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>I just beat Black 2! I can’t wait to explore the vast amounts of postga…wait…are these just reused maps from BW1? U-um there’s not much replayability or interesting content here…well surely there’s a battle frontier and not just the barebones easy tournament I already played during the story, right? …o-oh…
Holy fucking YAWNERINO
so true
and theres no online anymore
>It's OK when Gen 2 does it.
...Which is also true of Kalos and Alola, which is especially bad in Alola's case because it permanently kneecaps the Festival Plaza, especially the Battle Agency. Kekaroo!
lmao at keklos and keklola
swsh and sv best games
Don't you guys ever get tired of doing this?
Me when I beat Lance in Gold
sv best game*
sword shit is nowhere near deserving the title
All me btw
doesnt matter we have gen 11 by then thoughever
Then why do old gens not having online matter? Why are those seen as strikes against them if "it doesn't matter because we have [current gen]?"
sv will be old by then so they turn bad
is that simpel
>reused maps
most new locations by far for a "rehash" version
>battle frontier
They replaced five facilities with five facilities, oh no....
I gotta ask cus i like unova and even im confused what 5 facilities are you talking about? Cus theres institute PWT subway what else?
black tower white treehollow, although you do need the key to switch between them, but they actually are slightly different
black tower/white treehollow
pwt also has its own factory substitute
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14 years
And he'll keep going until the day he dies because you niggers keep giving him (You)s.
The 20 year olds who shitposted about ice cream and trash bags in 2010 are now 35 and crying about poketubers and anyone who doesn't think gen 2 is the best.
Watch the janny conveniently delete this thread but not the other one.
If anything the jannies hate unova as of late.
>as of late
How new?
parotting is an admission of defeat
Thats not how parrots work.
>lol this guy said something about how kalos has terrible postgame (>>57088113)
>so i'm gonna do the exact same thing with unova except it's a lie lol
It's exactly how parrots work though.
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Uhh no?
>to repeat exactly what someone else says, without understanding it or thinking about its meaning:
So it is parroting. Glad we agree.
sabor with that fresh new iphone finally
>completely different post
bw2 has one of the best dexes ever so it more than makes up for any other shit
Making me wanna play BW
It's all they have to do during the gap year
anon you realize janny application happened within the month. If you don’t know this maybe you’re the real newfag
I'm still not buying Sword and Shield
parroting is an admission of defeat
>except it's a lie
it’s less of a lie than the other post
>They replaced five facilities with five facilities
no they didn’t
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this is extremely fucking stupid, can the two of you marry eachother already and leave this board forever
That'll be SS.
You think there's two of them? How cute.
>black and white towers
>battle institute
>type master
Huh you're right, they replaced five with seven
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Peak of the franchise, hardest "facility" ever made
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So…these are the peak sprites unova fans keep telling me about…
Literally the most endgame of any game in the series you faggot. Go back to Lets Go Eevee
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Lets see what the content is... Oh
Why does every Unovafanboy hate Pokemon? Just go play Zelda
It's like you don't understand what rehashes were all about. Sad!
>Posts one obscure activity
You're such an obvious troll it's not even funny
sex with brycen
We love a good sabor thread
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My bad dog, who could forget the favorite Unova activity
>talk to black man
do NOT talk shit about emerald and platinum
>actual puzzle facility
Surprised they didn't try this again, not even a carbon copy for a 'theatre'. Shame the tutorial is so dogshit for how fun it is.
>Surprised they didn't try this again
Why? It's Unova so everyone said it's dogshit and now GameFreak won't ever do it again
There is ton to explore because seasons unlock new roads
Correct again, yawnfag.
>not even a pokemon
>no ghost stab
>no held item
Yeah thanks for agreeing you hate Pokemon. Feels good to be correct all the time.
And yet you won't find anything from XY or beyond that beats it.
Or anything before that mind you.
I'm kind of surprised too, I would prefer puzzle battles more than the usual battle tower and what not.
>XY out of nowhere
Fuck off you autistic little cumrag. I bought them just the same as your mummy did for you. Doesn't mean I'm blind as to what they represented or retarded to the point I didn't understand what they represented like you were.
Gen 5 is good but no. DPPt and HGSS had more post game
HGSS yes, DPPT no
Nah, HGSS removed the bike from the game.
It's the game you always use as an example so what better game to compare it to. Nothing in XY can be considered a challenge.
>HGSS had more post game
Debatable especially given Kanto is still neutered.
>i'm still seething Kalos sold more and is more liked
1 day you will grow out of it, Sagie. Buying PLZA 2 times just for you.
This. 16 gyms + Red + Frontier? Sounds like shit
Ring the Bell 10 times? Now thats what we call content and replayability!
GODnova won. I didn't read a single post in this thread btw.
Guillotine really did it's job
>he thinks sales = quality
There's a reason why only you remember XY exists.
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I mean this was technically the second time (that I'm aware of) that they attempted to make puzzles out of Pokémon battles. But with how kids are now, Little Timmy's not gonna want to use his brain. He just wants to destroy everything with his Level 100 Charizard.
>kanto is suddenly postgame again
>my region will get butchered!
This isn’t a flex
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Anon you’re a newfag. After BDSP, nearly universally people stopped wanting a BW remake. People speculated on it happening anyway because of SV’s DLC, but most people didn’t want it. Just check the archives.
Nice fanfic.
>revisiting old maps in a new context like HGSS, one of the best post-games in the franchise
>actual excuse to make more than a few teams for a battle facility, which our guy Werster thinks is so neat he did a speed run of it like 3 years ago
>and theres no online anymore
Fun Fact: Gen 5 have has the most trivial setup of every dead Pokemon online, as all you need to do is change your DNS which is insanely easy. After that is probably Gen 4 (need an old WiFi type), SS when it finally dies (need to figure out LAN mode to cover most of what that matters), ORAS (has a few ways to imitate online features locally or through hacking), every other 3DS title (will probably have to hack the 3DS which is fairly easy but does involve effort), and lastly Japanese Crystal (doesn't have any solution currently and probably won't for at least a decade).
Yeah, unlike XY which has nothing new but incredibly easy battles and single rooms with a single thing in them. It doesn't even upgrade any of the existing minigames. HGSS might be better overall, but that comes down to taste (I usually go HGSS but B2W2 is quite close at the end of the day). Shame there's no real multiplayer missions going on in XY, Xenoblade X's online integration was way better than that, constantly giving you the chance to do something to basically help out everyone.
>kanto has 16 gyms
You're off your game today yawnfag
Check the archive for yourself. Show me one Unovafag that wanted remakes.
>battle subway/PWT
>medal collecting
>completing the dex
>discovering hidden grottos and other legendaries
i still havent finished the post game yet
I did and found this picture >>57098800
PLA was fucking trash though. An empty wilderness catching game with some shitty crafting tacked-on. Fuck faggots who want that garbage
Anyone else get a little bored of winning constantly?
Where's the unovafag?
You know shitting on XY doesn't make you a unovafag right?
Honestly? Yeah, it's just getting safe seeing yawnfag rage like this every day.
I mean the guy has no downtime so this is all he has.
>revisiting old maps in a new context like HGSS, one of the best post-games in the franchise
Most of HGSS’s maps are unique instead of literally copy/pasted and HGSS has an actual BF

>actual excuse to make more than a few teams for a battle facility
the BF already did this while not being easy as piss
>Most of HGSS’s maps are unique instead of literally copy/pasted
What on earth are you talking about? Only that short lead up to the safari zone and pokeathlon were original.
Unless you're talking about the visuals themselves which is completely and utterly worthless at the end of the day since it doesn't change the map.
>and HGSS has an actual BF
A copy and paste of the worst one
>Most of HGSS’s maps are unique
No the hell they aren't. This whole criticism is stupid. Obviously Unova was introduced before, and so was Kanto and Johto at HGSS's time. Both still added many new things despite being rehashes (BDSP should've taken notes)
>the BF already did this while not being easy as piss
You keep pretending the five facilities B2W2 has are easier than the BF without ever explaining. I'd argue they're better on the merit of being much more different from one another. While I love the BF, if you can beat one, just tweak your strategy slightly and you can beat all five. With B2W2 the five facilities vary much more in their strategy.
Wouldn’t any fairy beat it?
>the BF already did this while not being easy as piss
Not especially, it's mostly just a team for singles and doubles as opposed to having to make one for every type. At least you do have to build a team with an actual strategy that isn't clear and you could lose to misplays, Gen 6's Battle Maison has basically every format solved by two teams and you can basically turn your brain off. I will say if you do have a True Ant from when the Dream World wasn't dead, any singles format where it's allowed in B2W2 is fucked up by that, but that's what two type experts out of 17? I guess it's a good thing the Dream World is fucking dead in that case, shame about the everything else.
>daily streams and threads
>whatever unova has
>0 playthough threads, discussions or streams
im thinking
>Not especially
Yes especially.

>le every type!!
Throwing together any 3 decent pokemon to beat the piss easy tournament with no streaks isn’t teambuilding
>we've unironically shifted to shilling YouTubers to judge the quality of content

What streams are you even watching? Your premise isn't based in anything.

Also, argue with people instead of yourself please.
>implying this board has gameplay threads
>No the hell they aren't
I’n sorry you didn’t actually play the game.

>Both still added many new things
BW2 didn’t.

>You keep pretending the five facilities B2W2 has are easier than the BF
Because they are.
>responding yes to every no
here's a no to that
>didn't read and shat out an argument against no one
Try again, it isn't "piss easy" because you say so, and you actually need to choose your mons carefully
We just had a guy doing playhroughs doe
>I’n sorry you didn’t actually play the game.
What part of HGSS is a unique map?
>BW2 didn't
I'n sorry you didn't actually play the game.
>Because they are.
Repeating this with no substance to support it will never magically make it true. I provided an argument for the con tray, while you just sit here and deny all day without addressing my argument. Your job is easy.
We also had Gen 5 ones. Promptly fuck off since its obvious you're a tourist pretending he knows about board culture.
Link 1 thread doing funfest missions
>whatever unova has
>0 playthough threads, discussions or streams
>Yes especially.
So what's the different strategy you need to implement between the Castle and the Arcade that involves building an entirely new Pokemon?
>Throwing together any 3 decent pokemon to beat the piss easy tournament with no streaks isn’t teambuilding
Surely you have some evidence to back this up, like either anecdotal on your end or some recorded data. You know, like how I got every relevant reward in Battle Maison Triples insanely easily or how there's several 4 digit streaks on Smogon which is insanely abnormal, plus other inflated streak numbers for that same game on there.
Who said anything about funfest missions? We're currently discussing battle facilities anon. Are you schizophrenic and hearing things?
Sure, here's one from earlier this year
>man in black = black man
based retard
>cant link
>no proof or screenshots of doing them
Damn senpai...
Why did you bring up funfest mission when we were comparing games with different facilities? That's like if I asked for proof of curry or sandwiches out of nowhere.
Here bro. I also like them, they are good content.
Cool but we’re discussing battle facilities.
Frontier threads are fucking shit. It's either the OP asking what the best team is and everyone else saying Latios Metagross Swampert, or campaignshitters seething about the AI "cheating" when there's zero proof of it.
Reading comprehension anon.
i'll never understand pokefags obsession with post-games
>Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time
20 hour long
>Pokemon Diamond
200 hour long
No Pokemon game ever has flopped.
>Rumble U
>The Band of Thieves & 1000 Pokémon
sold only 1 million less den DPPT and more than RSE and XY DOE
Not even close to actual flops.
Sorry I meant the main games.
BW is in the top 5 selling ds games
Yknow for as much as you retards speak of this dreaded 'yawnfag' I've never actually seen any anons do this unironically. And I frequent genwar threads above everything else on this faggot ass board
He stopped doing it a couple years ago but his posting style's so clear to anyone we know it's the same guy even still. I took several breaks from /vp/ and would come back and see that he's dallying here.
I don't think the current "yawnfag" was ever doing the whole *yawn* schtik. That was a different troll during the SWSH/dexit era.
How the current retard got that moniker, I have no idea. Either way, he's been shitting this board up for years
>How the current retard got that moniker, I have no idea.
hey, if it works
It's probably multiple different retards who parrot the same current genwar rhetoric

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