Mythical Edition>Friend ID Survey:>Friend ID Sheet:>Tournament results/decklists:>Deck Builder:>Upcoming events/datamines/schedule: battle passwords to battle with other anons (might want to say in thread which one you wanna battle under so others can join you)>/vp/‘s own meta (no random effects, no ex):vpnx>meta decks or high level play:vpmeta>/vp/ anything:vpPrevious: >>57086692
i want apex charizard
>>57088895I want a Sprite cranberry
Are we really getting the set in 45 minutes?I feel like a kid again going to a prerelease.
What's the best name you've seen on pocket?
You just know
>at least 2 pika ex killers confirmed in new packKek based
>>57088882why do people still lose their head over this card?
>>57088905Her design is cute and they should turn her into a vtuber mascot for the game that does livestreams.
>>57088901add an hour to that. I'm expecting this thread will move fast once the update drops.
I'm getting that Mew ex even if I have to use all my hourglasses
>>57088917I dunno why. I won’t be looking at this thread for a while after the update, there’s 65 cards I haven’t read yet, who’s got time to post here?
>>57088916They really should
>>57088913Because mew is cute
>>57088905oh stop itSTOP ITSTOP POSTING THE SAME THINGSHE is NOT a WHITE womanONLY WHITE women FUCK DOGS (YJK YJK YJK)She is a pure traditional Japanese woman, and they DONT fuck dogsokay? so STOP IT
>>57088905Fucking Cringe
>>57088916ursii is cuter and would be much better as a mascot for livestreams imo
>>57088900i hope you can get one
>>57088904CumChugger2nd place goes to LiggerNyncher
>>57088925Japanese women fuck dogs, pigs, squids and eels all the time.I've seen the videos.
>>57088893Yeah, it should ideally be one autist
>>57088905Fucking cute
Just a little over an hour and a half to go anons. Hang in there.
>>57088924I do not disagree
>>57088913Soul, you zoomer
>>57088939>one person in charge of game balanceI've played much more complex games where that's the case and it very rarely is a good idea. If it isn't someone with 20+ years of game dev experience, I wouldn't trust them to handle the balance alone, even in babies first card game.
My problem with pokemon (and yugioh by extension) is that the sets all have dogshit theming. What’s in this set? Fucking pokemon, that’s what! What about that one? Some fucking pokemon! No mechanical themes, no throughline of any sort. Just cards. Magic does this spectacularly every single time
I bought $200 in gold just in case there's shop maintenance.
>>57088934Thanks friend. I hope you get your Charizard
>>57088921I need the autistic anons to give me their day 1 meta picks so I know what to look for.
>>57088905Enough of this shit god damn
>>57088925Not true I saw a picture of her fucking an Arcanine
>>57088954>magic themingyou mean the company that does gay crossovers with every possible franchise regardless of how poorly it fits into the fantasy setting? The company that tried to appeal to furries and zoomer weebs with their newer packs? Fuck that game, and fuck their "theming"
>>57088964>>57088925Learn to filter images n00bz
>>57088954>Magic the Gathering>What's in this set? Is it Magic the Gathering>NOPE it's Harry Potter/Woke Lord of the Rings/Godzilla/Transformers/The Walking Dead/Dungeons and Dragons/Marvel...
>>57088904Another good one.
>>57088900You have to go to a Ditto party to get those now anon. Aint no party like a Ditto party
>>57088961Everybody posting spoiler reviews online have basically all said “aero good, blue good, leaf good.”Aero is fucking shit, it’s bait. The supporters are good because no shit? They’re trainer cards. There’s like 2% of the total card pool is trainers and they’re supposed to take up half your deck if you built it like you aren’t a total dumbass. Of fucking course the new trainer cards are gonna be staples!
>magic does theming right
>>57088991SpongeBob will save magic
>>57088948I went to watch that movie, for me it is just another memory tied to pokemania
>>57088975Magic has finally made the inevitable crossover from “fantasy” to “scifi” that is the fate of every long running fantasy franchise. Within itself, every card mechanically or flavorfully fits the rest of the cards in the set. Stop the culture war bullshit for five seconds because even though I agree with you on it you’re just being angry for its own sake. Magic’s sets are all so incredibly cohesive within themselves and you’d be an idiot to not see it
>>57088957bro you will miss the post maintenance discount gold to celebrate the new set...
>>57088979>>57088991See >>57088999It’s literally called the “multiverse” you dense motherfuckers. I don’t care if they’re pandering to soiboys with marvel or whatever bullshit, each expansion fits within itself better than Pokémon and yugioh combined ever have
>>57088999>godzilla is so cohesive with the magic universe dudejump off a cliff, crossover bullshit cheapens any franchise that does it
Dumb question. But do my pack points expire today??
>>57089011Don't think so
>>57089011>do pack points expireno>will they apply for this new packprobably not, but we're not sure.
Do you think it's possible to make a zoroark card and have it work in pocket?
Does anyone actually care about current Magic? PTCG did do theming, see Jungle, Fossil, Rocket, and Gym leaders. IDC about anything newer than that.
>>57088905Don't you know yet?
>>57088989I agree with this. But I'm going to go a step further and say that Mew EX isn't that good. 3 energy to copy the opponent's attack will only be good if the opponent's attack is worth 3 energy.Against Mewtwo EX and Charizard EX? It kicks ass. Against Pikachu EX and most other random pokemon? It fucking sucks.Purely as a 1 retreat 130 HP wall that maybe can counter specific decks in the late game? It's pretty good. For slow decks like Grass ones that need a heavy hitter to counter Charizard and Mewtwo? It's pretty good.But I don't see it being meta-game defining. Unless there are other cards in the set that make it better which is very possible
>>57089021No. Scalpers care about Magic more than actual Magic fans at this point.The LOTR set goes for 2k+ or someshit, maybe more now.All Hasbro wants to do now is milk the scalpers for all their money while ruining Magic.
>>57088979Only 3 of those were sets. The other 4 were promos.
>>57089020draw 2 every turn is too powerful for pocket
>>57089009Godzilla cards were printed in the SET WITH ALL THE GIANT FUCKING MONSTERS IN IT DUMBASS
>>57089017The site already mentions that Pack Points are unique to each Expansion. A1 with its 3 packs are one Expansion, A1a (the new miniset) is a different Expansion. They are all part of the A Series, which is a different thing completely. For example the new set in January is A2 and its miniset is A2a and so on. You can guess that they will eventually move to B series and the like.
>>57089023WOAH THAT ARCANINE IS LICKING HER ELBOW LIKE IT"S A LICKITUNGYou can barely see it because anon tried to crop it out. You can still see it.
>>57089031>>57089043>SemanticsWho cares. Magic is getting a fuckload of crossover sets next year onwards anyway.Enjoy Spongebob.
>>57088882I wish I knew where my Ancient Mew was. I think I even have multiple of them. Ancient Mew was so cool back in the day. I feel so bad for zoomers who didn't get to live through the original Pokemon craze. Then this card started showing up in the card shop that was next to my elementary school, and it was like "oh holy fuck what in the shit is that?" and that's also when they started carrying Japanese cards, and that was so cool as a kid to see something in Japanese, because it was totally foreign (figuratively and literally) to see anything Japanese back in the pre/early internet days. Then you go see Pokemon the movie, and everyone gets an Ancient Mew with their ticket, and it becomes completely demystified.
>>57088954>Magicfags talking about themes unironically with the current state of their shitkek
>>57089018 wait is agonizing.
>>57089050I think my brother took mine.
>>57089049How sad to see magic descent into becoming western battle spirits.
I'm gonna kill someone
>>57089056Listen to something more upbeat while you wait.
>removed he/sheEver since mtg went woke, it's never the same
>>57089062Didn’t go top right again eh?Shame…
>>57089062Top right chads snickering.
>>57088979>>57089049>SemanticsYour argument was retarded, anon. It's not semantics, you're just retarded. However, since I played MtG before the Pokemon TCG ever came to America and played it off and on for decades, I am sad to see that MtG became woke (banned "racist" cards during BLM) and now is just soulless crossover slop. However, all of the sets are extremely cohesive, and they even used to publish fucking NOVELS alongside the card sets that told a sequential story across multiple block cycles. The Urza/Gerard/Karn/Dominaria saga was super kino. Pokemon could never. Pokemon has video games, and even still it could never.
>>57089062We told you and you didn't listen.
Yeah MTG is the master of theming.
>>57089062You're other right retard
>>57089071>>57089072Its to the point where I literally always pick top right, and if it was meant to be it was meant to be. For whatever reason, I get 80% of picks I want
>>57089082I’ve counted, the amount of times the card I wanted was top right is about 22%, but when I’m not feeling it it’s my choice C for picking.
>>57089082I do the same. It's let me down a lot of times, but it also got me a full art Sabrina so it's worth it.
>>57089066I should try playing f-zero at some time, actually listening other racing shit funnily enough.
>>57089076you say this as if pokemon doesn't have a shitload of manga associated with it, to say nothing of all the tv shows and movies. >banned "racist" cards during BLMif this is something that really happened, I never want to hear about this dumb fucking franchise ever again.
>>57089023holy fucking kek nice fan art
Ayy nice
I have 500 pack points. Charizard EX or Wigglytuff EX. Have the rest already...
>>57089096>mangaWhich connects to the card game… how?
>using your wonder picks so close to Mythic Island's releasebluds...
>>57089096>you say this as if pokemon doesn't have a shitload of manga associated with it, to say nothing of all the tv shows and movies.The manga, anime, and movies have nothing to do with the card game or the card sets. In Magic, the cards depict the story told in the novels. Or, at least they used to. I'm not sure if they even release novels anymore. Moments that happen in the novels are depicted and alluded to in card names and flavor texts. >if this is something that really happenedIt did happen, and it is retarded (just like the soulless crossover slop they're doing now) but that doesn't have anything to do with the theme of the sets, which is the topic of this conversation. As the other anon said, you're just being angry for the sake of being angry.
>in the official gatherer siteKek, Wiz. Are you for real? Mtg is really dead
>>57089112I still yearn for a deck limit of 1 EX card. They are too focused and stifle any creative deck building.It only gets worse.
I got a 10 pack saved up, wonder if it'll be worth it for the mini set or if I keep pounding away at the regular
>>57089112Pretty good. I thought the meta would be way more stale(6 weeks is a long time) but it reinvented itself a few times, Arcanine and Raichu were initially shit cards but improved on the meta decks. Stuff like base Mewtwo starting to see play, promo cards having a splash on the meta was nice to see.
>>57089112>THOUGHTS?coinflips.exebasicEX.exechildrensgame.exeStill fun though. And nostalgic.
>>57089112please tell me they'll add more complex cards in future sets please give me more cards that can do something cool
>>57089115>>57089104do you retards seriously not know there's cards that connect to specific pokemon from specific episodes? tourists
>>57089128You have 6 weeks of opening mythical island packs, if you can get to 40/80~, pretty good point to stop
>>57089112I'm surprised that more decks are figured out on weekly basis so I have faith in the creativity of the playerbase
>>57088882Alrighty fuckers there's an hour left, report hourglasses.
>>57089134Blaine also had a moltres card, that's not an episode thing, it's just an expansion theme.
>>57089126That wouldn't solve the problem it would just make you twice as pissed when you lose to it.
>>57089134Anon... you're either moving goalposts or missing the point entirely. The Pokemon card game exists intendent from any of its media. The Magic card game exists as a cohesive entity with its story, told through novels. Therefore, Magic sets are more cohesive than Pokemon sets, which are (as anon originally complained) "just Pokemon"
>>57089141354+70 in the shop (I have the 210 tickets)
>>57089120Disgusting black creatures, get out of my sight.
>>57089112It was aight, it was more flexible than youd think it would be. Psychic and fire were pretty cancer though
>>57089120>>57089146And where does godzilla fit into the story? You are retarded for supporting this trash
>>57088994I hope it's the most broken set ever so everyone will be seeing fucking Spongebob decks in Modern and Legacy for years to come
>>57089146I can see it for older sets, but mtg has gone the way of WOKE story-wise. Last I heard Obzedat, a group of cool ghosts, got killed by a girlboss planeswalker. Lose me that shit
>>57089159Funny for how strong pika ex is, its still probably the least offensive of the main decks to play against.
>>570891451 EX card can be dealt with by a variety of things. 4 EX cards is just suffering through a boring game.
>>57088991>keyword>wall of textIsn't the point of a keyword to NOT have to list the entire fucking effect?
>>57089060>featuring pokemon from pokemon red and blue!man I can't wait until 6 years from now when pocket is still shilling KANTOOOO, fucking hell you already have a chance after launch to do something new and cool and instead just immediately continue to wank gen 1
>>57089165>still 5 star ratinggenuinely surprised it didn't get review bombed after the 5 win event.
>>57089164Stop arguing the subjective quality and political leanings of the story then and argue the point we’re trying to make here: magic as a whole is connected and cohesive in a way that pokemon is not. Pokémon might as well have 3 parallel universes whereas everything in magic fits together infinitely better despite moving to a literal new dimension every 3 months. If you can’t argue this point then just shut the fuck up
>>57089112f2p was still a ton of fun to play, i had like 15 decks+ i made for fun, golurk gardevoir, budget centiskorch, like 4 weezing decks and 4 greninja decks, venusaur ex, all of the meta decks (-arcanine ex only i had every other meta ex card), a wannabe competitive kabutops deck, 3 blaine decks, and i was mucking around with a brock dugtrio pidgeot and a eggxecutor ex and pidgeot deck i haven't tested yetthe only meme deck i wanted to try out but never could was the fucking raichus and magnetons, i might have to 10 roll them for fun before i move on to the pack
>>57089171to be fair, Mew is the face of the new pack, of course they would highlight it as being from red and blue.
>>57089161>And where does godzilla fit into the story?He fits in his own "Godzilla" themed set that has "Godzilla" things in it. I don't like the idea of the card game I grew up playing becoming soulless crossover slop, but the Godzilla cards still exist within their own miniset and are not "technically" in the base game. The Godzilla cards are still more thematically cohesive within their set than Pokemon is. >>57089164>I can see it for older sets, but mtg has gone the way of WOKE story-wise. Last I heard Obzedat, a group of cool ghosts, got killed by a girlboss planeswalker.This story is still probably depicted and/or alluded to within the cards, making the set that it is from more thematically cohesive than Pokemon. Even if it's gay and woke, and even if girls aren't allowed to have sexy art anymore, it's still more cohesive than Pokemon.
>>57089169It's not really a keyword, more like effect flavor text.
>>57089175enough redditors threw so that casual babies could get their shitty emblem. >>57089182your beyond redemption defending this shit. I hope to god you don't have a job doing anything creative.
>>57089166I hate playing them but Pika decks feel slightly more flexible and not as snowbally, especially as more tech gets felt out. theres a nice variety of electric cards so every pika i've played with and against is ever so slightly differentMewtwo decks make me want to kysmyself
>>57089177>pidgeotDon't play this garbage
It's gonna be Alola RaichuCheck this 5
>>57089183oh FUCK OFF. All these MTG nerds ripping on Yugioh's long text for years and these fucks add POINTLESS TEXT to the effects?
>>57089152They unpersoned all 7 of these cards. Just out of nowhere one day.
>>57089176>>57089182>it might be WOKE, but at least it has uh... cohesive story!Anon, I play games for fun, not to be lectured
>>57089176You're connected in a cohesive way to faggotry.
>>57089112I had more fun playing anti meta decks rather than the actual meta decks. The meta decks either consisted of 90 damage 2 energy cost rat , Misty coinflips and gay stall while Mewtwo and Charizard ramped up. The 5 win streak emblem made the game even more cancerous I hope the new set shakes things up I can't handle another month of the same shit.
>>57089120>It's so cohes-ACKlmao
>>57089185nigger you’re trying to whatabout into a new argument entirely. Yes, magic is woke now. Yes, that sucks balls. But if you would at least address the points made that started this conversation in the first place that would be fantastic.
>>57089194>stone-throwing goblins is okay>but not stone-throwing devilsThe fuck is this shit?
>>57089196He's not even saying the story is cohesive. He's just saying that the cards that come out in one set relate to each other so you buy the Spongebob pack and it has cards for both your Spongebob deck AND your Mr Krabs deck.
>>57089203The favor text is a bible reference.John 8:7
>>57089189i shit on a paypig pika and mew2 for the 5 streak, just get gud
>>57089194>jihad card>white creatures gain +2/+1well that just didn't make sense, of course they would scrap that
>>57089210I really don't give a shit. Its a garbage card and anyone losing to it is clearly 0 IQ trash.
>>57089191>getting assblasted over flavorful designs>getting assblasted over extra words on cards still resulting in size 12 font on a cardLmao
Oh wait.You all don't know that Wizards recently did another CULTURAL SENSITIVITY ban and banned THE ENTIRE PLANE OF KALADESH BECAUSE KALA CAN MEAN BLACK
>>57089209This wasn't banned though
>>57089185>>>*your*>beyond redemption defending this shit>I hope to god you don't have a job doing anything creative.Anon, your improper usage of "your" and the fact that you replied to me less than a minute after I posted reveals that you cannot and will not read anything. You are still misinterpreting what the argument was, or you're moving goalposts so far that you don't know where they should be. The conversation was purely about the cohesive theme of the sets of Pokemon (nonexistent) compared to the cohesive theme of the sets of Magic (ingrained within the cards themselves). I'm not defending the soulless crossover slop. I wish Magic didn't turn into this. I'm not defending the woke slop. I wish Magic didn't turn into this. However, it is still more thematically cohesive than just "oh, look, here's some Pokemon", which is what the argument was. Please improve your reading comprehension. If you do this, you'd probably also become less of a shitposter as well.>>57089196>at least it has uh... cohesive story!This was literally the topic of the conversation. A cohesive story that is reflected in the cards that are released for the set. Pokemon is just Pokemon. That's the argument, yes.>Anon, I play games for fun, not to be lecturedYou can play Magic without being lectured. That's the beauty of the card game having the story seamlessly integrated into its cards. You can play the cards and not have any fucking idea what the story is. >>57089206Please, shitposter, stop. You can't even read.
>autistic meltdown right before new cards come outclassic
>>57089103wiggly, then when you get all the mini set go pack to pull zard for fa waifus
>>57089215What 3rd world shithole language did "Kaladesh" translate into a nono word???
New set is coming out shut the fuck up about Magic you spergs
Nu-mtg sucks and off-topic. Go shill it elsewhere
Why are magicfags shitting up this thread?Deepthroat a shotgun
>>57089222It's just the same like 2-3 shitposters who complain about MtG every so often.
>>57089226No. This is the best conversation/vp/ had ever produced, goalpost moving and shitposting included
>>57088882>Ah yes my ancient limited edition promo card from the Mesopotamian Era
>>57089226ah yes we should all be discussing the new cards and strategies that WE DON'T FUCKING KNOW YET
>>57089231Wrong thread, faggot.This isn't the magic thread. We can make fun of you retards as much as we want. Take your wall of text elsewhere.
>>57089226where leaks
Whaddya think marshadow does
>>57089239I'm just explaining what happened. You can make fun of Magic all you want. It's woke, it's slop, etc. That's all true. It's just objectively more thematically cohesive within sets.
>>57089191Keep seething.
>ygocucks seething that their stupid game’s lingo isn’t shitting up this general for oncekill yourselves
I enjoy yugioh rush :)
>>57089246In the TCG one of his printings puts basic pokemon into play from the discard piles. Maybe he has a callback to that?
>poliwrath counterattack works even if your poli dies as long as you don't lose the gameNeat
>>57089166Eh, ill give you that. My winrate when i play off meta is fine against electric, meh vs mewtwo and miserable vs charizard.
>>57089254I would too if they gave it a proper client instead of the mutilated one in Duel Links.
>>57089246We already know what he does.
did they release mew's island yet?
>>57089231>literally started by a magicfag having a meltdown over pokemon >>57088954lol get your story straight
>>57089246he's a revenger
>>57089254I ignored it for a whole year and got into it when they were generous with the Cyber Dragon deck. Now I play just to use it.
Just letting you guys know right now that I WILL be getting full art Leaf in my first pack.
>>57089240New Beedrill.
>>57089264>anon mentions that he wishes Pokemon sets were as cohesive as Magic sets>the same 2-3 MtG hating shitposters shit the thread upI explained the story correctly. The correct response should have been "yeah, that'd be nice", not "we hate cohesion, we love random fucking Pokemon for no reason, and it's a good thing that there is no rhyme or reason to it"
>>57089272is this real
>>57089273okay mtganon
I am going to get a god pack from the new set and no one will stop me!
Full art Leaf shows feet
>>57089273Seethe and dilate, mtgtranny
>>57089273>we love random fucking PokemonOf course we do.
>>57089273It wasn’t even that. It was>magic sucks>*ignores good thing anon brought up*>magic woke and gay>muh crossovers badThe response wasn’t even remotely on-topic and never was
>>57089282Magic isn't on topicMaking fun of it is on topic
>>57089276I haven't played MtG in like 7 or 8 years. Planeswalkers suck, and it's woke crossover slop now. I'm just also not a schizo who hates things for no reason. >>57089282This is true, but I was trying to give the benefit of the doubt and have the actual conversation, on their behalf, that was brought up.
>>57089273>>57089282>>57089289stop samefagging mtgroonjust deepthroat a shotgun
why does everyone keep saying random hours amount ? Is there an official hour for the update drop ?
>>57089273>the same 2-3 MtG hating shitposters shit the thread upMost people who know anything about card games hate MTG.
>>57089273Mtg is so dead (you) are shilling it here?
>>570892951AM EST
>>57089295No official info. Through a process known as wishful thinking we've decided it must be at the reset.
>>5708929530 minutes from now, it's almost certainly on reset
Hahaha LOLLITERALLY only trannies play Fagic the GaytheringDial 8 niggerHahahahahahaImagine paying like 1000 doll hairs to play a fucking children’s card game (((competitively))) LOLliterally KYSI will enter regionals with proxy deck I print out at home FAG and you will CRY
>>5708929530 minutes
>>57089273>implying hating MtGfags is weird somehowI'm not buying a black LotR set no matter how much you shill it in a Pokemon general.
>>57089289When I hate something I try to have specific reasons why I hate it. I tried yugioh. Its too fast paced- control decks win by turn 3- its lack of any resource doomed it to be a combo hellscape from day 1, but most importantly it wasn’t fun. I tried pokemon. Prize cards are a dumb fucking point system and coin flips are the worst implementation of top-down design I’ve ever seen.
Yippppieeeee new cards
>>57089305Too slow need cards NOW
>>57089305S O O N
I also dislike MtG. Very sad to see a game with such a legacy be dragged through the mud in that manner.
>>57089292I am neither a shitposter nor a samefagger. I'm trying to have a normal and rational conversation with schizos who have triggered themselves into incoherence, with an inability to follow a conversation or even remember what the conversation was. They just know that they are seething about MtG for some reason. >>57089296Doubtful. MtG is the father of TCG. Zoomers might hate MtG for zoomer shitposty reasons, but real human beings wouldn't. >>57089297>>57089306>shillingI have done zero shilling for MtG, and I have bemoaned the fact that it is now soulless woke crossover slop multiple times.
>>57089301there is literally a timer on the app store you retard
>>57089310Best I can offer is 28 minutes.
Go play Balatro instead. I heard it won award so it ought to worth something
>update 30 minutes before releasethat's one way to avoid datamines I guess
>>57089329EW GOD NO FUCK THAT SHIT>rougel*teits cardslop at its finest
the cards are out now but you can’t pull packs
App just got a 100+mb updatewill be data mined soon...
oops I just shot the dev who was supposed to release the setwhoopsie!
>>57089316a) some people use the Play Storeb) that's when the app updates, the pack could go live later in the day>>57089329we're not here for gameplay we're here for recycled pictures of pokemon
>Mew EX has its own support card
>>57089345yes they are check againI’m ip range banned from posting images but update your app
>no update on appstore>it's directly installed through appSneaky assholes
>>57089345>so much spacewill we have packs to come, or will we end up like the extra game modes in SMM2
>>57089351I just updated mine and I see nothing
Battle mePW: VP
>>57089296>most people who know anything about card games hate magicIf anything the opposite is true. This website is overrun by zoom zooms who have been convinced by hearthstone that getting *resource* for free every turn is a God-given right and that Magic’s mana system is mean because it won’t let them play their late-game dragon when they want to. Magic- at least up until recently- was always seen as the most skill-intensive tcg, though realistically I don’t know what could top it even with the power creep nonsense of the last few years
im so excited to pull trash
>tfw you need to have Mew to crack the new set
>>57089359>68 cardswhy was everyone saying 80+maybe they were counting the secret rares in that amount
>>57089358It's so sad that actual, literal trannies ruined MTG. I had a lot of fun, made good money, and made friends for life playing pro MTG
>>57089358>though realistically I don’t know what could top it even with the power creep nonsense of the last few yearsAs a fellow """mtganon""", Netrunner is the only card game that ever came close for me. There's at least one other Netrunner chad in here. I didn't get to play it for very long though because no one fucking plays that shit.
>>57089367Exeggutard cooming right now.
>>57089367Breddy good. Eggs needed something like this
>>57089367>CELEBI IS OPIt's just Zapdos EX bro, chill out Timmy. You could have 8 fucking energy on Celebi and it could still do 0 damage.
>>57089367that looks fucking terrible
>>57089367>grass zapdosOkay
>>57089367Pinsir BTFO
>>57089370>nuke 1 energy from every PokemonThat seems pretty spicy. Especially because Water still has Misty.
>>57089367>it’s a grass marowak that’s somehow weaker>this is overpoweredLMAOOOOOOO
>>57089374Nah it's way way better than Crapdos>>57089375Post the supporter
>>57089374Zapdos EX that can start using something better than a 20 damage attack 2 turns earlier is a huge difference.
>>57089367Oh boy more coinflips! I love gambling in NY children's card game.
>>57089367It flips two coins per energy with Servine and I bet Servine still won't see play.
>>57089384Lol nice. Koga for mew.
>new ponyta and Rapidashneat
Zerabros it's so over
I want to sleep
The game update but there is not new pack, WHERE IS THE NEW PACK?!
>>57089112>the numbers on the attacks and health were really well thought out I think, and there being diff retreat costs is fine, this game is well balanced>EX cards being stronger are fine since they're worth 2>first and second should not change just because second gets the aggro advantage for once>fossil cards are based, both for tournament and the pokemon>ursii tournaments are based even if she's an awful caster>meta in tourney is diff than ladder, and there's no ranked so there's always a ton of f2p decks you can play against, usually if i spam my meme decks enough ill see more of them>noex in both reddit and here should be pauper>netdecking metafags that can't build their own good decks should not be allowed an opinionI tried to put as many spicy takes possible
>>57089384Oh boy this faggot is going to be so annoying
>>57089386>Nah it's way way better than CrapdosIt can't attack for 20 with 1 energy. It can't reliably attack for any damage. It's Zapdos EX but worse, or Marowak EX but worse. >>57089387>Zapdos EX that can start using something better than a 20 damage attack It also can't reliably do any damage. You can flip nothing multiple turns in a row>2 turns earlier is a huge difference.Zapdos EX is 3 energy. It's 1 turn earlier.
Volcarona is an 80 damage Zebstrika that discards 2 energy to attack. BLEGH
>>57089367Sticking with Golurk for coin bullshit, 100/200 damage is enough for anything anyways>It's 4 energySkill issue
>>57089384>koga but for mewYeah this is broken lmao you either have to one shot the little shit or else he regenerates.
>>57089370I'm sad that this sucks because I love me some gyrados
>>57089370>both 3d artIt's so over
Hey I just do daily pulls and I decided to use up some of my hour glasses for the last minute pulls, did 2 10 pulls and I got this on my 2nd. Is this like some thats like super rare or not really. I want to say this is crazy lucky, but honestly I dont know what to think.
>new dragon type>dual energy shit againFUCKING WHY
>>57089384>Mew EX can go in any deck>it gets its own KogaDamn. This is going to be really annoying to play against. Every deck can be a stall deck now.
>>57089384isnt that like a reverse koga AND better? you can swap ANY mon and put the fucker ass destroyer mew
>>57089415lil bro?
>>57089415Disable pack sharing and drop your friend code you.
>>57089415Rolled a god pack. Very rare, good job anon.
86 new cards. Hmm
>>57089368ive been meaning to learn it when i got the time, how decent are the starter decks
>>57089416you are so stupid
>>57089415Half a percent to happen or something. Sadly that's a weak god pack.
>>57089405I'm not sure which is the better stall, this vs vanilla, but I think this One is more fun since I'm confident in flipping heads
>>57089415That's actually pretty bad for a god pack. Not a single 3 star and higher and 3 being one stars
>>57089418The wording is not the best, but it's literally just Koga for Mew EX. >put your active Mew EX into your hand
>>57089384Ahem *clears throat*DeNAShit
Might be an upgrade in Blaine decks. With a flip, it's gonna OHKO even Zapdos with Blaine.
>>57089416dragons are the multi energy color anon
Serperior looks like just what the doctor ordered for Venosaur, but it may be too fragile playing 2 stage 2s
>>57089416Multi-color is their entire gimmick in the tcg
>>57089370This kinda sucks
Lumineon is Seadra with free retreat, 10 more HP, and 1 less energy to attack but it can't hit the active pokemon. Which is an irrelevant downside because it has free retreat. LMAO
>>57089405Why would anyone use this over the poison ability one?
>chansey pick charmander>new Mankey AND new Primeape(literally just a power creep of the raticate reskins)
Check the promo section. New cards.Moltres Ex for free? Cool.
>>57089433Looks worse than apex rapidash sadly
>>57089444Real shit? Been trying to get that bastard for the longest
>>57089423>how decent are the starter decksFrom what I remember, they're okay I guess? I don't know if they were starter decks, but I think there is like a Starter kit or something. The thing about Netrunner is that when you buy a pack, you get a playset of every card in it. No gacha bullshit.
>>57089422That's clearly 68
>>57089415Please share your friend code so we can maybe wonder pick it. It's a .05% chance to get one of these packs.
A1 Mew is available as a non immersive. ^^^ rarity
>>57089448Yeah. >PROMO-A / 025 P-A>Obtained from a mission
>>57089438i think its gonna be fungyarados ex + new vaporeon so you only lose 1 energy every turn (assuming it also applies to gyarados ex) while your rival loses up to 4
Really expensive, and needs Moltres EX. But 80 damage is high enough to snipe most basic from full in the bench.
>>57089454wow this is pretty shit huh
>>57089451>What are secret rares.
>>57089445>they made golem worseholy shit, this update is AIDS
>>57089454damn that's some shameless filler
New Koffing looks like a good upgrade
>This attack does 20 more damage for each of your opponent's Benched Pokémon.
is explorer young Oak?
>>57089456I take back my statement. This could be fun
>>57089405The new koffing might be better going second just because it's a deck thinner. New weezing is meh.
>every card is just flip a coin bro lmao>if you fail your turn amounts to nothingThis shit is really boring, i'm not gonna lie
Bros I'm so excited!!I feel real lucky today!
>>57089466NuRaichu is COOL
>>57089454>more coin flipping bullshitIt's all so tiresome
>>57089433The two energy cost kinda kills it in my opinion. Ninetails forces you to burn your energy every turn so you never have energy to spare to build something else up meaning the 1 energy on Rapidash to attack the turn it switches in is invaluable.
>>57089370Hold on, I thought the fifth EX would be a electric type? Zeraorabros?
>>57089413>>57089438Why do we think this sucks? It has 180 HP, Vaporeon is a thing, and you can still Misty it. I think it's pretty decent. Maybe not top meta, but definitely playable.
stop spoiling shit you retards
>>57089472what's it like
oh bros im putting at least 2 10 rolls into this for fun, the cards looks so fun
>>57089467No it's me they put me in the game
>>57089478we lostGyarados took the ex
>>57089370>EX has worse artmany such cases
>>57089458This seems like the Moltres deck's version of "Raichu"
>>57089474No Raichu hits Benched Pokémon. I was looking at Beheeyem. He hits the Active Pokémon harder.
>>57088932your girl wouldn't be a mascot at all because TPC would censor her clothing
>>57089454Honestly one energy 50 attack is pretty good. Better than most stage 1 energy 1 attacks
so is it worth it?I'm still deck building, but it doesn't sound like the cards are very good
>>57089480Too slow. Can't one shot zard or m2
>new exeggutor>attack is called psychic>it's still grass and requires grass energy
>>57089494This evo line seems backwards to me.
>>57089494Holy soul
>Can't one shot mew? Too bad faggot it's coming back to fuck you up
>>57089492if you wanted to run mew, which it seems like most decks will, you'll need to pull for this pack. everything else looks like ass so far from what people are posting, even ex gyarados is underwhelming.
>57089481It's in the game retard
>>57089162I don't even play magic but I imagine it'll be funny in 10 years when some guy builds his deck around the fucking Squidward card or whatever for a world tournament or something and wins it like how that Korean guy won VGC Worlds 2014 with a Pachirisu.
>>57089494Why the fuck does the pre-vo not poison and the evo then does bonus damage?
lol that this set is basically "play mewtwo/pikachu or fuck off"
I think that new Ponyta is actually a huge upgrade. Not Rapidash tho
>>57089494>basic does more damage if opp is poisoned>stage 1 poisons??
>>57089458This is the guy you bring in late game to KO the retreated Pokemon EX grabbing the last 2 points needed to win.
Better Graveler for Brock decks. The Golem might be worse.
>>57089498Maybe I'm reading it wrong, but I think it discards 1 random energy from every Pokemon (including benched). If I'm misreading this, I think it's worse, but if I'm reading it correctly I think it's kinda good. And it does ohko Mewtwo with Giovanni.
Salazzle stop looking so erotic
>>57089495This is actually retarded. Its fine for Weezing because its a one point card. But being able to just LOL NOPE and ex is insane. Mew is gonna buttfuck the meta.
>>57089384Its finally our time gengarbros
>zero (0) metal cards
>>57089495Oh, the first NPC supporter, hell, I think she is even original of pocket. I hope someone in Dena remembers pic related.
>>57089511new rapidash is good as a one off to smooth out brick games
>>57089491Yes, every pokemon type has a stage 1, 1 energy attacker with 40 damage. This is just straight better.
>>57089514new golem can theoretically twoshot mewtwo EX bro
>>57089516Yes it discards 1 random energy from EVERYONE
>>57088991I hate these magic collabs. It was already insane when Minsk and Boo was a top tier cube card. Gotta say though, I like that reference way more than Lord of the rings or Spongebob
>>57089521Mother fucker, you're right.
>>57089367>2 energy to become a pinsir>130hp>fire weaknesscontention for one of the worst ex's in the game, actually.
>no Raichu>no Zeraora>no Jolteon
>>57089534there is a new raichu
>>57089516I read it as "discard 1 energy chosen randomly from anyone" not "discard 1 energy from each Pokemon"
>>57089526Old Golem can oneshot Mewtwo ex.
>download data>no new expansionWHERE IS IT
>>57089405>put 1 random koffingNigga we can only have 2 copies maximum there will only ever be 1 koffing from the deck to even choose....unless?
Can I play 2 old ponyta and 2 new ponyta?
lolMight actually be good to get Gardevoir out faster even if it's a -1 otherwise
Can you Koga a Pokémon that is asleep? Theoretically sleep should also counter the little aids Mew.
>>57089527>set up this 4 energy fucker>opponent hasnt finished their winconNow they never will, unless that tight cunt mew shows up
The longest hot period in the history of the game? Are you sure? Now?
>>57089535flute is really fucking interesting, doubt it'll pan out tho
If there's anything I've learned from this thread, it's that this thread is still subject to gacha thread rules in that everyone is fucking retarded. Seeing people's wrong reactions to cards is funny.
>>57089543No. If the card has the same exact name you can only use two of it
>>57089535>draw support specifically for Mew2you have to be fucking kidding me
New Eevee is Lickitung for 1 energy.>>57089543Nope. 2 cards named Ponyta TOTAL. It's the same "reason" you can't run 2 of the old Rapidash alongside 2 of it's FA.
>>57089546yes you can koga under sleep, just not retreat
>>57089535>res your opponents dead pokemonWHY. Is this card for trolling?
>>57089415code pls
>>57089535>we heard that getting Gardevoir out wasn't consistent enough so we made an item to help with thatWHY THE FUCK WOULD THEY DO THAT>>57089549It'll make Victrebel cooler.
>>57089535Neat. Slab will help Mewtwo potentially.
>>57089352Ideally, they have 0 reason to go through stores outside of new mechanics, features and bug fixesNeeding a store update every month on Masters even though none of these were done was just a manifestation of their skill issues
>immediately powercreeping golemlmao i did not expect that, i actually think if you wanna keep up with the meta don't roll on this pack, the next expansion might be nuts if they're this fast already, just use your dailies and see if you can get some upgrades to your meme decks
>>57089538If that's what it does, I agree it's not that good, but I don't think that's what it does. I think it's discard 1 random energy from every Pokemon in play. Seems more oppressive than Articuno EX if your Misty loves you, and is more of a late game threat that Articuno if your Misty only kinda likes you. Kills Mewtwo with Giovanni too.
>>57089535Poke flute might actually be funny as fuck in dragonite decks
Is anyone else stuck on the titlescreen
This pack sucks since I'm not a mewtwo faggot.
You can open now
>>57089545Honestly Mewtwo wants to get going ASAPThe sooner Gard is set up the sooner you autowin, basically.Xspeeds are invalidated if you have gardpotions situationalSabrinas are either lategame or tempo, but this speeds you up anywayI think staple
>No Gold saleFuck
I won. Get fucked, losers.
>>57089511i wanna roll just to play an all ponyta blaine deck and try to make that good
>>57089039I meant more of the ability for a zoroark card to use illusion to pretend to be another card. That might be too OP but it would be fun.
>no new machoke>no fossil supportIt's fucking over
>Use free pack that I saved all day>Get Mew ExI am a happy boy right now.
>>57089582Give it a second, severs are getting HAMMERED
>server authentication failedwhy
>>57089553New Exeggutor is hot garbage, just like I thought. Just stick Exeggutor into Alakazam nigga lol like wtf are you doing
>>57089582I got kicked to the title screen after opening a pack and I haven't gotten back in since.
Stop rolling reeeee the rare cards are gonna run out
>>57089579Based. Shsre the friend code
>trainer card to put Mew ex back into handneat
>server authentification error>server authentification error>server authentification error>server authentification errorI forgot this game is DeNA garbage
let me whale reeeeeeeeeee
That's kinda neat. Too bad it's a stage 2.
Post first pack opening
>>57089574>Gyarados exReal fucking shit?
Servers are kill
>pulled absolutely nothingof course
holy fuck i didn't know this was possible, is pocket actually this popular?
>serperior makes grass energy count double>celebi now does 100 damage per energyAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Servers are literally dying
i cant login
>>57089607The stage 1 heals itself 10.The basic is promo Jigglypuff.
>here's your johto expansion bro
Looks like the servers just died. Pretty happy I got one mew EX and the trainer support.
pack points are seperate as we thought, you won't be able to use yoru pack points on this pack
I'm back in.
>you need to reauthorize your Nintendo accountWhat did you retards do? At least I got IR Dedenne, Serperior, Exeggutor, and this.
>>57089629Post code when the server comes back please
>>57089629DIE DIE DIE
>>57089579Share the FC friend
did they have a new animation for 10 rolls, i don't remember this
sisters thisbwas my 1st free pack
>>57089549Nice one
is rhyperior in?
>>57089629ah she's kinda uglier than I hoped
>use pack stamina to open packsYou Jewish motherfuckers
>>57089629Seggs with LeafAlso, some Japanese IT faggot is currently in a command prompt in Linux.Guess this game isn't dead yet like the doomers speculated
>>57089629GIVE ME NOW
>>57089574Just pulled this goon too. Don't think I'll ever use him.
Pack points being split between expansions is peak jewery
>challenge for collecting 7 magikarp>challenge for collecting 10 Salandit>challenge for collecting 9 beheeyem and the slabkino
>>57089579Friend code?
"more than 80" = 86, including FAs
>Scolipede is just better MukEbin
I'll take it I guess
>>57089664Not "just better", it's a stage 2 whereas muk is stage 1. There's a trade off.
FA Marshadow. No promo Mankeys but otherwise this would be cool.>>57089664No Koga support.
>>57089665kino art at least
just wonder picked 2 star cards from my nip friends, i won
weezing bros, i want to try to play the new weezing as a one of along with the other 2 if you play 2 kogas
>>57089657>fire waterit's shit, and has no support. You can't even throw up some colorless stallmon to build it up because it's not worth it.
>>57089658Immersive Celebi Ex bros
3099-9893-8165-1901opening a bunch add
>eevee that deals 10 per heads at one energyLUCKCHADS WE KILLING
>it's all assI guess I can keep pulling for full arts now
>I got nothing
Got the Mew ex. Not a pimp rarity though.
>>57089677Can't tell if this is broken or not.
>>57089658>>57089660Got it too. It's beautiful
>>57089597>>57089639>>57089662Sorry, I was pulling7941540015949151
>2 regular mew>2 Gyrados EXNot exactly what i was looking for. Got like 15 more packs to crack
I got shit
>>57089677Oh neat. It's like Gardevoir but boosts energy that was attached before it evolved at the cost of not being able to split the energy between two mons.but>running 2 stage 2slmao
>An error has occurred.Good grief
leave me alone
I didn't want to open a 10-pull but the servers keep kicking me out so I'm going to.
New dragon.
>nothing on my free roll>mew ex on first wonderpickI'll take it
>>57089692It's made to pair with Celebi
gayrados EX seems like shit
>>57089660>needs 4 energy to = Zapdos EX 3 energy attackwow this thing is shit
Wonder pick crashes my game lol
>make post about the salazzle art being too erotic>why isn't my post showing up?>posted it on the wrong boardoh jesus christ I'm so embarrassed
Holy fuck, will gyarados ex please leave me alone
>>57089707That's the fate of all future waters because they have to account for Misty giving free energy.
Guess this game isn't dead afterall, huh doomers?
>>57089706I don't think Celebi is good though. I think it'd be better to run it with Venu or something. Maybe even the new Exeggutor (which I don't think is very good)
>>57089693explode and die
>>57089708You can stack more coin flips to improve damage output and it’s affected by erika, so no.
>Open 1st pack>Celebi EX>Open 2nd pack>Mew EXFinna waste my luck on non FA trainers
>>57089414ex is always 3d in this game
>they're actually printing trainer cards to help psychic decks search for their mons betterholy fuck i think mew2 ex gets a new card already
>>57089721Running 2 separate stage 2s to "speed up" your gameplan is not going to go well.
Based card
>>57089704>can't even run it with the other dragon line because its a differing secondary energy typet-thanks
>>57089708It's exactly what the doctor prescribed for Eggs decks and Eggs was already could enough to justify his deadbeat typing. I don't think Grass will see as much play as Pikachu or Mewtwo but I expect it to be as relevant as Moltres decks now.
>four or five serperiors, including a FA>no snivies
>>57089720Kill yourself, this game made 200 million dollars its first month. No one is dooming this.
Wait why is my game fucking crashing?
>>57089631Is that even a good tank? At least you don't need to jump hoops for a Poliwrath effect
Which Rapidash do I use for the Blaine deck now?
>an error has ocurredhahaha...
>10 pulls>FA Vaporeon>FA denenne >FA exeggutor >FA Marshadow>FA serperiorQuite happy with this result. Will probably do another 10 pull in the morning.
This game is going to be awful for F2P very quickly. It takes fucking forever to get new packs and pack points to buy specific cards, and then the pack points don't even carry over between expansions so you either keep trying to pull an old card or just move on to the new cards and give up unless you're willing to drop money on the game. F2P isn't going to be able to keep up with this shit
>>57089732I still don't think Celebi is good.
On my first free pack i got fucking celebi ex and after a rampage of 20 packs i got another one and the full art, now i ha e three fucking celebi ex and not a full art Blue(female), I am mad.
>>57089720There were lots of doomer's and I'm not one. Looks like DENA needs to upgrade their servers tho
>>57089742New Rapidash is an energy hog.
Must...resist..the roll more....
>>57089367zapdos ex is better
>>57089740Half of the country of Japan is trying to open packs right now
>10 pull>Gyarados EX>2 FA Salandit>1 FA ExeggutorThat's it.
give me your sigilyphs thanks
>>57089721Celebi Eggs is gonna be good. Calling it now
>>57089747>he's not confident in flipping heads
Why would I ever run Celebi over egg
>>57089742Probably old one still. Ninetales is really energy hungry, you don’t need another one to eat all your energy drops up
>>57089753I told myself I'd spend glass on 10 1-pulls but I leveled up so I told myself I could use the glass from the level up for another pull.
didn't get my chase but I got 2* celebi
>>57089629sex sex sex pero child sex
aw shit son
>>57089758New Eggs is also nice because you can just not evolve a second Eggs EX and instead hold to evolve into the new one for late game damage.
>people doing 10 pullsThanks for funding the game anons
>21 pulls totalOnly EXes were two copies of pigeot, but can't complain about calling first dibs on bestgirl.Serperior gives grass an energy ramp too, though it IS super slow and 2stage. Will be fun to fuck around with at least
>>57089770yw im gonna go all in on the hoenn set when it (never) drops
>>57089770you get one every month if you don't splurge every time you get 12 glass
I only wanted Celebi for Johto dex and FA Leaf for waifu collection and I got Celebi on the first pull. Might not bother opening any more packs and just hope for wonder picks.
>>57089773>it's worse than the originalI fucking hate fighting type
>>57089772Rare Candy will happen eventually. Trust.
>unlocked this coverkek
Accept friend requests
>she's not hodlingsis...
20 packs results>Celebi ex>immersive Celebi ex>FA Leaf>IR Exeggutor>IR Dedenne>IR Vaporeon>IR Serperior>three Mew for the iconBretty good. Everyone who added me, good luck getting Leaf.
fml not off to a good start
>>57089772>Serperior gives grass an energy ramp too, though it IS super slow and 2stage.That's good enough for Gardevoir to support Mewtwo ex.
Just enough to stave off the suicidal thoughts.
>>57089767lucky bastard
>>57089775WOW 10 pulls a month? dena is so generous I'm on my knees
Itsa friend.
That's a very cute Emblem.
9016418564560262Add me pleaseluckchads only
I'm happy with my 10-pull, got this and another copy as a 4 diamond so that I have a playset
I cant wait to keep getting budding expeditioner and never pulling mew EX so it just becomes a worthless card every time I get one
>>57089793No one said that
>>57089799>mewtwo OP? let's fuck stage 2 virgins instead
Where's the dark exs?
>>57089799fuck i can't wait till i can get the textless image rip, that art is so fucking sick
>>57089785Got a code anon?
>went through all the cards>still KANTO but now cards powercreep those from GAEh, I don't know what to think about this set. Rather weak
never give up f2pbros
>they didn't put the expansion code, rarity and number on the cards because they were planning to 1:1 copy paste older cardlol
>>57089805liepard is a stage 1 that does 40 damage and has no additional effects, so sorry, better luck next pack
>>57089813Mew is really fucking cute.
Saved up 20 pullsStopped at getting Mew exI have every Ex except Aero (thanks to Top Right getting me Celebi btw)I WIN
if double mew ex and double mex ex koga becomes a thing that'll be super cringe
2231521886705413Add me so I can get those wonder picks
>>57089542Surely, the Genetic Apex Koffing counts as a different card for deck-building purposes?
>>57089813ditto is better
>>57089793>you sexy twinks always told me the pack points don't carry overyes we did
>>57089807>Thoughts?1-2-1 is objectively better than 1-1-2
>>57089810Posted it earlier, but 7273512855594454
>>57089826Ok, will change
>>57089821>>57089542Just like you can only have 2 Mankey, you can only have 2 Koofing. At least the new one makes it easy for you to set up Weezing
>>57089822pikaSISSIES, what happened???
Why tf they added some random noname trainer instead of fucking Red?
My first crown
celebi + serperior is actually OP
>>57089836A'int nobody wants to have sex with redLeaf sells"Blue" sells
>>57089836She’s cute!!
>>57089836she cute
>>57089839The NPC fight just destroyed me with it
>>57089839might be better than marowak or kingler ngl
>>57089822Holy based evee player
>>57089839>Mewtwo but Grass
Opened 60 packs, no Mew, 2x Pidgeot, 1x Aero, 1x Immersive Celebi, not the greatest but a lot of the non-rares look promising.
>someone in the discord has already gotten every card in the expansionIts ogre. The whales are gonna ruin this game.
I can't fucking play the game, wtf is this shit
FA Leafbros please share codes...
>>57089849It's actually better than M2
I can't get into the wonder pick menuI just want to do my sweep to check for bonus picks
This is my 3rd FA Salandit. I spent 20 packs worth of hourglasses, and I got 3 FA Salandits, a FA Exeggutor, and the only EX I got was a single Gyarados.
>>57089851dreamy ass nigga
>Galvantula is just Arbok for electric decks>with 10 more damage and lower retreat cost>10 less hp I guess
>>57089788Because M2's a basic and doesn't compete for Evo slots, yeah. Way harder sell with Venusaur, still hard with the new Exeggutaur
>>57089813>Crown slop
>>57089685come and get it, last pack
>>57089840Speak for yourself. I'd sex his mute assNow if they didn't add Gold in the next expansion I'll fucking blow up Dena
>you can't have more than two copies of a card with the same namefuck if only i could play rapidash tribal
>>57089866Celebi is a basic who gives a shit about Venusaur?
>>57089444>>57089448>>57089455>Obtained from a missionNot saying it has to be paid, but it's the same wording as for promo Mewtwo, which is premium-only
>>57089862weezing mew deck gonna cause seethe
>>57089851>does nothingI'm sorry anon
Pidgeot EX fucking sucks for stage 2.
Serperior the supreme just declared the age of grass!from now on I'm green army!
>>57089481>spoilingIt's in the game and isn't even a datamine.
>>57089877>actually worse than non-exI didn't expect that to happen
>>57089862i think you can actually play the new weezing in a nidoking deck since this one doesn't poison, you don't waste the poison from your nidoking anymore
>No Steel pokemonwhy are jews like this
>>57089886Johto, steelbro... trust the plan...
>>57089882>ri i fu
Oh shit!!! What's that gonna be?
How do I update Wonder pic after adding new friends? So far nothing has changed
>>57089836>Redintroduced by a new rarity in a real expansion, of course
>>57089891nice celebi
The new Mankey does 50 for 1 energy wtf
>>57089892just wait
>>57089892You just hope and wait. Delete your other friends.
>>57089886Anon, it's Metal type. And don't pretend there was no Metal support.They added a bunch of Fairy Psychics.
first pack got this
>a trainer that only interacts with a certain pokemon??? Fucking why?
>Error every few seconds
Are there any full art trainer cards in this set besides Blue and Leaf?
For 20 packs I'm pretty satisfied
>still only 15 deck slots
>>57089906To use with those certain pokemon.
>>57089850Nevermind, did 20 more packs and got one, 90% of gamblers etc
>>57089909the mew support has one
>budding explorer>loliThey know what they're doing
is everyone really using hourglasses for this mediocre pack?
Wow this set sucks real ass. Only Mew and Aerodactyl has potential. I guess Serperior is Grass Gardevoir but no mon can abuse it like M2 in psychic
grass is saved
>>57089919celebi you fucking idiot
>>57089917>loliIt's a dude
>servers are meltingKek, wonder how many millions they're vacuuming up from paypiggies as we speak
>>57089889lolyou have to work with the tools you have
Who even is this
which types wonwhich types wonwhich types woooon
>>57089924pedochads don't care
>>57089923>worse ZapdosNo thanks
>>57089927TCGP OCHe would have a name otherwise
>>57089918No we're waiting 12 hours between each pull.
>>57089918I think a 20pull is realistic here. You'll have enough to build up 30-40 for the next set in the interim, and the set has enough associated missions where you'll get a bunch of resources to headstart that too.
>>57089865if only the actual tcg got art this kino i cant wait for the proxy cards to come out
>>57089928>Victrebel support item>new early game beater which is also a late game powerhouse in Celebi>Mew EX to counter Mewtwo in Egg decksGrasschads are FEASTING.
>opened 6 Celebi, one full art.>no Mew Ex
>30 packs>Literally got all 1 star full arts>Not a single EX cardT-thanks I didn’t wanna play the new decks anyways…Gonna stop using my hourglasses for this now.
>friend I used to have loved mew>expansion makes me think of themWish we hadn't had that falling out.
>13 packs opened >got 1 ex
>3 packs in>already opened 2 Serperior, 1 of which FAI guess I will need to use him, assuming I can pull the basic and stage 1
Florges seems fucking broken
>>57089949serperior is female
>>57089495That's a cute Expeditioner, I will now run a Mew Deck
21 pulls. No Mew EX. No Celebi. A billion error codes though. Dogshit ass garbage game.
>>57089940Mew ex also can't deal with Celebi outside of Grass mirrors.
The Excellent Advantures of Pog Champion Gootecksand Mike "Mike Ross" Ross
mini expansion pack points should have been shared with the base set. It's fucking retarded that you would need to dump thousands purely into the mew pack to actually get 2500 points to craft the mew.
>No Leaf iconLaaaaaame
>400 hour glasses>not a single mew>get fucking angry and spent 20 dollars in the shop>get 3 mews what the fuck, pay pigging shouldn't of worked nooo
>200 hourglasses burnt>1 immersive Celebi>1 full art Vaporeon>1 full art Serperior>that's itI'm a grass lover so at least 2/3 of those are good hits, but come on. Can I get an EX please?Only 1 Pokeflute and 0 Leaf too which are my biggest wants.
>>57089954Serperior is a boushinen king
Chatot is based bros
>people itt got baited into spending their hourglasses for a shitty pack instead of waiting for a real expansion
>>57089937>celebi>ashimelol>>57089965no shit
>do 2 multi pulls>2 regular celebi ex>then 2 full art celebis>IR Celebi and Mew exguess i gotta do a celery deck now
hmm no, I don’t think I will
I just got 12 free hourglasses?
did 30 pulls with the hourglasses saved and got 2 fa egg and 2 fa dendene but at least i got this...
>10 pack pull>only got pidgeot Ex>he's shit
>limited card slots>we still get fillers like LiepardFuck these card games
>>57089973Thats not for months
>>57089973this but cash money
>>57089973Honestly, if trading sucks and/or my pulls on the expansion suck, I'm probably quitting anyway.
>>57089973Diamond hands for Johto expansion.
Is Marshadow any good?
First card of the first pack.They give everyone a Mew, right. Where's your Mew?
No mew but I'm still happy. Especially because Sabrina FA never showed up
Any celebi friend codes? i got 3 mews but no fucking celebi, i'm so upset man i opened like 40 fucking packs come on.
>>57089987No wait they're back.That was a weird bug, they just weren't there until I backed out of the deck editor.
my grass deck is ready fuckerspassword is vp
>>57089981literally me
>>57089994>They give everyone a Mew, right. I think so, yeah.
>>57089980its a mini event well get 12 free hourglasses everyday for 3 days
>>57089967Well, Blue would be my choice of icon... if Electrode didn't already exist.
>>57089995FUCK YOU
How's my cooking?
>wait a month for content>finally get content>only get to do 2 ten pulls after saving for a month>get nothing>out of contentSo this is the great big update that was going to save the game...
>2 FA Vaporeons What are they trying to tell me?
>>57089994i fucking wish man
You may not like it, but this is peak performance
>2 FA budding expeditioneers >no mew ex>2 FA Serperiors>none of its pre evosI always have the weirdest luck
aside from cute artwork, what kind of decks are good with leaf
I am the only one getting non stop error messages that are moot because hitting reset fix them?
>>57090011take out the eevee
>>57089994My first pack was Rainbow Border Mew.
>>57090011Serperior line with Celebi will be broken>3 grass energy = 6>1 coin = 50 damage
>>57090011I will be genuinely surprised if Celebi ends up being good outside of Serperior.
>kill some niggas mewtwo ex with mewit's over mew2 trannies
>pull immersive celebi on both accounts>don't pull mew or anything else I wantedfucking kill me
It's anybody else getting constant error messages?
>>57090011Ditch Celebi ex for Mew ex and find room for two Mew Kogas.
>>57090015Do you really need the random 20 damage from Mew though?
>already expired wonder picks for the new setwtf? its only been out an hour I thought WPs lasted 4hr
>>57090032servers are crashing
>get 2 FA Serperior but no Servine'sThis really keeps happening every time
>>57089973Celebi is the best card in the game right now.
>>57090032that's 6 billion people loggin into the servers at once to pull salandit over and over
>>57089903child ex(s)
Meowth getting cut from every psychic deck....
>>57090044f... feet...
This mother fucker is STONED
>first pack had Mew EXWas this rigged or just lucky?
>>57090037They can last00:30:00,01:00:00,01:30:00,02:00:00,02:30:00,03:00:00,03:30:00, or04:00:00 at random.Do you pay no attention to your surroundings?
>>57090050brother they forgot to rig mine if that's the case
Can't open packs now. What's the missing electric EX? Are we eating, Raichubros?
For anyone who added me, what Wonder Pick shows up? Is Leaf obtainable from mine?
>>57090055raichu got an alt but it's worse. I'm not sure what the ex lighting is.
>>57090057tap retry angry nigga
>>57090055There's a new Raichu that's like 60 damage + 20 damage to each Pokemon on the bench with 120hp for 3 electric energy, but it's a normal Raichu.I don't think there is another EX we didn't already know about.
>>57090055Gyarados EX
why do they think people want pokedex enough to make a SECOND card for it?
This game is unbelievably stingy
>>57090011bro your serperior
>>57090011what site is that
>>57090011I would like to point out that I'm the recent Exeggutor EX fag, and that this guy is not me.
Celebi Ex and Serperior are broken as shit!!!!
>>57089995Friend Code bro
>>57090077Dgayed's butt hole doesn't have the new cards yet.
>>57089927>Who even is thisMy wife
Pidgeot EX is absolute dogshit bro who would use it
>>57090078You're not beating the allegations. He's you by association.
I slammed 720 Gold for 120 Packs.I got all 68 base set cards.2 FA Salandit1 FA Vaporeon3 FA Dedenne4 FA Marshadow2 Immersive Celebi EXHonestly pretty disappointed that I pulled 0 two star Rares at all.Fuck my luck. I'm still chasing 2 stars in the original set.
0343938847832163i got immersive celebi, FA marshadow, gyarados ex and 2 star aerodactyl ex in 5 packsonly one pack had nothing
>>57090076It's funny because as bad as they are Dena servers are alive while the Nintendo login literally exploded
>>570900564839860726930103I also got:FA SerperiorFA VaporeonFA DedenneI only have like 20 slots left though.
I just finished my first match with Mew + M2 + gard.Mew wasn't very good vs koffing weezing but it still was MUCH better than normal mewtwo>>57090011Eeve seems bad and Leaf seems good.
>>57090088the immersive prevents that pack from being shared in wonderpick
>old thread is still upOP is gay btw.
>>57090082thats a boy though
Did a ten pack pull, got the fully animated Celebi ex. Will take it.
There's a bunch of new chansey eventsApparently there's another pvp event in 3 days, the 50 win one
Very successful night
>No Sabrina FA>No Leaf FA>Completed the minispanion collection alreadyI will NOT piggy another cent...
So many whales is thread. Quite frankly I'm disgusted.
Is Celebi Ex guaranteed in the first pack or did I just get lucky?
>>57090097Boys don't bud.
New Weezing feels pretty bad. 2 energy is too high when you're trying to scoop. Maybe I'm missing something.
Normally the game says I can do a 10 pull but not seeing it now, glitch?
>>570900808906408844571480Good luck to anyone adding
>>57090105I spent some money, but I don't feel too bad about it if I can use my spending to help others get good Wonder Picks.
>>57090095fuck i forgot immersives and crown dont show up in wt but aero, gyarados and aerodactyl should still show up if anyone wants to try, celebi was my first pack
Reee make a new thread I have pics
Why would they give salandit venoshock but salazzle poison...
>>57090107They do budtheir tits don't though
>>57090103yeah, for the Pokemon Company nigga, how much did you spend
>>57090081I think im playing against celebi 18t i can't believe it
I really hope I can get any of the FA wonder picks without deleting all of my friends.
im getting raped by this Florges in solo btw
>>57090112and marshadow*
>image limit hit>bump limit hit>only page 4
>>57090128i want cards
>>57090128Welcome to pokemon Masters
Do the WP chads just keep their friends list on zero or what? Do people actually do that?
no bundles for new release?
>>57090128Why the hell does /vp/ only have a 150 image limit?
This was a fun night. Glad to see the game is thriving.
>>57089928>Grass got the basic attacker and energy ramp it wanted>Lighting got a ton of new toys>Fire got a few new options>Psychic got Mew, which might as well be colorless (although it will probably be twice as broken in dedicated Psychic decks, were Gardevoir can get it online again in 2 turns after Scooping it)>Dark got an alternate Koffing line to experiment with>Water got a new Gyarados that exists for the sole purpose of fucking your opponent in the ass as a flex if you get 3 Misty heads, then fucks them harder if RNG continues to be on your side>Fighting got Aerodacyl and Marshadow, I guess>Metal gets literally nothing. Fuck you if you're trying to collect 11 metal Pokemon
>>57090135Yes if you want to target your WPs
make a new bread
>>57090140>grass energy ramp is a stage 2yeah no, it doesn't even matter for the new 4 energy eggs because it does damage based on how many the opponent has
>>57090085>that many packs>no FA leafGrim for my f2p chances.
I did 34 packs1 Serperior full art1 Exeggutor full art1 Salandir full artHow do I recover from this
>>57090141God damn son of a bitch
>>57090138300mil gross revenue update this week, 100%Surpassing Masters Ex (after 5 years)
>>57090145no need
>>57090148you got scammed my guy
My boy Arcanine EX eats Serebi for breakfast
>8 advanced battles>8 expert battlesi'm surprised they gave us a full set of hourglasses for a mini expansion
2x Serperior2x Snivy2x Servine2x Celebi EX2x Oak2x Pokeball1 Leaf1 Mew EX1 Chatot 2x Sabrina2x Erikathis is the new meta deck say something nice about it
New promo cards are up too btw
>25 packs>got 1 ex and 4 raresJesus fucking christ I saved for two weeks for this
Galvantula is one of my favorites how decent is he? Looks like arbok but electric which isn't bad, who could I pair it with?
>muh thread etiquette Shut the fuck up losers and hurry up making a new thread
Images being capped has always been a valid excuse for a new thread on an imageboard
>>57090169make it yourself retard
20 packs>1 Crown Mew EX>2 FA Vaporeon>1 FA Serperior>1 FA Marshadow>2 Aero EX>2 Gyarados EX>1 Celebi EXI feel good. Wish I had gotten 1 more Mew, but I have WPs still.I also only got 1 of the new Exeggcute and I really wanted to try those in non-grass decks, so I can't do that yet.f2p btw
>wonder picks for old packs populating my selectionsyamero
So yeah Mewtwo is solidly tier 0 with the slab and Mew additions.Not sure if anything will compete until we get the next set.
>>57090169We're only on page 4 you retard
>>57090162Same, stingy reward, bad pull, if this like other gacha games it'll hit eos less than 2 weeks
the new eevee is fucking OP
>>57090184>if this like other gacha gamesits a pokemon gacha game so it wont hit eos any time soon
>>57090183We also can't post images
Celebi Serperior is too slow
>>57090162>>57090189this, it took Duels 3 fucking years before it hit eos
I just got the gold card Mew ex and then the immersive Celebi ex back to back but I can’t post the pic to prove it
Opened around 10, immersive Celebi, Gyarados, FA Leaf, Serperior. Not bad>>57090193>didn't pull a celebicope
>>57090188Like Misty except that rare time you get 9 flips you also kill Mewtwo out of nowhere. Neat.
Played some matches with Mew + m2, no budding. Mew was better than regular Mewtwo, but honestly underwhelming. I think Celebi will be the real deal though with eggs ex
>>57090184>Same, stingy reward, bad pull, if this like other gacha games it'll hit eos less than 2 weeksThis is Pokemon. Anything you slap the Pokemon name on succeeds just for having Pokemon on it. Also, whales are what decide if a gacha game lives or dies, not f2p. Most successful gacha games are stingy. Look at the wildly successful (thanks to covid) homoverse. Those are not generous games and they're the gold standard for gacha money making. No matter how bad this game ever gets, whales are still going to buy every single card (like, every single card, all versions, crown rares) on day 1 no matter what happens.
>>57090193That's why you use the mushroom to delay with sleep
>>57090197Grass is saved!
>>57090193Not reallyCelebi can work on it's ownSnek makes it super retarded
>What if we combined Pika/Zapdos Ex’s low 2-energy 50 damage per energy with Mewtwo/Gardevoir’s energy pumping dynamic and made it into one deck?>with its own type exclusive 50 heal potion>also in the same energy type as Exxeggutor Ex, a 160 HP meat shield in case you get Sabrina’d that occasionally does 80 damage for 1 energyAAAAHHHHHHHH WHAT WERE THEY THINKINGGGGG
>>57090199Make an ascii rendition of it to show us
>>57090197its literally just mewtwo/gardevoir
Pidgeot/Weezing is very fun so far.
Use everything I had.Only 1 EX.>EX Pidgeot with special art.FUCK
>>57090201I have 2 immersive ones brokie
is it me or is the new pidgeot got some mediocre damage output
>>57090199And now I just also pulled Pigeot EX, which I didn’t even know was a thing
This update broke the app. Its hanging every time I switch menus
>the virgin Gardevior "1 energy to active pokemon per turn" energy ramp>the chad "double all energy for all pokemon" serperior energy ramp
>>57090203>I think Celebi will be the real deal though with eggs exWhy do you keep saying this? Celebi outside of Serperior seems like dogshit. If you don't have Serperior, it's a strictly worse Zapdos EX until you get to 4 energy, at which point it's just Zapdos EX but worse. You need five (5!!!) energy to be better than Zapdos EX, and even the Pika EX deck prefers to run Raichu for late game hail marys rather than gamble with Zapdos flips.
>gett better pulls when i paychadhmm...
>>57090222Servers are fucked from traffic
>>57090220>one shots pika ex and mew2 ex with a gioits just you nigga
>>57090222their servers are just at max capacity right now.
>8 tails in a rowHeh
>10 packs>Mew>Aerodactyl EX>Pigeot EX>Mew EX special artmehi didn't even get a normal pikachu
>>57090228Not him but>>one shots pika exYes>>mew2 ex with a gioNo
Do New release pay packs. Biggest pack = best value?
>>57090224Exeggutor ex generally has more energy attaches than it knows what to do with. It used to use them for retreats, but Leaf exists now.
>>57090235>i didn't even get a normal pikachuAside from completion, why would you want one?
>>57090236either Im retarded or you are
>>57090238yes, unless you have the promotional bundles left
>>57090237Cross threading to pic of promo Blastoise
How are we feeling about Scolipede?It’s Muk but for 2 energy but it’s a stage 2 and you can’t retreat it with Koga
>>57090222Dumb system requires a server call to enter every menu2024 gaming
Pikachuds... did we lose?
Serperior + Celebi doesn't give you double the flips, right?
>Mythical Island>only 3 mythicalsthey couldn't even throw a bone to metaltards and give them Jirachi?
>>57089445Mating Press Golem, my beloved...
>>57090169>>57090175New bread>>57090250>>57090250>>57090250>>57090250>>57090250
>>57090253It does
>>57090239I still think you're delusional if you think Celebi is anything outside of Serperior. >>57090243You're retarded. Pidgeot EX does 80 damage + 20 for each ***benched*** Pokemon. This kills Pikachu, because Pikachu wants a full bench. Mewtwo usually doesn't have a full bench. You'd need Mewtwo + full bench + Giovanni to kill Mewtwo, and that's not very likely to happen I think. Even if it were to maybe feasibly happen, they're not gonna play into your Pidgeot EX if they think you're running it, and it's a stage 2 so you can't just surprise plop it down.This is assuming we're talking about ohkos
>>57090224I don't think that comno works bc it doesn't give more energy, it just makes each worth 2.
celebi ex eggxecutor ex is going to be real scary to fight against
>>57090263oh so you are retarded
>open 12 packs >vaporeon FA, okay neat>nothing elseFuck this gay game with rigged rates.
>>57090270I explained why you're retarded. If still think I'm the retard, can you explain to me why you think I'm retarded?
>>57090258From my reading, it doesn't.
>>57090279because I was right and youre a retard
>>57090284I thought you were going to be a real person, anon. You said "either you're retarded or I am" so I thought you were willing to accept that you're retarded. You're not a real person though, you're unfortunately just a shitposter. Mewtwo EX isn't going to have a full bench.
>>57090293you literally posted why you were a retard, now shut the fuck up while I pull your hair and slap you a bit you stupid bitch
>>57090119>he didn't save his hourglasses
>>57090299Please kill yourself or learn how to be a real person.
>>57090304you naughty little retard...
>>57090282You can play against it in the solo mode, it literally does
>>57090011pretty much all grass that are not Exeggutor work on the same logic that gardevoir does in Mewtwo regarding Serperior. It is insane.
8 packs from the solo battles ain't half bad
>>57090223That anchor pokemon fucked my shit up cause of energy ramp
Damn dude, I got my Vaporeon and Celebi EX just from the hourglasses I saved. Just have to snipe Serperior.
>>57090920Serpi, new Exeggcutor, Celebi, shit goes hard imho. Nobody expects a 2 energy Pokemon to just randomly swing in with 160.