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i feel like he's always forgotten about
shame because i like him
I always though he was adorable, and venomoth is one of the most underrated in gen 1.
The weird face nose mouth teeth thing confuses me, still don't understand how it works
>50% female
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Was this actual beta art?
It's from that blazing emerald hack
>100% faggot
built to be dexcut.
Cool as shit
It should evolve to still be a fluffy monster
i wuv bug types and i wuv venonat :3
Every time I tried to use him in the games he ends up being a burden on the team. It's a shame.
Maybe you just suck too much to make good use of a speed sleeper who also knows Psychic.
Which games did you play?
In Kanto(Original and remakes), it's actually pretty good, since poison is everywhere and most bug types are shit.
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I was just playing him in Pocket. I haven't used him in the games yet but he has a cool shiny.
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You can catch vegnognat nice and early in Yellow.
it's really cute but its evo is the most generic boring bug ever, should have evolved into Butterfree which looks a lot more similar
he's my favorite, venomoth is just alright
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a regional evolution based on Mothman could be nice
I only know him as Bluzuk, but I guess you Englishers have a different name like Sningleberries or something.
We Englishers call Bluzuk, "Venonat"
This is definitely an apex forgettable name for an apex forgettable mon
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Ich liebe Bluzuk
Overlooked bug, possibly underrated
It's GF's fault for making it only available in like 3 games
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It’s very cool
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cute purple fluff bug

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