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What was her issue
crippling anxiety
shota “healer”
only shows up once in a single map, not counting battle facilities
She loved healing young trainers.
You can battle her in the Battleground area.
She needed help crossing the forest duh
I always associate her with leafeon and I have no idea why
What the fuck is Battleground?
Eterna Forest, green hair and fit, mossy stone, carpet prolly matches drapes.
You play Platinum?
Yeah like 15 years ago
It was the post-game building in the Survival Area, it was locked in DP. You rematxh gym leaders and "stat trainers" (doubles partners) who would rotate out
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Shes a trainer who loves to heal boys
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Overthinking it, considering how often you the player will be running around at the end of the game with weak mons and accumulated potions galore... if you squint and assume it takes the characters longer than 30 seconds to cross a route, teaming up with someone else to save time suddenly isn't the weirdest thing.

That mid-jump Blissey, pffft
If anything I wish Cheryl traveled around with you more throughout Sinnoh. She left such a strong impression on me that I thought she was going to stay with me throughout the game.
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Why can't they make more characters like Cheryl?
i remember having a crush on her as a kid.
>inb4 underage
diamond and pearl released almost two decades ago grandpa. im 22
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In the good timeline, there’s a DP remake where stat trainers become recruitable party members
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Child molester
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We're not in that timeline sadly. I would love that. wild double battles and traveling and talking with the stat trainers, even setting up camp for a bit sounds like a fun idea throughout your journey.
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She got raped by ghost girl
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pokemon keep pouncing on her
This unironically
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holy sexo
I'm about to go feral, GRAHHHHHHHHH
Which Pokemon would pounce Cheryl?
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I'm still a little amazed this one got through, as if the director got word of the general direction these episodes were allowed to go in (conspiratorial vibes, Pokemon killing people off-screen), and then just doubled down on it. That and the debatable Toshiro Ono reference. They suffered for kino.

She fite.
They are fighting over her lol

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