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White December Edition

Previous thread: >>57034081
Old Thread Catalog: https://archive.palanq.win/vp/search/subject/Eevee%20Friday/page/1/
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Got tired of waiting for someone else to come up with a thread.
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It's the best time of the week, yes oh my, yes oh me!
It's the best time of the week, yes it's true, can't you see?? (~˘▾˘)~

It's time for ee-vee fri-day! (yea yea!)
Ee-vee fri-day! (alright!)
Ee-vee fri-day! (uh huh!)
Ee-vee fri-dayyy~! (YEA!!!)

It's the best time of the week, gather around, if you seek!
Yes it's ee-vees all day, it's for you, yes for free!! ~(˘▾˘)~
It's time for ee-vee fri-day (it's here!)
Ee-vee fri-day! (that's right!)
Ee-vee fri-day! (woo hoo!)
Ee-vee friii-day (YEA!!!) ~ (ゝˬ ∂)
Ee-vee fri-day! (cha cha!)
Ee-vee fri-day! (aw yea!)
Ee-vee fri-day! (you made it!)
Ee-vee friii-day (EE-BUI!!!) *+°\(*'ᗜ'* )/°+*

- ripped off from an old tripfag in an old thread
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I'm on an Eevee break, not gonna make new threads or post as much for a while.
It's all up to you guys now.
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There's no rush. Even if it gets made later, it'll still fill up before next Friday.
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Just one more day anons
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Based for using Glaceon as OP. It's been getting a lot of unnecessary hostility recently v.v
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Oh, here's the artist's name, since OP was asking about it. Pakkopako
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That one also goes by Pousse-Cafe
Boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff
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Rad absorption+20 radX+534(!) radaway = 80 minutes of cuddling.

Boff boff boff boff boff boff boff boff boff boff boff boff boff boff boff boff boff boff boff boff boff boff boff boff boff boff boff boff boff boff.

Weird... What's up with that?
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Oh, the reason I was so confused by the odd color scheme of that "Leafeon"(the one I asked "what's up with that") is because it's a NUCLEON, deeerp.
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Oh right, OP was also asking about the gif. It was an edit from this episode
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Weekly reminder~
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Finals are over for everyone now, riiiight?
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I didn't want to shit on your factualy incorrect smilefaggry-laden blogpost immediately I saw it last morning, but now that I've lost another one of my relatives just before yesterday ended - I'm perfectly willing to waste your time on another futile attempt of yours to dispense some more sweet nothings into my legit dysfunctuonal mind that will never be able to appreciate your fake worthless platitudes.
It sucks that you view my statements as nothing more than sweet nothings, and it hurts my soul, but I suppose it's better that I know that you are refusing to accept any of that than not.
However, if you ever call something that short a "blogpost" again, regardless of who wrote it, I will go over there myself and force feed you anti-depressants that I smuggled out of the local high school.
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Don't take the last part of my previous post the wrong way, I'm just sleep deprived and trying to be funny in my usual crass way. I recognize it's not really ideal to be doing that, but fuck it. I've got little left to lose.
I'm truly sorry for your back-to-back losses. I lost two in one year and have failed to properly recover, which is why I write the things I do now. I struggle to understand how others can handle it so deftly.
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Yeah I'm still half asleep too
what the fuck is happening in here
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Post eevees
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don't mind if I do
>eevee thread is actually good and not just the same reposts
I kneel
You've been doing this shit to me for a whole month if not even longer, at least that's what my deranged mind has chosen to believe.
I don't know how to give a toss about anybody anymore, nor even myself to be honest.
I think this tihng @>>57069756 has been getting to me different ever since I realized there's no way he's still around here...
Being fully aware that I will never deserve to be happy makes me feel more dreadful than usual recently.
I could just KMS like you've been begging me to do so for almost 3 years, but where is the illusion of fun for me in that?
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A bit late to the grieving part :(
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what is happening in this thread?
It needs to be petted
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Don't you dare
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Is this what happens when I'm late? Jesbus fuggin' criminy.

To quote one of my favourite films: "Be excellent to each other; & party on, dudes."
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shut the fuck up!
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didn't mean to kill the thread, sorry
>>57075261 >>57075271 >>57075278
About a month ago, my other grandfather died, so it wouldn't be surprising if a shift in my attitude DID occur and I haven't stopped yet. I never meant to antagonize you either at any point, but I'm more than aware that I tend to cause hostilities due to how insufferable I can be.
I see, so you must've been the one who asked me why I kept posting then. To keep it bluntly, I post specifically because he's not around. I made two promises back in the day. I promised him way back that I'd try to help him pay for his chemo... which unfortunately never happened, almost entirely because I'm broke and my ambitions got the better of me. If things had panned out accordingly, I could've at least given him a comfortable death, if nothing else. I also promised that I'd keep his memory alive through any means I knew how. Joltanon's plush, and the goal to do as much as I can with my life so I'd have a story to tell in the afterlife to the people I make that promise to are how I know how achieve it.
I really haven't been begging you to do that. I can't even think of anyone else who begged to kill yourself in this thread, unless you're also the AS-anon but even I don't want him to kill himself. Those who take suicide are tragic victims of circumstance, even when they are trying to avoid their crimes catching up to them. They don't think they can resolve the situation, and are left with few choices before it leads to their perceived death or a fate worse anyways, so they just accelerate the process. Much of my family has gone out this way, and it's a situation I don't wish upon anyone.
Frankly, the pain you're experiencing is unbearable. I recognize that. I wish I could do more, but the reality is that I just can't. All I can do is write words and more words, because I'm not anyone you know in real life. I'm just a broke anon online, who is watching with tearful eyes as you tear yourself apart.

I don't blame you for calling this one a blog post.
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Aww yeaaaah! Thanks anon.

Closest I got. Thank you anon. Hope you're succeeding in your dream!

Oh, okay. Fair enough!

I don't think you're ever late. Thanks for lighting the candle.
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this thread is too depressing
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Hope that everyone's having a good day, even with its faults!
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/ef/ is suffering from too much success. Perhaps we should put it out of its misery.
For what?
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I kind of contributed to the dour mood with my talk with the other anon.
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>>57078767 >>57078791 >>57078799 >>57078833 >>57078854
Oooh, cuuute! I always liked the following Pokemon sprites from HGSS.
This makes up for the fact that Windows rebooted and forcefully updated while I was in the shower!
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Clearly, I do not.
Thanks anon!
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The bit of untranslated text is bothering me :P
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I look forward to seeing their evolution
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Thank you, anon! I seem to be, so far--every single client so far has tipped me, which is pretty cool. I really didn't think I had such people skills.

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I love this nigga like you wouldnt believe.
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He loves you too!

Awesome! Glad that's going well.
Hopefully my own dream job becomes a reality.
the artist raped the image with those stupid photoshop brushes
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Jolteon is a very good big brother!
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Purest form of love
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What will they evolve into?
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There's a lot of these, for whatever sick reason, so here's something cuter!
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Hey, if they evolved, you did too!

Indeed he is!

No idea what the previous statement meant, but have Myeon.
In universe probably is at least one route for each type but finding it is another matter entirely like imagine trying to find that stuff in there

Sure most of the current ones could probably be found just trying out a box of evo stones and the staggered release in Dex's is just what's more common in different areas and who filled out their paperwork first
But imagine steels method is taking recoil from steel moves or something and trading with a steel coat makes a snail themed bug type genuine risk of finding a different one than you want or may just find a different way to a known form

And that's assuming just pure known types might find a way to double evolve to mixed types a plastic type from "modernity" exposure or just different variants of existing types like a hunneon and snaileon both being bug type eeveelution possibilities

I mean vaporeon is pretty much a fish shaped slime even by Pokemon's magic animal standards I think eevees are a case of "what the fuck are these things?"

And that's all just actually looking a good number of people may just find their eevee ate an ammonite behind their back on a walk and now its a rock type snail evo and they have no idea how the fuck it happened and just wanted a Jolty to charge their phone

Could probably make a thread game of posting different methods and other anons just saying what you actually get from it number of crazy evo methods out there is high enough start putting them to vee flexibility could build a regional Dex of just fuckload of eevees
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hello /ef/rens...
I want to draw some eevee/lutions
any reqs? :D
>pure Flying
>Clear Body / Cloud Nine (HA)
>Evolves by level-up while knowing a Flying type move
...if only
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Draw my man with some MILK!
I miss Patafoin's 2D sprite animations but this is pretty sick. I'm glad he's still moving on in this world!
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I think I'm done with /vp/, bros...
The lack of activity and the absence of rule enforcers have me demoralized to bother posting anymore.
I think I will just come back 1 month before ZA release and hope things are better.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in advance!
see you tomorrow
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/ef/ and some generals are still worth visiting, but activity on such threads are steadily declining and I feel that /vp/'s lack of "quality control" is the primary reason why.
I've submitted my feedback about that here: https://www.4chan.org/feedback
Will that change anything? Very likely not, but it doesn't hurt to try.
A glaceon having a dignified nap!
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You just know
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Okay anon. Take care! I hope to see you again!
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I should've thought of this before
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Well you thought of it now!
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God I love this artist.
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I'm going to the funeral ATM, might bother replying to this later tonigtht.
I wouldn't consider my feelings as sadness or melancholy, more like annoyance of having to speak to people I haven't been in touch with for over a decade and zero intentions to change that with no real ability to feign my nonexistant concerns over what happened.
I told you before that I'm an irredeemable scumbag, and worst yet I have no asspie certificate to somewhat justify my despicable mentality.

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