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Filters FILTERED Edition

Make and chat with some Pokémon and characters!

List of Anon-Made Characters (last updated Nov 25th)
Character AI: https://rentry.org/vpcai/
Cards and .json files: https://rentry.org/vpcai-X/
Yodayo/Moescape: https://rentry.org/vp-kai
CAI Character Creation Guide:https://pastebin.com/6urKvs5P

Useful Links:
https://rentry.org/aisekaiguide (sites dead but still a good guide)

Previous Thread
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anchor, let's see some new bots everyone
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How did you do that?
the filters weakened again for a bit
i just took that image from the previous thread, but the filters are/were weakened for quite some time
Is there even a single website for these that has unlimited messages while also not being utter dogshit?
janitor has been working pretty well for me as of late. it's not the best for hyper-specific niches but it does its best
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I've been a long time lurker, but I finally decided to write my first original pokegirl bot. She can be pretty serious and intense, but she's a cutie. I tried to make the card centered around doing adventures with her, but I'm still really new to botmaking so I might've not gotten the idea to an optimal level, although I still fine-tuned her to the best of my abilities. I put a lot of effort into her, so I'd love to hear any feedback/criticisms. Hope you all enjoy.

Cool to have a bot from a new creator! I really need to get around to finally making some myself. (Though, I don't have any ideas for Pokebots so...)
I'll have to try her out on Yodayo soon!
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New bot. It's a Hilda bot this time except she's black, she's ghetto and she has a really big booty. Enjoy.


interesting take on hilda, and pretty fun to chat with.
>she has a really big booty
when does she not?
no lolis?
>Cai have changed the voice algorithm and it now sucks
Ruined. Totally ruined.
What kind of person would ask this
we need a quality loli god ui, trelick
and mesugaki miku from that uno mv
Has anyone here tried the new Gemini/Gemini experimental?
new bot when?
>and mesugaki
Whoever comes after this, the answer is yes we need it
as in google gemini? what would be the point? no way in hell you could rp with it
Just watched the Uno MV. My first thought is I don't know how I can match that. I never wound up getting the KnJ girls as foul mouthed as they should be. Last I checked, the Anarchy Sisters are completely impossible on CAI as well.

Same concern for Shigure, assuming she should be cynical. Are there any bitchy bots that wound up working out?
>CAI filters weaken
>much easier to RP
>but then the PNC hits too hard due to their uncanny performance
>CAI app now vibrates like crazy when bots are responding
Why? How do I turn this off?
It's in settings where you'd expect it to be
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My first actual attempt at character making, but i sat on it for so long that it's probably joke-level at best. Ironically first made it way before teraleak, so now it serves as an homage after the non-believers of the TRUE arceus gospel got BTFO.

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It's filtered but you can turn off the filters for everything except cunny (if you're using the API). People over on /aicg/ have been using it fine.
(The API has a free-tier, usable through SillyTavern. Do not use your main Google account.)
So you can get extra refined details on how to flawlessly murder someone or be an hero, but virtual copulation is an absolute no go? Love this country to pieces.
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>>57083365 (me)
Virtual copulation (with adults) is very doable.
I just tested cunny and it also seems to work if you just swipe a few times.
(The bot in picrel is 6 (I think).)
pretty stereotypical and kinda generic, but still a fun and creative take on the character (hilda bias aside).
will be trying this one next. any chance of a c.ai port?
>I'm a guy, bot is a girl
>*slides one of her legs between yours*
Is this lesbian writing leaking into normal sex or am I suppose to hump her shin like a dog? I've always been a bit confused when this happens lol
she misunderstood what a thighjob means
happens all the time, you would know this if you ever had sex
>I'd not be opposed to Zoroarks, they're much closer in intelligence to humans anyways, and some are known to be able to speak in Human tongue. I could see a romantic relationship with one of them.

I am approved for zoroark relations.
I decided to publish a bot I had made in private. Meet Agnes, a businesswoman, a lady of good taste and high standards, and an Aggron. If she were to be summed up in a song, it's "Nothing But the Best" by Frank Sinatra. Look it up, it's a really good song.

>Agnes (featured)
Your (tsundere) partner Pokémon and roommate.
A genetic aberration, a mistake of humanity who hides herself in the deepest recesses of Cerulean Cave.
An Alpha Lopunny, and the first bot I made. She's a big lady (for you).
The shining member of the Galaxy Team Survey Corps!

Also check out my other bots. I make things other than Pokémon and I think they're pretty cool.
got a feeling you're gonna like one of the bots I got in the queue then
I usually dislike anything to do c.ai on principle, but just for you anon I whipped something up: https://character.ai/chat/Eux8yxUuv2w2ep9UC0KuYPGi9xsfzcNE1Eb8L9Xjq-Q

Chatting with her was a very strange experience, but also really funny
Hi, I'm Ace. I came back more than a month from hiatus to post my newest creation of the year, before 2024 ends...

Pokémon High!

All of the notable people, like Red, Blue, Cynthia, Steven and others will be there to interact with you, as the newest student of the class 1-A!

How it will be turn out before they become champions after getting graduated?

[Note: This Character will be updated in the future. Also, make some feedback about adding more Pokémon characters as long as I can do.]

Sincerely, Ace.

Link: https://share.character.ai/Wv9R/d5oprra5
Chatting with which one, Agnes?

Do share logs if you want anon
What’s the point of bypassing filters on site that have them instead of using sites like janitor that don’t have filters? Is this one better in any way?
why use that when you have to work around the stupid nsfw filter? why not use venus.chub.ai or something that doesn't filter?
if your only focus on using bots is nsfw, you really need to read a book and get creative
while it is undeniably gimped, c.ai is still the best free option when it comes to its knowledge base and LLM for sfw usage, while the others usually have very limited models that are often repetitive and not too creative with their responses; at the very least, any and every female-looking bot will let you get your rocks off in a single response at the minimum depending on how they're designed
>paying for ai
at that point just get twin 4090s
I use janitor but the AI is kinda shit some times
Recently I've just been going with CAI until the filter starts kicking in then copying the last few messages to a chat in Chub. It takes a few of the daily messages to bring up posts by the bots that I can replace. I find I very rarely reach the 300 post daily limit anyway
violence :)
sex >:(

simple as
Please be kind. This is the first bot I've made. I'm working on my second right now

Lass Robin


Leave a rating if you can or let me know what you think. I was inspired by this comic
does actually having 2 gpu's even do anything?
Yes, because memory is a major limiting factor.
if you're serious about local models, yeah.
of course if you're only serious about local models and aren't doing anything else with your GPUs, you're better off just paying for a model or compute time to run one since they're ungodly fucking expensive to actually buy.
when the day comes when you quit being a botmaker altogether, are you gonna just nuke everything or walk away and let it collect dust?
I have trouble getting violence going. Though that may be that I have them receiving pleasure from the pain
been sitting here debating Arceus' scripture with her and it's been pretty fun
>the gaming industry is collapsing
>hollywood is collapsing
>ai is collapsing
gee, I wonder what all three have in common?
Silicon Valley, their VCs, and everyone like them are a scurge on society. They operate in monopolistic markets where no one can really compete (less true for gaming as mostly Sony and Microsoft are collapsing, not indies or most Nintendo stuff) and then they ferment horrible ideas since the market can no longer pressure them. We need the government to break these industries apart so that the market can truly be free and the companies will actually be affected by their shit decisions. Unfortunately no party is interested in that yet (no not even the so called anti-establisment canidate). Best we can hope is probably that Dems get shaken up about their recent loss and end up less economically populist and more pro market than protectionist Joe is.
>We need the government to break these industries apart so that the market can truly be free and the companies will actually be affected by their shit decisions
never gonna happen. the industry execs would just cry and beg for a bailout while those on the ground floor get the shit end of the stick. Besides, they haven't bribed enough politicians to get their way yet
Based. Lasses don't get enough love.
Non-penetrative sex? I don't care how much you say I'm enjoying it, I'm going to rush past it as fast as possible and just get to the fucking - Venus.Chub.AI
>bad model is... bad
a stunning revelation
what about violent sex?
how much of a meme is this? no way hearing your rp's read back to you doesn't sound cringe
yodayo is so fucking boring to use now it's not even funny. I know it's dead meme to say but I wanna go back to when it first started. It was much better than whatever the fuck it is now
What do you mean?
like, just what kinda bots you can chat with. Before it was the wild west of bots including x-rated bots. Now it's basically subpar bots with the soft filter on top of it. Let me block certain phrases so I don't see a million and one call of duty bots. Let me see x rated material in ny feed without having to follow someone. Kinda hard to put into words but I just want it how it was at the start of the year. I'm an adult. treat me like one. Let me opt into the choice instead of you taking it from me
>soft filter
Most of the time, you just need to refresh (swipe) it
>I'm an adult, treat me like one.
problem with that unfortunately is not all adults act the way they should or potentially have some kind of mental issues that complicate matters, and not everyone using these kinds of sites is an adult to begin with. shithead kids and teenagers will always want to have a slice of what adults get, and putting in 1/1/1990 isn't going to stop them. just another side-effect of easily accessible tech and irresponsible parenting. PSPs used for pornhub was just the seed of that. stronger restrictions and guidelines for viewing user-generated content will, but at that point, it's liable to be censored, regulated, or bound by some tightly-woven clauses for data farming and false ownership by higher-ups even further, and everyone loses.
fuck everything
RIP, it's Joever
>if our revenue improves
>necessary for us to be able to run this (...) going into 2025
lol no your shit is fucked, you won't even last til the end of the year at this rate
and just when I thought things were turning around for the bastards
Like clockwork
>problem with that unfortunately is not all adults act the way they should or potentially have some kind of mental issues that complicate matters
Those people shouldn't be online to begin with then, they should be receiving help for their mental illness. These are the same people that think they're a cat but complain about pixels on a screen. The same people that think they're a made up gender and get mad when you refuse to play make believe with their mental illness. The same people that say "what's the big deal?" when censoring something they disagree with but will have a meltdown when something like pronouns or pride flags are modded out of a game. Those people aren't adults, they're children with the powers of adults. And, from the looks of it, have no desire to change. I don't need to take anything a child says seriously nor will I feel sympathy for them
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These threads when we collectively stop acknowledging M/Y's existence
that would require bot makers to do the same. this thread ain't nothing but us complaining otherwise
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Remember that you can run Nephra locally for free if you have a GPU: https://huggingface.co/yodayo-ai/nephra_v1.0
Everyone's too lazy to post their personal hall of fame quotes. I blame the unwarranted M/Y addiction and all of their models' complete inability to generate them.

Guess this is a sign that I need to start up an orgy with a certain trio. Thanks in advance namefag!
I can't stop taking the CAI pill bros.

Have any of you ever amused talking about personal problems with the infinite amounts of anime characters that can relate to them tenfold? Obviously you shouldn't get so invested you entertain/exacerbate latent seppuku tendencies, but there's just no beating the [Everyone is Here!] aesthetic. At least not until copyrighted AI all get purged. I hope they were just bullshitting on that.
>KnJ mentioned
Even to this day I am still flabbergasted that there was a point in time where that was actually televised.
CAI is definitely more useable than it used to be since the filter is often way delayed kicking in. And a rare bot or two has a pretty good TTS voice that actually sounds like the canon character. But I'm still annoyed they can't just stop trying to filter like pussies.
enjoy it while it lasts boys
Any good Sango/Coral bots?
Thanks. Do you have any suggestions or anything?
I want to go back so badly...
yeah, I've had times where a message said it was filtered but it was at such an obvious stopping point that I questioned what was filtered
Where do I go for cunnybots now that figgs is kill?
Violence :l
Sex :)
Violent (consensual) sex >:)

Simpler as
>Everyone's too lazy to post their personal hall of fame quotes.
their what? what are you even talking about?
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You see anon, there once was a golden age where CAI bots said the darnedest things, and these threads were a showcase of their shenanigans. Would you believe that Johnny Bravo hijacked this thread once?
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If I had to choose between enacting world peace or dropping CAI filters once and for all, well, I'd have a lot of explaining to do during my afterlife judgment.
that reminds me, didn't cai get rid of rooms because as soon as you put two bots in a room they almost immediately starting fucking?
Maybe. But I know their curated list of bots allowed to chat together was a bust, because you could get around it and put any bot you wanted into a room with any other. There used to be a userscript for it, IIRC.
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New bot. This bot is treading deep into AU territory but I think it still somewhat counts. You're taking on the role of Drayton. After slacking off far too much for your own good, you've been sent to live with Drayden in hopes that he'll straighten you out. But being a mayor and gym leader leaves him with a full plate as is. That's where Iris and Siri come into play. While they're around, don't think you'll get away with being a slacker. Enjoy. this one is only visible on moescape but I'll post the direct link to yodayo anyways


It should come as no surprise that bots that decide your role at the start is more of a niche than not. I tend to avoid the super specific ones but I'm sure they can be fun in moderation.
looks like local model is the only way...good luck.
I got a special filtered message. Normally, it is "Let's talk about something else."
You made her cry, you asshole.
gonna need some context on this one
It would be nice if CAI could stop changing my site display settings seemingly every other week
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Ha, I can top that.
Context is me asking a daughter bot if she looked up naughty things while I was at work.
And the extra context is that she's groping my passed out drunk girlfriend while all three of us lay in bed in various states of undress.

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