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This is a general thread for people to post their AI art, and make requests from others who may want to attempt making their own Pokemon related gens.

NovelAI is a paid AI generator. Opus tier users have "unlimited" Small/Normal generations, though editing tools require credits.

Microsoft's Bing AI is a free image generator that is powered by DALL·E 3.

Civitai is free using its ‘buzz’ currency. You get about 50 every day plus more for liking models and gens.

Otaiku is a (mostly) free mobile app. An ad watch is required between each image generation unless you pay.

Local Generation using Stable Diffusion requires a decent video card. Guides for local genning can be found in the /g/ threads:
Other Stable Diffusion threads are on: /h/, /e/, /d/, /b/, /vt/, /aco/, /trash/

Hailuo AI takes uploaded art and animates them based on the prompts you get. You get a 3-day free trial, followed by roughly 3 free gens a day afterward. Subscription plans are available.

Pastebin of Pokemon artists:
>https://pastebin.com/U0mmK3Tm (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (gotobed) (sleepyhead)

Characters with under 300 images will require more tags to have them look correct. This is a list of all Pokemon characters with over 300 images:

If you plan on sharing multiple images together, we'd recommend posting just one, and give links for the rest. This way we can conserve space.

This is a locally run html tool provided by ThatOneAiAnon. It keeps track of all artists you like and turns Danbooru's entire tag system in a collapsible list of buttons. You can edit all the js, css, html code to modify the tool.
>mega .nz/file/67xwTRSB#m0fPUmJRaWd3oh47gt6nw2LKNMe820TaiKdXTAhx8tI

Previous Thread: >>57075408
This thread is number 114 btw.
My dream...
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sorry for being absent
got v&
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No need to worry about it, just keep it in mind next time.

(Next thread should be 115, for anyone making the next thread)
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Very huggable <3

Very beautiful. I love her pose and expression. Her eyes are very pretty, and I love that she's blushing slightly.

Maybe she's blushing because she's going commando?
God damn!
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She knows how to get her rival's attention.
>She knows how to get her rival's attention.
Of course she does. Her mere presence catches my attention.
dang that's actually big.
That's kind of her thing.
Did you use an upscaler or sorts?
She knows your weakness.

I don't really like using it but NAI's upscaler is so bad.

Zebranine? Arcabra?
It's an Arcaporeon
Thanks for the idea

i see. i wonder if my ai gen can do it.

The moment i get to Saturday, i can generate as much as i want!
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Just realized I had the wrong settings before.
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hags in kids clothes
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Can you make samurai erika?
Perfection... can you give her a crossbow?
>She knows your weakness.
That's because she is my weakness.
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hilarious. Difficult.
Something like this?
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Can we have some Unova girls in Christmas outfits?
Cute goober
Having a hard time getting the crossbow
Sweet, maybe flawed, but still neat on its own, thanks!
for >>57101943
(also managed to get Yancy. 80% success rate at least!)
Could you do gift-wrapped Hilda and Rosa, please?
I'm testing out if you can add more ribbons around though.
I'd like to see something involving Cynthia, if that's alright.
Could you do xmas erika?
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Crossbows are so hard.
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Very pretty, thanks for that. Cynthia is the queen.
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On-model Gardevoir wearing pants feels right for some reason.
Precious, thanks!
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I love her pose. She looks like she's inviting you to join her on a fun Christmas adventure. The green Santa suit is also a nice touch. I wonder what she's carrying?
Definitely Diamonds.
Idk what business she'd have carrying a big sack of diamonds around, but I'm sure she has her reasons.
iirc, some people think that she has a lot of money, considering her dad/mom developed Paldea's infrastructure.
She absolutely does, it's basically stated in the game. Although I'm pretty sure her dad is just the CEO of the Rotom phone company. I don't remember anything being said about her parents developing Paldea's infrastructure. Regardless, it would be very in character for her to bestow her family's riches upon the less fortunate. She has a good heart.
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Can the dress on Gardevoir be removed? I assumed it was like skin.
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More Carmine
No, It's her skin.

Very cool.
Can you give her red eyes?
I love Carmine.

Hold on, Juliana gen is getting compromised by longer hair or something.
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Can someone put her into more Christmassy clothes?
I'd prefer if you keep her feet bare, but if you can't that's fine.
Also I'd like a Christmas Shiny Mega Gardevoir to go with her.
Nice, pretty good, thanks
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;_; how cute

desu this is an epic thread..
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Great gens
ignore lusamine's hair clipping[/spoiler
looks like it's ya gal
If even Godzilla loves these sneakers, then they must be good. I regret more and more not having done a remake of this when the model wasn't such a mess.

I agree
I don't know if you were the one who posted that Greninja in the last thread, if so, you typed "Greninja from Pokémon" or Greninja (description)?
Wasn't me, brother.
Arcanine as Jaxi from Super Mario Odyssey

thanks, nice Slowpoke
Can you make that but with persian?
I'll do it after I get home.
Pretty nice Canine, huge thanks!
You're welcome
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First the Bianca image now this incredible Hex, amazing thread image picks.
I'd let her hug me to death like a Bewear...
Fuckin' adorable.
Didn't know Gen 10 was going to be Egypt
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I like Arezu.
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Greetings all, lots of cute and lewd stuff in this thread.

Getting Elesa's headphones off was far more difficult than I expected. I don't remember if I did that in Novel.
>Getting Elesa's headphones off was far more difficult than I expected
Machine! Good to see you again! How have you been?

I never noticed how short Elesa's hair actually was. It's cute seeing her without her most iconic accessory.
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the reason?
tasteful sideboob
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I remember that episode of Billy and Mandy.

But... they do come off? Look how cute she is.
Hey Nemonanon! I've been good, testing stuff, you?

Yeah, the cord coming off her headphones makes her hair seem longer than it is. She is indeed cute, I just wish I knew why it keeps messing up her eyes. I might try higher resolutions to see if that helps.
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i need this on my desk, NOW!
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300 gens later she is finally holding the damn thing properly like i've been prompting this entire time
I've been going pretty good lately. I'm finished with university for the year, so that's a relief. I also made a new SV friends thread, which has had a lot of lovely discussion. I've also gotten pretty far into my 5th anniversary replay of Pokémon Sword (I've just gotten to Circhester, and my team is Inteleon, Orbeetle, Klinklang, Coalossal, Sirfetch'd and Darumaka), although I'm taking a break to catch shiny Rayquaza and the other outbreak shinies. I've been doing pretty well for myself lately. Although I'll be taking a short break from 4chan starting Monday, as I'll be away for Christmas with my family.

Very cute pic. It's nice to get a look at Elesa when she's being her true self, as opposed to when she's modeling.

(Sorry for the late response, 4chan ate my post for some reason)
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finally, my furfou pharoah is relevant
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I am doing requests if anyone has any.

Congratulations! I know the feeling of trying to make the AI do something for a while and it finally working.
Congratulations to you as well for surviving uni to this point lol. That sounds like a fun team, good luck with the shiny hunts! I'll probably pop in at some point around Christmas to do themed requests.

It's sad we don't see too much of characters outside of battling. We got to know a bit more about them in Masters, but idk how much of that is canon.

(No prob, I've been waiting on these to finish. Increasing resolution increased gen time far more than I thought it would.)
Oh, look out!! Your tent is going to burn!!
Yeah, it's been a pretty tough year, so I'm quite relieved.

>That sounds like a fun team
Thanks. I actually found a shiny Sneasel while I was looking for Darumaka, so I considered using her instead (plus, it would give me a dark type, as opposed to Darumaka, who is pure ice), but I chose Darumaka because gorilla tactics goes hard.

>We got to know a bit more about them in Masters, but idk how much of that is canon.
I'm pretty sure the interactions and scenarios aren't canon (they're just fun what if scenarios), but any information about the characters themselves is as close to canon as it gets, at least in my eyes. I've been meaning to check out the stories for the SV characters, but I've only bothered to watch Nemona's first story so far (the one where she teams up with Bede and Hilda). I'll definitely get to the rest at some point.

I want to hang out with Elesa when she's off work. She looks very fun.

I have a request, although it's rather lewd. How about Gloria bottomless, wearing her gym uniform?
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Serena & Greninja!
Cute! Serena is always welcome.
guys, which pokemon that's capable with AI anyways?
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Do you not put a campfire in your tent when you go camping? How do you keep warm?
Ice Darumaka is ludicrous, I think it even got banned. Too bad Sneasel didn't make the team.

>I've only bothered to watch Nemona's first story so far
That checks out lol

Lewd indeed! https://files.catbox.moe/v9sa4p.jpg
Also lewd!
Did you have a stroke?
I'm assuming you mean which Pokemon can AI make, and I think Canine had an image with them listed. But I think local can do more than the list says since I made a semi-okay Cherrim with cutenoob but couldn't get close Novel.
Canineposter made a list of compatible Pokémon, but I don't have it on me.
I did :D
long before. Also, ohai Machine!
Guess i'll wait for Canine later.
>I think it even got banned.
It did. I don't know why they thought a built in choice band was a good idea, but I'm not complaining in the slightest. My team is going to get even stupider when I replace Klinklang with Zacian (I'm adding her to the team because I'm trying to be "canon accurate", so I'm basing my team off Gloria's Masters incarnation).

>That checks out lol
Kek, just a happy coincidence. Of all the SV characters to be added first, I'm glad it was her <3

Very cute! I meant her soccer uniform (with her normal hairstyle), not her dojo uniform, but that still turned out fantastically. I love how happy she looks.
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posting it
Danbooru October list (pokemon compatible with NovelAI)
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And this is the Bing Image Creator pokemon list
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Technically mesoamerican

You're welcome
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edited into a (terrible) comic
canonical as far as im aware though
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Can anyone do this but Jasmine or Yancy?
i would def be squeezing somewhere besides her face....
Ninja woman Hex please
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Did you survive?
>replace Klinklang
I'm afraid I must end our friendship. Good day to you.
>soccer uniform
Oh, give me a few.
Doing Arceus' work.
I haven't tried that with local yet. I remember trying it with Novel and not working at all.
Iono noooo!
Just noticed that was Iono and not Elesa. That's even more adorable! I wonder what she's like when she's not putting on the whole "supercharged streamer" act? I imagine she'd be very chill and down to earth. At least I hope that's the case.
Yeah. Language on the other hand, not so much.
Very in character. I like to imagine she's going camping with Grusha.

Same. Bianca has very nice cheeks, but I'm not talking about the ones on her face.

>I'm afraid I must end our friendship.
Sorry, but the law says I can't have any duplicate types. I don't make the rules here.

I found shiny Cetoddle surprisingly quickly, which is very good. I didn't want to kill any more of those little guys.
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……Requesting squishy Bianca booty
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here you go?
number 3?
i used to make my ex do this when i played with her hoodie
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still lewd
Still working on my local Yancy prompt, so have some Jasmines.
>No Yancy

….May or dusty Hex then? Also thanks for the Jasmine’s
Cute! I really like Gloria's gym outfit. Long sleeves + no pants is such a good look. She looks very soft down below.

Would you be able to do a full body shot of her like that? Give her bare feet, if possible.
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Have some prototype Yancys.
here's my Yancy.
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I have to go, goodnight all.

Cute ninja
I'd think so too, maybe a lazy couch potato that just wants to chill and play games.
At least you're with us <3
You know I didn't intend anything hurtful, right? I just meant the earlier comment as a joke.

Screw the rules, keep the gears!

Why would you kill them at all?? Why not just walk away?
Remind me later.
Remind me later.
Yancy look out! Left is an alien!
Beautiful! Hex looks cute as a ninja. Maybe Koga/Atticus saw her Haunter and thought she'd make a good poison type trainer? Hex is rightfully confused by this misunderstanding.

>Screw the rules, keep the gears!
True. I could always just not give Zacian the rusted sword.

>Why would you kill them at all?? Why not just walk away?
Force of habit, I guess. Plus, it makes the shinies easier to find.

>Remind me later.
No worries.

Goodnight, Machine! Hope to see you again soon.
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Kris & Quagsire!

Well i'm done for now, i'll be back later.
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Very beautiful! Perrin has a nice butt. You can tell they were aware of this because she has the Diamond Clan symbol on the back of her jeans, so you can't fully appreciate everything about her design unless you go our of your way to stare at her butt. I thought that was pretty funny.

I love how armoured, yet revealing those outfits are. You can tell the girls aren't wearing any underwear.
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No squish but still cute.
>W-What!? Y-You want to do it right here?
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Beautiful. She loves you very much.
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For any poster in the thread,

Klara topless in a hot tub or onsen. Think pic related for the position. Bonus points if you can pull off making her noticeably drunk with empty bottles / wine glasses behind her.
if you've got the tags for that style of onsen relaxing, perhaps?
Seconding. I love Klara.
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And another.
Beautiful! I love that she's missing her headband. Klara is lovely.
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Even cuter! Her breasts look very squishy (just like the rest of her).

>H-Hey *hic*, wanna join me?
Who could resist an invitation like that?
I know for a fact I wouldn't!

I'd like to see more of Klara, if that's alright. How about a full body shot of her naked? Maybe don't make her drunk this time.
I like Arezu too
thanks for making these
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More of this then.
Oh my, Upscaler2x is awesome!
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Can you fuck off?
tiddies are fatter than ever in this thread and this nigga complains
Here you go.
So beautiful! I love her pose and expression. She knows I like what I see.

>Get a good look, Anon! You're never going to get this lucky ever again~

Cute. She looks like she's enjoying herself.
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poor thing
youre not supposed to have penetrative sex in the hottub v rough on the walls of the vagina...
>dont make her drunk
my favorite is slipping them more and more booze as the night goes on; gradually from sweet cheerleader sugar drinks to blackout wasted making bad decisions.
fast forward a bit & shes moaning in my bed or in the passenger seat of my car reclined as far as it will go... pussy squelching/queefing as she digs her nails into my back and gets loud enough to have me worried about waking neighbors up at 3am
she put on a bit of weight after winning a LOT in masterSEX (post nationaldex completion)

i like them just a little thick
she was my 2nd pokegirl crush
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Great images as always
how do I recreate this?

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