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Nessa Nessa Nessa!
>Off-model slop
Name a more dishonest fanbase than hers
Learn to use the red boards, spermbrain
ignore the faggots and post more
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I love Galarian Women so fucking much
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They love you too!
>Not being a porn addicted tranny means you are homosexual
Okay cumbrain
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The proportions are not that exaggerated and I have seen worse, the thong creates the visual effect of increasing the size of her ass, which is its point in real life.
This is because Take's designs are shit and people can upgrade them
post full version retard
source? Goggle search is so shit after the google lens update holy shit this fucking company is so fucking trash
I want to bury my face in Nessa's ass so fucking bad, you have no idea.
get in line
She would probably be into it
Nessa would work so hard there wouldnt even be much of a line!
interestingly the opposite principle is used for fat girls that wear open cardigans because the cut gives the illusion of an hour glass figure when the truth is she's crammed into that thing wall to wall
Is she Indian or black
Indian, niggers don't exist in the UK
Does it matter?
south asian
She's anime hot, who cares?
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Coomer don’t samefag lmao
Now we need this with her getting absolute railed and moaning for hours on end.
People that accuse others of misdeeds often end up doing it themselves.
>coomers when they get reminded they’re jerking it to pajeetas
Nessa is not a whore! She has standards.
And I'll continue to fap to Nessa, get over it faggot.
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>caring about the race of a fictional character where said races don't exist
Show me where this India is
They don’t like being reminded shhh
Of what?
idk but it's wherever those elephants came from
This is not the map at all.
i mean this is clearly not the entire map of the world
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Es negra.
I love Nessa so much its unrean
indian women are hot
my face isnt worthy of Her ass
Really now?
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Intrigued, any pics to compare?
How much a whore with a natural perfect hentai bod charge, I don't want to die without feeling and seeing a big beautiful ass against my cock
>Blatant coomer thread where most of the post is literally softcore porn
>Still not deleted hours later
What the fuck are mods doing? I know this board is beyond saving but come on, atleast try to make it less shitty
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Made for BWC
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Literal goddess.
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Shes perfect
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east of poke-africa, anon

inb4 anime doesn't count, even more valid than your fanmade
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Shut the fuck up Faggot
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Not sure if any anon here would be ready for that
Why is she constantly wearing such revealing clothing?
Bare bottom + bikini is such a dangerously lewd combo
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I'd show her what getting wet is really like.
She's the Water Gym leader and a model, so presumably she's modelling swimwear.
All memes aside, Nessa would have flopped if she was white. Just look how forgotten Sonia and Oleana are.
It's likely sports related equipment or things specific to the League. Remember she's known throughout her entire Region and considering the relation to "Fifa" in terms of brand, she's probably pretty popular world wide. I can't imagine she'd be solely into swimwear or underwear, though it's likely those are things too, just not the primary focus.
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I like stylish Nessa
>considers Milo to be her rival and there could have been some budding friendship or romance there because of Water/Grass
>Milo is an ugly faggot who disregards Nessa entirely and only views himself as his rival
Imagine being Milo and squandering such a perfect opportunity to hang out with and develop something with Nessa potentially.
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>willingly enters thread full of lust-provoking images
I don't know which parallel universe you fuckin fell from but niggers ABSOLUTELY DO exist in the UK, who the fuck do you think run all the drug gangs and run around with machetes chopping up eachother and any innocent bystanders theh "catch lacking". Where do you think all these kids got that ridiculous fuckin "roadman" accent from that all the Pakis and Indians try to imitate to sound hard. From niggers.
Maybe they wouldn't do it if you didn't call them slurs, stay safe bitch
Literally asking for it
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I wish brown girls were real bros

Also, why does it seem like Nessa gets the most schizo shitposters?
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>challenge Nessa
>you pop a gigaboner right there and then
>lose because you were distracted by her alluring body instead of focusing in the battle
that's pretty low
She is so cute. What would dating Nessa be like?
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Nah, if I pop a gigaboner while challenging Nessa, I take off my clothes (skinny dipping now) and I put her on the defensive because now she has to try to focus on beating a trainer who is flaunting his gigaboner at her.
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Many such cases
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Unless you're a teenager you aren't gonna be popping a boner at random just because you see a hot chick. With that said, most people would just ask her out after beating her in a Gym Battle, gotta prove you have the dominance.
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Does Nessa like being dominated?
What water trainer doesn't?
>you aren't gonna be popping a boner at random just because you see a hot chick
maybe, but you see Nessa up close and personal? you sure are going to lift a tent in the pants
Elaborate further.
Loves to be dominated
Gay bottom, loves to be dominated
Gay bottom, loves to be dominated
>Crasher Wake
Gay bottom, loves to be dominated
Gay bottom, loves to be dominated
Gay bottom, loves to be dominated
Gay bottom, loves to be dominated
Loves to be dominated
Gay bottom, loves to be dominated

So there are three things to extrapolate from this.

>Male Water Trainers are Gay Bottoms
>Female Water Trainers are Rare
>All Water Trainers love to be dominated
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Thanks for the insight. I never knew just how sub Water Trainers are. That makes Misty pretty bratty in hindsight. And Nessa even more hot to dominate after an intense Gym Battle victory right in front of the audience.
Memes aside, Crasher Wake is probably the only straight one, the rest at least could potentially be straight or gay. A lot of them do have that twink/otter look to them, or just flamboyant as shit.
At most he's just barabait for those people. Doesn't stop me from wanting to imagine him and Maylene training together.
True, pretty much if you're are a water trainer, you're either gay or a female. There is no hope if you end up a water trainer in the PokeWorld.
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At least the female Water Trainers are hot, so can't complain about that. Double Battle with Misty and Nessa sound like heaven.
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This made me wanna see the percentage of male/female type leaders.

>Grass (2 Females - 33.3%, 4 Males - 66.6%, 0 E4 Members)
>Water (2 Females - 22.2%, 7 Males - 77.7%, 1 E4 Member)
>Fire (2 Females - 28.57%, 5 Males - 71.42%, 2 E4 Members)
>Electric (2 Females - 33.3%, 4 Males - 66.6%, 0 E4 Members)
>Flying (3 Females - 60%, 2 Males - 40%, 2 E4 Members)
>Normal (1 Female - 25%, 3 Males - 75%, 0 E4 Members - Larry doesn't technically count)
>Rock (3 Females - 42.85%, 4 Males - 57.14% 1 E4 Member, 1 Retired Gym Leader)
>Ground (2 Females - 50%, 2 Males - 50%, 2 E4 Members)
>Poison (2 Females - 66.6%, 1 Male - 33.3%, 1 E4 Member)
>Fighting (3 Females - 37.5%, 5 Males - 62.5%, 3 E4 Members)
>Bug (2 Females - 40%, 3 Males - 60%, - 1 E4 Member)
>Ghost (6 Females - 75%, 2 Males - 25%, 4 E4 Members)
>Steel (3 Females - 50%, 3 Males - 50%, 4 E4 Members)
>Ice (4 Females - 50%, 4 Males - 50%, 1 E4 Member)
>Psychic (5 Females - 62.5%, 3 Males - 37.5%, 2 E4 Members)
>Fairy (3 Females - 75%, 1 Male - 25%, 1 E4 Member)
>Dragon (4 Females - 44.4%, 5 Males - 55.55%, 5 E4 Members)
>Dark (2 Females-33.3%, 3 Males - 66.6%, 3 E4 Members)

>Female Dominated Types (Flying, Poison, Ghost, Psychic, Fairy)
>Equally Represented Types (Ice, Ground, Steel)
>Types without E4 Representation (Grass, Electric, Normal/Technically)
>Types with most E4 Represntation - 3+ (Fighting, Ghost, Dragon)
>Type with the highest Male Dominated Representation (Water)
>Type with the highest Female Dominated Representation (Ghost, Fairy)
>Odds of being a Female Type Specialist (45.94%)
>Odds of being a Male Type Specialist (54.95%)

Alola was left out barring their E4, since they aren't technically Gym Leaders, as well as Team Star being left out, and any "Various" specialists (Such as Blue for instance).
What is it with Ghost and Psychic that has the most amount of female Trainers?
I would assume that the logic is because they have a high ability to perceive spiritual and emotional things, being a female stereotype after all. So that's likely why they tend to go that route. So a woman being emotional or into astrology, tarot, etc. makes a lot of sense for them being into Ghost/Psychic Pokemon within the universe. For some Ghost it could also be just because they might have a higher chance to be possessed. Hex Maniacs tend to be female after all.
lots of women are into occult shit
That makes sense. Much like how Fighting is usually more male-oriented and hosts the most Fighting Trainers, the women are more emotional and also the "brains" of the genders.

I find it interesting that Dragon has more females than I expected. I usually see that one as more male-dominant but they're pretty close.
she looks like she exclusively dates white male shota protagonists
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What's really interesting, which I didn't compile any of it, would have taken forever, but, around Gen 4-5 the Types start shifting pretty heavily. For instance Grass is entirely female until Gen 5, and the rest have been entirely Male.
Nah she likes dudes in their mid 30s who smoke, but have killed their bodies so much that their muscles and blood circulation don't function, so they can't even get hard. She wants to tease them, while also getting them to quit and back into shape so she can have the perfectly sculpted man that she made out of trash.
I suppose they wanted to have some variety. Grass is always seen as this more feminine type. You even had Erika with a Gym of nothing but girls. Same with Gardenia.
Depends on the order they create Gym Leaders too, they seem to have a pretty balanced ratio between the genders for most Gens, or at least relatively speaking. Grass is the only one that gets dunked on in terms of E4 though. At least with Normal you have Larry, who is clearly skilled enough, and Electric they straight up say Volkner has the potential to be E4 if not challenge Cynthia. Grass has nothing, Ramos and Erika would be the closest from a Gym Standpoint, but we also know they use Pokemon based on when they are challenged/badges you have lorewise.
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Makes me wonder why. Though, Grass has a bunch of weaknesses but at the same time there are a bundle of Grass-types to use so if they could for say, Gen 10 have a Grass-type E4 member with a new Pokemon made for that Grass-type E4 member to use. Grass-type Gym Leaders also are challenged fairly early on to the middle section.
Probably just viewed as the beginner type because of the starter types. We do need a Grass E4, even with what we have, they'd be a challenge at proper levels, some could do a lot of really good stuff.
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Yeah, same here. personally I'd love to see a Grass female E4 member, but I'm down to see one at all really.
Maybe we can get a Grass Nessa for Gen 10 in the E4.
Oh that'd be very hot. And hot to dominate too. I always imagine the Grass-type female Trainers to be pretty kinky.
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BWC slut
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She lives to battle white trainers.
She looks good with tats.
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God, I love Nessa.
I'm REALLY craving Nessa now thanks to this thread. Thanks.
Dont we all?
I had a pretty big crush on her when she was first revealed, but I guess she kind of just faded away for me over time. This thread has made me fall in love with her all over again, and I'm very grateful for that.
I never stopped crushing. It helps that she still gets tons of fanart/fanfics regularly.
Absolutely. There's so much to love about her. I'm glad she's managed to stick around for so long. It's nice that she still has a place in your heart.
Cute feet
God, she is so hot.
Skinny dipping with Nessa!
Sounds like a good time.
Absolutely. Imagine getting a good look at every inch of Nessa's beautiful, brown, athletic body as she moves gracefully though the water. It would be a very calming experience.
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to distract challengers
bump Nessa!
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I would love to.
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Imagine getting sandwiched between their bodies

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