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why does TPCI make such cute boys made to be molested? They don't think about the advertisers
Wait, that's a boy?
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it's movie Oak when they find Celebi but with a redesign
That's a girl, though.
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honestly most of them don't really do anything to me
most of them
you are coping
we are polar opposite
Allister does nothing to me
You are, that is clearly a girl, and until you present proof to disproof that you should stay in silence.
I don't get why people call it Oak. Its an odd stretch to say 'they redesigned this character and also don't name him or give any indication that they are the same'. Its just some random kid.
If it's Oak then why isn't it Celebi support
Just like real life
because it looks the fucking same
It really doesn't
I thought it was a girl too, but they don't have the usual long eyelashes or even the slightest sign of breasts so it's hard to determine
I mean a lot of male characters have eyelashes now so that doesn't say much.
So is it better to run Serperior/Celebi or Serperior/Exeggcutor?
>It's a boy!!
>It's a girl!!
if TPC didn't confirm anything it's up to interpretation now shut the fuck up and draw porn about them already
Uses "Explorer (male)" in gendered languages
it's over
Can you draw him butt naked with bugsy?
he's too flat to be a girl in poke world
it's too obvious
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nips says its a girl
>14 hours later
>STILL no lewds
I wanna be the first person to draw them pregnant but I'm lazy
i saw a on twitter hours ago
Pick one

Its young Oak, he just looks totally different and works with mew instead of celebi
literally doesnt matter blowjob is a blowjob
you are full of shit
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Surprisingly little fan art
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doesn't make any difference whether its a boy or a girl if it's before puberty its not gay
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he cute
i can't unsee it now
So cute! i want to spoil him! <3
run 2-2-2 Serperior, 2 Celebi, and 1-2 Exeggutor (GA Exeggutor, obviously)
Bzzt! Wrong. PTCGP is published by TPC.
oh dear...
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cute, too bad the art is shit
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Here's your new starter trio bro
which one are you picking?
>grass poison ghost
awfull, no thank you
They're Grass/Fairy Fire/Dark and /Water/Ghost tho
Kieran's hair poking out of the frame is so cute.
Kieran > Allister > Cute but very forgettable NPC
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That's a girl (female).
Got source for this one? I havent seen this one uploaded elsewhere.
Thank you anon, finding things on twitter is a nightmare.
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Allister was literally conceived for rape
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>please stop staring so much
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>game freak takes a sabatical
>no news
>no hype
>pocket sells billions
This fucking kusoge is carrying the whole franchise right now.
cute boy tho
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His pp, my mouth
>ONE year without a game
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>flip a coin, if heads explorer-kun if tails explorer-chan
Tried playing brock with the new cards. New geodude is worse, new graveler is better and the new golem is somewhat better. It's so bulky it's like an ex and it gives you something to fight against other decks unlike the old golem that essentially kills its self to kill mewtwo.

Onix is interesting because it was the best 1 point basic in the game.
>110 hp
>70 for 3
>Brock to go +1
I had used it in a no ex deck along side farfetch'd to some success but now I see it as the thing that's holding back the brock deck. Both golems have good pay off for their set up but onix does not help them set up, it itself takes too long to get going and 70 damage is too little to late once it does, it is just not a good front liner.

What the deck needs now is a new onix, one that can apply pressure while you stack energy on your golem. Maybe we'll get a onix ex in that elite 4 set people were theorizing will exist
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gender reveal
he looks scared
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As usual I never get heads
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>Game Freak finally has their first 'break year' since 2015
>immediate panic and anger about no activity as if the franchise wasn't worth billions without the gamed anyway
Legends Z-A mid '25, Gen X late '26, yada yada. But you knew that already, turbo retard.
>wrong eye color and hairstyle? They just redesigned him!
>also they just paired him with Mew instead of Celebi!
>it's totally Oak guys!
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Retard. Buffoon. DeNA makes Masters EX and Pocket btw.
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Is this supposed to proof anything? Cause it really doesn't
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yeah I don't think it's Oak either, but would be cool imo
Budding Expeditioner? More like Budding Transitioner.
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They know about the public shotachad
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>even the slightest sign of breasts
exactly, she's budding
they were pretty clear with the name

just slightly puffy under that shirt but nothing else

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