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Which variants are better than their OG counterparts if any
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Love this lil nigga
One is cuter and happier, the other strikes fear into the hearts of those that face it in combat
i like both vulpixes
and both sandshrews
probably because both those mons have cool typings and designs in either form
came to post alolan meowth, i like galarian meowth a ton too. all of them i love but alolan meowth wins me over slightly more.
perrserker wins out over both persians still though
love both pix
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I like this fairy unicorn more than the original.
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Sneasler is hotter cus she is tall
Ponyta-G is cute but this one just looks weird
They are a dirty poisonous, lanky, violent fighting freak and I can relate.
none because they were all lazy mistakes that only exist to make the original mon obsolete
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Never cared much for Mr. Mime but the Galarian version and Rime are neat.
all of them
Alolan Raichu
it was much happier in Kanto's backyard

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