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The real, actually cool, Dragon Thread.
where are the tits?
Come at me.
Wanted to add something to this but Rave.dj hasn't worked for me for a while now.

Now that is an OP image.
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Here we go.
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Long live the king.
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Good choice on OP image. Sadly it is impossible to make the Unova dragons look cool, except for Haxorus.
Right angle fractals neat.
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in the trash where these threads belong
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Sup fellas. Mind if I join?
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I can think of one who would vote yes
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Give dragon dance
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deploying him to protect this thread in the case of invading fairies
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Give dragon secondary typing
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I love Zekrom and Kyurem-Black but Ice-Fire duality is simply so much cooler
How can he be a dragon? He doesn't have wings
>wasted on an ugly regional form
It hurts
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>At least 3 non-dragons in this thread
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As a fan of both medieval weaponry and dinosaurs/other reptilian creatures like dragons, Haxorus is just so... peak.
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honestly smogon's flying press articles have pretty good art
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but i like dragapults
they're cool
the last time i got the chance to use one in a fangame i got to tear apart almost everything with banded dragon darts
it's like bringing a bomber jet to a knife fight
I can certainly sympathize with having a bromon like that, just please try to minimize of mix it up
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fug you got me
lol cute
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I saw a really unsettling fusion between Druddigon and Groudon once. Can anyone find the image please?
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Are you maybe thinking of this handsome devil?
based gorilla arm dragons
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The GAD Chad legend never dies.
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Gonna post some Garchomp pics
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>steel/dragon aggron with dragon dance
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You lose stab head smash though.
Charizard's still getting fucked despite having a Charti berry.
Would you still love me if I turned into a worm?
Mega aggron lost STAB on its head smash and still was a better mon anyways
It'll be fine without STAB
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>"Dragons? Sorry, nothing to see here - just your ordinary maid."

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