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Either be cute, hot, or just entertaining to see. Have fun!
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This artist draws the cutest Chickens.
interesting how this ship that is basically canon is very underrated
Sonia fans are mostly self-inserters that like first person pov and Leon fans are mostly fujos that would rather see him with Raihan
not mention the yuridykes who likes sonia with nessa because two females cannot be just friends
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The Manga iteration will never stop making me angry. How could Kusaka do this?
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Didn't read the manga, what happened?
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This is legit the first page of the BW2 Manga.
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And the second page
That's dirty.
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Why do picrel makes /vp/ seethe so much? Black people need love too
I don't think they'd seethe as much if the black guy was as handsome as the white girl is.
Because it's always posted as bait and this is no exception, fuck off
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Pokegirls belong to older men.
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God Iscan makes me want to puke. Looks like a hydrocephalus victim
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because there aren't any white male black female counterparts for them to focus on
There is literally Lenora and her white boyfriend though
Which way, foreigner man?
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They plapped atleast once
absolutely blursed
captcha: RPGY0
This makes me so angry I missed out on teen love
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For lack of interest or lack of chances?
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right all the way
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Quite an underrated pair.
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This way.
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Based desu
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>sweet boy who immediately latches onto you, wants to be with you despite all the bad things that happened and kindly asks for your forgiveness, becoming a better and more confident person thanks to you
>neurotic manipulative narcissist with anger issues who treats you like shit at the beginning and then expects you to like her back once she changed her mind, learning nothing from her mistakes
Easiest choice of my life bro.
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>neurotic manipulative narcissist with anger issues who treats you like shit at the beginning and then expects you to like her back once she changed her mind, learning nothing from her mistakes
I can fix her...
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KieranxJuliana is fine, but >>57092462 was posting Florian.
red bros we got cucked...
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Yes, that was my post. Kieran swings both ways so it doesn't really matter. But the anon who I originally replied to used Florian not being able to choose between Carmine and Kieran, so I also posted Florian.
Aren't Leaf and Red literally siblings since they have the same mother?
Yeah I can't believe Leaf stole Blue from him...
that just means we got double cucked....
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Oh cool, another outlet for my autistic obsession with fictional relationships.
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This is mainly just self inserting, but I don't even care.
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>This is mainly just self inserting
Don't we all?
Learn what literally means, and Masters treats none of the protagonists as related/siblings.
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Top-tier fanon.
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Why this one is becoming popular lately? Is getting several doujin in the next con, pic related is a sequel and there is also a complete degenerate one about both of them getting gangbanged at the same time and place.
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buying condoms with sycamores money
Very good artist
Probably cause of their League Club conversion. Also they just look great together aesthetically. They have matching color schemes
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Aw this is cute
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my guilty pleasure
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>We're a couple now! *Chuu~*
>H-hey watch where your hands are going aiiieeeee
I'll never understand women
It's indecent to do in public. Plus, in Asia, women are not expected to like sexual stuff.
I doubt those people care about Lenora. I do like her and her husband though.
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Ok but degenerancy like pic related is too much.
Dunno, looks pretty based to me.
But is confusing, is this gay or hetero?
Cuckoldry will never be based.
Is it really NTR though?
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Yellow doms
I am just stumbling through /a/
Why'd he leave?
To become a pokemon master?
he confirmed that she is not the target he was looking for (ex-plasma girl) so he dumped her.
>Probably cause of their League Club conversion
then people is not able to read then, Grusha literally makes fun of Iono for being a sellout and Iono just gets mad
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I miss this artist
Its funny and cute, nothing else needed
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Chicken/Gladion is underrated
Holy shit i need to start reading the manga lmao
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I like the artist who ships them, while also shipping Lyra with Red.
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Chair clattering.mp4
And then Serena woke up
Never underestimate the autism levels of shipfags anon, i've seen characters being shipped for less
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aahhhhhh i rabbu u rirrie-chan
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still a goodie
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My favorite ship that influenced the sociopolitical environment of a region
I don't usually care for MC pairings but hnnnnnngh
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>Sonia fans are [inserts own fantasies]

Yeah sure thing bro
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Usually not really into yuri but I'll make an exception for toxic yuri
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I miss when people were ok with incest.
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Cute lesbians but I prefer Florian with Nemona

Juliana is for Arven
Juliana already has Kieran
Arven is for Penny

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