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Santa Goh Edition

It's Goh time! Let's go again with a new thread about Goh! Talk about his Pokemon, his dream, his ships, and of course, Goh himself!

>Voting Questions for Goh fans coming into this thread
1. Are you a boy or a girl?
Cast your vote in this link: https://strawpoll.com/polls/GPgV6pa98ga

2. What age should Goh be if he makes a return in Horizons?
Cast your vote in this link: https://strawpoll.com/e2nardxJegB

3. What would have been better for PM2023?
Cast your vote in this link: https://strawpoll.com/3RnYlvXNDye

>Goh's VAs name list appearing in Pokemon Horizons as Roy's Fuecoco & Rotomphones so far
1. Daiki Yamashita (Original)
2. Zeno Robinson (English dub)
3. Jon Samaniego (Spanish dub)
4. Tobias John von Freyend (German dub)
5. Pierre Le Bec (French dub)

>List of Goh's caught Pokemon

Previous: >>56981582
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What to get Goh for Christmas?..
A threesome with Sonia and Dawn, that's going to happen whether he wants it or not
She's at it again
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Lmao I didn't notice at first
Gaping Goh's asshole!
Based Fujos doing what the anime staff was to scared to do.
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Get the fuck up Ash!
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Given the sheer amount of ship bait between Goh and Ash, the anime staff hardly seemed to be scared of much, lol.
It's potentially the same people just doin some stealth on the side
What happened to this Goh artist?
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kys fag
Cute Boyfriends just like their trainers
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>You are challenged by young couple Ash and Goh
>that image
i wanna ride him now
I'm straight but same

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