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Alola girls!
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Why was the last thread deleted?
Janny being a faggot as usual
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probably bc y'all's love went a bit too extreme
My love is boundless for Alola girls.
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>That Mallow
the fuck
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Acerola has that effect on people
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You can tell if a Pokemon fan is a pedophile if their favorite girls are from Alola.
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Anon she is a child
out of 10
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Need more Mina.
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I'd know, I run acerola threads and all people wanna do is talk about fucking her :c

even if they don't want to bang them?
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Just a comfy thread about cute girls doing cute things
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My favorite girls are exclusively from Alola, yes.
what are their cup sizes
i need to know
for science
Alolan Paradise
not sure
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Acerola is for rough sex and erotic asphyxiation.
It can't be helped.
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needs more Lillie
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will you accept the pocky?
I NEED to have sex with Lana
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We’re going to reach the bump limit in an hour like this
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what can I say, pokegirls are a huge percentage of my folder.
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Alola girls are built and made for older men.
Which sexy, slutty, Alola hebe has the tightest, sweetest, child pussy?
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gonna have to be Lillie or Selene for my taste. obviously since that's who I've been spamming here.
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Golf looks like a super boring sport but I'll play just for her
I want to get Lana pregnant
I think we've had enough Lillie/chicken posts for one thread...
don't worry I think I posted all the ones I have that would be allowed on this board.
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There is never enough
Will love to creampie both desu
Okay so, I’m gonna use the Japanese system because it’s basic as fuck and don’t do repeating letters bullshit like the western world. Cup-size is measured by the differential between the circumference of the torso, called the underbust, and the boobs, called the overbust, with the Japanese system starting at 10cm and going up a size every 2.5cm.
This is also all personal headcanon, someone leagues more autistic than I am could analyse their models in Pokémon Masters or something and determine an actual number.
>No-cup (<10cm)
>A-cup (10cm-12.5cm)
>B-cup (12.5cm-15cm)
>C-cup (15cm-17.5cm)
>D-cup (17.5cm-20cm)
Professor Burnett
>E-cup (20cm-22.5cm)
>F-cup (22.5cm-25cm)
>G-cup (25cm-27.5cm)
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Rirrie-chan is literally made for endless breeding
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Maybe she can teach you how to play golf. A better way of getting close to her.
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Selene is the hottest followed by lillie in second place
Selene is made for older men.
And younger men and little girls
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Chicken is for Gladion just like how Lillie is for male-chicken.
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I strongly disagree. Chicken's design is simple and effective, not basic. It is a solid cute girl design. If anything, out of the modern female player characters, she is the least associated with customization. Everyone loves her default outfits.
Gloria is a little more basic but she more than makes up for it with how cute her alt outfits are. Same with Serena, she is the one whose gimmick is changing outfits and hairstyles but her base design is still strong enough to make it work.
Juliana straight up looks like shit. Everything from her bodytype to her hair to her clothes is just plain bad.
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It's kind of telling that the most popular version of Juliana is the version that's essentially cosplaying as Juliana.
Nah, Chicken is for Lillie
>Alola girl thread
>It's only porn addicts spamming softcore porn
Why are /vp/edos like this?
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>no alola vn like unova nights
kill me
Dear lord
more sexy Selenes
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It’s not like there are any other versions of her
I'm about to download pokemon Sun for my first playthrough so I can get more familiarized with it's pokegirls
am I doing a mistake?
Should I go with ultra-sun instead?
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Yes, you should do moon instead.

Fuck no
forgot pic
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because you cram a game full of underage girls, and the pedophiles will flock to it like they wish they could with actual schools.
sucks to have your waifu come from gen 7, because this is the stigma I gotta deal with -,-
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Anon would miss out on Ultra Necrozma tho
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>nooooo I'm not like the other posters I swear
nigga it's just a drawing chillax
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Getting the full alolan loli lore > one meme fight
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Guess what? You can't do that without playing USUM.
Honestly, I think the one reason I would strongly suggest playing SM over USUM is the soundtrack. The battle music remixes are all shit.
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Chicken is so cute.
In my headcanon she often chooses to leave the undershirt at home because she likes to feel a gust on her skin, but, deep down she feels a tinge of excitement to travel wearing such a breezy outfit, and managing the glances of others.
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wait does moon have any different lore/event involving lillie that sun doesn't have?
I was going for sun just because it was the first one I fould and I like alola vulpix. Should I really go for moon instead? I'm starting the game RIGHT NOW
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Whats the point of pretending you wouldn't pump your waifu's undead cunny full of cum?
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Zossie is a non-character. It is not worth playing the version of the game that lobotomizes all the lolis just for her.
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no pretending here, just someone who wishes to love her without sex. she's adorable and loveable royalty, she deserves to be treated as such, not some overworked fuckmeat like you guys envision her as.
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Does it? The only character that got lobotomized as far as I know was Lusamine because she doesn't go mad and fuse with Nihiligo anymore. On the other hand, Mina got to have a trial of her own.
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There are small dialogue and plot changes all through the game that rob the pokelolis of all of their spunk. It is a fine experience for a replay, if you are planing to mash through the dialogue, but a really shitty game if you actually are about the characters.
File deleted.
You get to walk Lillie at night for the true Alola experience
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I don't remember this cutscene...
fuck... my I got hard reading that... I guess I'll go download moon then
Which Alolan girls rank highest in the 1-10 ticklish scale? Asking for a friend.
They got rid of Press A to Pound, didn't they?
She enjoys being more sexy than cute every now and then
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I don't understand this fetish really
Sexy underage girls
did you have to say that
We were all thinking it.
It's versatile, and divided.
I like it best as a foreplay trigger. Pokémon add lots of colorful BDSM options. Footfags both make and break the entire scene though.
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Alola is hot chick heaven
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>actual (barely) censored porn on a blue board
>her whole ass is visible
the worst part is that if I report it, there's a 50/50 chance the mods will throw me out for a "false report"

ur disgusting, anon.
Imagine cumming inside her while she gives you that look
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Absolute dogshit opinion, the USUM ost is the best in the entire series
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I'd rather not desu
I'd rather imagine her cuddling up with me in bed while we reminisce about life.
That’s cute. Sounds like something an old couple would do.
Post nut clarity would help with that
Not to mention consoling a crying Acerola would make cuddling feel all the more meaningful
it's all I want, to just be able to huddle with her and enjoy life together.

she shouldn't be crying over something I did, at all.
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aww she looks adorable here
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Lana about to teach Acerola how to spell her name backwards
We masturbate to children here sir.
Wait so Alola is ruled by a king and Acerola is his daughter?
Wait for Legends Eclipse to get the answer.
Was. She died 100 years ago and the kingdom has since fallen.
The Rowlet is dying and everyone is just posting cute & funny.
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Alola threads are always bad for my underwear, but I'm not alone today, so I need to resist at all costs.
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Good luck resisting I guess
Ask them what their favourite alolan loli is.
godDAMN I love puffy mounds
No...They are to old to know them anyway.
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>Gloria is a little more basic
>Same with Serena
How is Serena basic? She looks distinct enough to be her own character as a rival. She's one of the very few female player characters who aren't just genderbent versions of the male ones.
You only think that because of the anime. She has no character besides being a dress up doll.
Well it’s not like the others have a character besides being dress up dolls. We’re judging them purely based on their appearance, and game Serena doesn’t really resemble her anime counterpart all that much.
All Serena's base design has going on for her is being blonde as a default. Otherwise, she just exists to get a haircut and new clothes. There is very little that could be consider distinctly hers.

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