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we love bugs of all kind
do not the bug
What happened to da previous thread?
Do the bug.
that is not a bug
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any hackroms with her innit?
looks like it fell off due to lack of bumps
yea we still do
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i can't believe i've been this foolish
your bug, sir
i still would
Which bugmon has the sexiest abdomen?
Scizor has a snatched waist to die for
Sex with Butterfree wife.
i'm gonna have to say leavanny. the leaf covering just makes it sexier.
Leavanny, Vivillon, or Venomoth. But Caterpie is the sexiest overall thanks to PMD
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>Caterpie is the sexiest overall thanks to PMD
I need the context behind this, what on earth happened to Caterpie in PMD?
huge PMDfag here and i have no idea what anon is talking about
i can only assume it's a shitpost
chubby belly erotic...
No contest
every time i play gen 5 from discovering her onward i will be eternally sad i will never have one on my team. it's not fair bros...
damn she really let herself go
thats what age does for ya
(as in the two images are her at prime age vs milf age. or late teens early/20s vs late 30s/40s)
I can't tell which is better
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How could you possibly forget literally the very first mission in rescue team, where you rescue Caterpie from the Tiny Woods and then he swoons over and idolizes you for the rest of the game? He's absolutely adorable, fuck you I'm not shitposting
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>you save him
>he looks up to you like you're the cool older kid
>this somehow equates to sex
i don't know how your thought process works and frankly i don't want to know
slaps her belly
and that's a good thing!
bregnant (bug pregnant)
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for me it's fool's gold sneasel
the markings around its eyes look like eyeliner
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shame weavile looks retarded and sneasler is, well, this.
eh, I'd still hit it.
Big words from a man drooling over insectoid abdomens
Not that anon, and I also don't share your train of thought, but good taste in caterpie. It's like 90% abdomen, all soft and pulsating and shit. I would love to feel it closely, but the caterpillars near me are hairy and possibly venomous, so I just can't let them near my face.
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Yes, Caterpillars tend to be pretty well defended irl via toxins, spines, or other irritants. We may appreciate Caterpie for different reasons, but I'll always respect another Caterpie enjoyer
this one's for the yumes
Perfect for grabbing
Big fat gassy bug
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That lampent is going to having frosted glass once they're done
I wanna grope her belly and lick her navel
not there champ
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i wonder what new bugs will be in gen 10...
Hopefully a normal/bug fly, that becomes bee-lzebub

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