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KANTOOOO girls are the greatest
They don't look like that
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>Yet another blatant coomer thread
Just nuke this board or make /vp/ a red board at this point
They are, indeed.
This wasn't even funny the first time, faggot.
I remember when you posted this after I bumped a thread with a rule 34 link. Good to see you bro!
you mad lil bro?
stay salty, purityfag
If they're so great why aren't they in the E4? HMM?!
If I visit real life Kanto, will I meet girls like these?
Why is Erika the most forgettable of all Kanto?
This looks like shit.
Her appearences in other media are not very interesting vs the other two. She also looks like basically any other nadeshiko ever, no flavour.
Why does this guy's art get posted everywhere?
He has genuinely horrible anatomy on every fucking picture
Janine is 100% the most forgettable Kanto girl
To be fair, her father is just better.
Living up to Koga is a big undertaking.
Why is Janine looking at me like that?
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god i wish i was that oshawott
But ecchi content is better.
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Holy AI mother of sloppa
The proportions in this image upset me.

I agree, but nuking /vp/ would just flood /v/. Both should be nuked.
>He thinks it's AI
The fact that you can't tell anymore at a first glance says a lot.
OP Sauce:
Erika my love <3
This artist fell off hard honestly.
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