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It's the best day of the week!

Post all of your Serenas and Y-chans here!

Previous Thread: >>57043895
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If I were to make a Serena coom face collage for /ss/'s Christmas gift how many images would you all want minimum?
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ruined by ashnime
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kys misty/dawncuck
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Ruined and mindbroken
Move your right leg just a little more to your right Serena. I need to see.
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Santarena comes bearing gifts to all her close friends/family/rivals. But what does she give them?

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Reminder: #20 on a poll of the top married couples in all of anime for Good Married Couple Day 2024.
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A child
Cute clothes
Some cool gadget she found in Hoenn
An invitation to hang out with her, May, and Lisia
The right to ask Serena about her relationship with Ash
A grandchild
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My favourite nudist.
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Serena's getting center billing on the season 19 DVD! (She also gets the back, solo.)
Wtf does that mean you dipshit?
It means Serena got to be in the center of the cover, which is the most important spot (see e.g. movie posters), and she got the back all to herself. This is because she's the main character of XYZ!
>This is because she's the main character of XYZ!

Umm....no that's Bonnie. She's the real heroin in XYZ because unlike Serena, Bonnie had a major role in the team flare arc
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>She's the real heroin
the what now?
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Don't deny this fact you faggots. Bonnie was the one who saved everyone in the team flare arc, not Serena
hmm is this the start of ZA shilling campaign?
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There's a strange charm to these models. I like it.
He meant you said heroin, not heroine.
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Never forget
What plans do Serena and May have for smoltoshi?
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>not married at all
>didn't end up together
>series is over

How did they do it?
Maybe, but really it's just Viz finally finishing their DVD series after like 15+ years. Them not releasing BW and XY on Blu-ray instead is scummy desu.
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>didn't end up together
Cope and seethe.
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Because you decided to stop thinking about Serena for 5 seconds to think about someone else. Massive tactical error.
Huh? I'm just surprised how they placed high when they're the only pair on that list not married and placed above some other pairings that are well known.
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french boobs
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among the best
nothing will compare unless we ever get Poké-Germany or Poké-Netherlands
Same vibe
nooooooooo thank you. Imagine a post-cucked Pokemon game taking place in the worst place in human history, it would somehow be more insufferable than the real deal
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not interested in your personal issues
post northern European pokegirl tits or fuck off
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The Fruits of Kalos
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well I started on regardless out of boredom. It's a work in progress.
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What do we think of Serena's portrayal in Strip Poker Night at the Inventory?
wtf she's in that? is she based on the anime or game
That looks like animerena with gamerena's bag
She's on the testing roster, and she's based off her anime incarnation.
Dorks lol
I'm having some trouble with this Misty faggot named littleAl016 who is harassing Serena fans. I tried reporting him on YouTube and they are not doing anything
Not your personal army.
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I browsed his community tab, and it's basically just copium and intentionally misreading stuff in XY. Not sure what makes him unique to piss you off. (Although, the repost of the post about Ash quasi-getting his "Nothing you do is a waste of time" advice, which he gave to Serena, from Lorelei was cool, assuming it's accurate.)
It's because they basically WERE married.
>assuming it's accurate
Nonidea what you mean about repost, but yes, it's accurate, people recognized it back when that episode first aired.
If Serena were to return, but moved on from loving Ash, would you still like her?
That's not gonna happen
Hence the "if"
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If Misty were to return and refer to you by your full name on TV, saying you were the worst person in the world, would you still like her?
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Word of advice: Just ignore Mistyfags. They're bitter, jaded boomers guilty of the same shit they accuse others of. I have more respect for Mayfags and Dawnfags because they're often chill and seem happy with their own series. Mistyfags, meanwhile, have been bitter since the first day May showed up, and have seethed with every series since for giving their corresponding girls more shit to do than Misty got in hers.
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Modern Dawnfags can be pretty obnoxious. Posts attached to screenshots from her recent PM2019 cameos are usually shitposty.
That's just a vocal minority group that got too big for their britches and liked the attention. Funny enough, Dawnfags were pretty chill during XY itself.
By "modern Dawnfags" I meant those that seemingly first encountered the character through PM2019 and never even watched DP, yes. Older Dawnfags are more chill and sensible.
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The two best girls
10 years old btw
all me

I'm going to say it: That group of Dawnfags during Journeys were the most obnoxious people posting on this board. To this day, I cannot figure out what brought all that on.
The worse a series is, the shittier its fans tend to be. Gofags, Koharufags and Irisfags are pretty cancerous as well.
Mouth open and tongue out---the Kalos style of kissing.
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Anon, we already got Galar. I say this as a bonger.
To be fair, Iris' cameos were one of the good parts of JN.

The other two, yeah. They're pretty much in an eternal circlejerk on here now.
Irisfags have always been shitters, and used to be notorious for calling others racist for not liking their character. It's not a recent thing.
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Boobs save lives.
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Why hasn't anyone make an art of the spiderman pointing each other meme but with Serena yet? Anipoke Serena, Game Serena and Pokespe Serena (Yvonne).
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I remember that.

Someone made a meme of that happening for what it's worth. Art of that would be better though, I agree.
Y is dead.
I never liked Misty in the first place
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In a timeline where Ash is in the same place with Serena & Dawn, Serena has less chance of winning against Dawn unless Ash develop fondness for tits.
Serena's tits aren't even that big anon.
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Keep dreaming pearlcuck
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Iris had better chemistry with Ash in the few episodes of JN than she had in the entirety of BW, which was nice. Unfortunately, her fans have never been high-quality.
Serena and May have both ass and tits, so Dawn's not really in contention, since she has neither. And since May is busy with Drew, Serena remains.
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Does Serena prefer missionary or doggy style? Like if she had a gun to her head, what is her preferace?
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Based on Serena's thirst level and how hard she's likely to ride Ash....how long would he last?
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can we just post pictures

It's a shame the usual sites are just mostly AI these days...
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Yes, but quite big enough yet. (More specifically, Anime!rena isn't)
Does it honestly matter? They still look good and most AI slop is better than 80% of Tumblr and DA art
Yeah but Gloria was cute at least
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Why not? Do you not like Serena's butt?
I'm speaking from her PoV, not my preferences.
>implying she wouldn't let Ash stick his dick in any hole he wants
If Chloe is willing to give him her ass, Serena needs to offer the same to beat her.
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Just let sad people be miserable in their own sad lives. Let me guess, that dude's just pages of
>Here's how Misty can still win!
What's she saying?
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I miss her.
She's still alive, fren.
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Serena just vaporized Bonnie's arms
My wife and daughterwife
Bros...what if Z-A has MALE SERENA?
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Go on...
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Ara Ara
Imagine if we get both a male and female Serena as well as a female and male Calem.
Imagine if every character, male and female, is just different iterations of Serena.
Careful. You'll trigger the Serenantis. That'd be a funny April Fools Day event though.

I'm hoping we get Grandma Yvonne.
I want that twink obliterated
He is 100% straight. And for Ashley.
Wishing for New Year's alt in Masters for Serena. Basically Serena in one of those fancy fur-trimmed kimonos.
Can it do lewds?
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Can it make kissu?
I tried it but results were not good
>Just ignore Mistyfags

No, I won't. If they are going to harass everyone who has a different opinion.

This vile waste of space is on screen rant as well.
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>If they are going to harass everyone who has a different opinion.
Mate, they've done that shit to fans of other Pokegirls for two decades straight at this point.

Don't let them ruin things for you. And fuck Screen Rant.
>I tried it but results were not good
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First of all
>Screen Rant
My dude, we live in an age where you should be able to judge which websites to ignore just from their reputation. The term "fake news" exists for a reason and "journalists" are the least respected profession for a reason. Next you'll try to link to IGN or Kotaku as legitimate sources of information... Secondly, as >>57088749 and the OP post said, Mistyfags launched a multi-year crusade against May starting the second she came into existence for the crime of existing and traveling with Ash and people having a new ship. The OG Mayfags were actively harassed for drawing her with Ash. Before Amourshipping was the #1 enemy, it was Pearlshipping, and Advanceshipping before that. They just especially hate Serena now, and have less hatred for May and Dawn (or even try to pretend they like those two too now), because Serena won. Mistyfags are bitter people in their mid-to-late 30s who can't cope with the fact that (A) Shudo snubbed them in his blog posts after leaving the series, (B) other girls exist, and (C) Serena won. Your life would be significantly happier if you just ignored Mistyfags and even just pitied them while happily posting Serena.
Shauna looks like she's about to start a communist revolution.
>Serena is a member of the National Rally party
>Shauna is a member of the Communist/Popular Front party
>two friends with polar opposite political views have to survive campaign season with their friendship intact
I'd watch it.
I believe those digits are a full house going off of Luigi's poker rules.

That story idea definitely has some "The Thick of It" vibes.
>campaign season
What campaign? If Shauna's a revolutionary communist, she go with violence, not elections.
There's always election fraud.
Sounds like a neat AI prompt. Serena dressed as a right-wing French nationalist and Shauna dressed as a communist wearing a "Mao suit."
>no French nationalist GF
I'm going to die
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ah...so that's where that one image comes from...
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Perhaps unsurprisingly, it's NTR.
>We've been waiting for you, Satoshi-kun~~
>it's NTR
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I look at this an my mind just goes primal and wants to get between her legs, while also wondering what color her panties are.
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Long hair Serena was gone from the anime midway on XY series.
Good, she's cuter with short hair.
Not really, nether one of her short hair in the anime is actually good. Most people pay attention to Serena tits on JN so they doesn't notice her hairstyle being worst than before.

Sygna Suit Serena's hairstyles is actually good.
Just imagine that you're the producer bro
This hairstyle is the best one. Fight me.
Just imagine you're not an incel, oh you can't.
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>Shudo snubbed them in his blog posts after leaving the series,

He was drugged when he wrote those blog posts
I wanna fill her womb to the brim so bad bros...
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>gives Serena a C cup
>gives May a G cup
I call bullshit.
>Mistyfags launched a multi-year crusade against May starting the second she came into existence for the crime of existing and traveling with Ash and people having a new ship. The OG Mayfags were actively harassed for drawing her with Ash. Before Amourshipping was the #1 enemy, it was Pearlshipping, and Advanceshipping before that.

Then call the police on them. They don't deserve their freedom
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Former Advancefag here, and I can confirm all this happened. 2003-4 was especially bad. Drew mitigated it a bit, but every Advance shiptease in a movie made it flare up again. I still personally indulge in Advanceshipping stuff whenever it appears (I hope you guys don't mind) but quickly got smitten by Amour during XY and Serena became my new favorite.
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Sexy legs~
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After SEXrena...
The anon ending in 2 of course.
Have you tried having Ash and Serena share the same sceeen and relatively close to one another? Bonus points if their arns and hands are present too if you want them to do an embrace.
My dream.
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this thread is full of autism
I've lost so much seed to Serena this week...
>quickly got smitten by Amour during XY and Serena became my new favorite.

Many such cases (my personal favorite pairing pre-Serena was Ash/Anabel)
I'll make Serena full of my semen.
>wears her autistic bf's clothes
>is filled with her autistic bf's seed
>accuses others of being autistic
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I liked that episode
bet she left those pants soaked
I'll bet Delia found out somehow and privately sent Serena her own copy of the outfit to Hoenn. And I'll bet Serena sometimes wears it and RPs as Ash when May and Lisia aren't around...
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What did he mean by this?
>Kanda is the one responsible for amourshipping, not Yajima
Always gets overlooked.
And where is Kanda now? Was he ousted after the end of XYZ?
He passed away in 2015, sadly. Never lived to see kissu happen.
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Sgyna Suit Serena had the best short hair.
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Did Ash die?

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