglemonkeys from sharty come to sites they aren't welcome in to help shill for degeneracy. After all, every last one of those primitives gets upset by the truth, which gets called """racism""". The island junglemonkeys in particular wanted to pretend they can actually speak English, let alone type it out on this site, which is one of the best examples of why realism, which keeps getting called """racism""", was the most important value even early on. As evidenced here, however, the best they can do is parrot the words of their betters like the cargo cult their kind follows. Each of them is now trying to memoryhole how they tried projecting about AI, when it's the exact same shill for their house sheboon that went and infested the AI thread.
OP? faggot
fp? bp
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you're like the board's pet monkey now. prepare for taunting monkey.

das rite ytboi, we're gonna racemix you out of existence and you'll love every minute of it.
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you know you love this phat black ass in your face whitey
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You're legit gay af if you'd turn this fine piece of ass down
Why do white men love brown women so much?
because they can fix them
why's it gotta be about race. Men love fine women, no matter the race.
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Like every last one of its (((kind))), it's completely incompetent at larping, which is odd, since that's all its (((kind))) ever does. After all, it has to pretend its whole """black is beautiful""" myth ever had any validity, instead of a degenerate (((agenda))) behind it. Meanwhile, in the real world, skin the color of shit is inherently repulsive enough to drive those who could actually vote to pick an unpopular felon over the sheboon it tried to shill for. Like every other time, there will never be anything """straight""" about being attracted to inherently dirty skin that has the color of shit. Instead, it even tried to pretend its betters would ever share its degenerate scat fetish, which only those who shill for skin the color of shit would have.
...shartyfaggots ARE racist
Wait I’m confused, does the guy think Nemona is black?
Yeah. He never leaves his room so he doesn't know what tan girls look like.
She is, given how when you say she is a ton of people are upset like with Raihan

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