FLY home ANONYmous. Maybe its PALLET TOWN Maybe its NEW BARK TOWN Maybe its LITTLEROOT TOWN MAYBE ITS called something else, whatever you call HOMEthen may got tits and i kind of grew out of PKMN missigno-what-im-saying?n e w a ze this is your friendly reminder to go say hi to your virtual MOM. One day, if it hasn't happened already, your real mom will die. My mother is currently sturggling with health issues and I'm facing the grim reality that this MOM in pallet town (who looks the most like my IRL mom, at least the RBY sprite does, not so much Mrs KEtchum)May 12 / 18 / 2024 forever be go visit your pokemon mothers day because one day the batteries die and it will be real. let that sink in. feel it. Good. Now go do something with your life that involves something besides your poke addiction :) this is your wake up call. Thanks for playing the game, - GAMEFREAK
>>57098310meds and bbc now
>>57098315Jesus cure this cancer amen.the power of christ compels you the power of christ compels you the power of christ compels you DEVIL BEGONE
>>57098310I hope your mother can overcome her health issue anon, but if she doesn't (god forbid) please be strong. Unfortunately, having our closest and most beloved family members pass away it just a terribly unfortunate thing that nearly all of us will experience within our lifetimes. Don't be sad over the inevitable, just cherish every moment you have and hope that you can reunite one day in a better place. Sending my blessings to you OP.
>>57098333Thanks for the holy trips. I will try my best. thank you. Meanwhil I'll dump all the pokemon reelated art ive made in the meantime so this thread stays /vp/ relevant.
>>57098315feed da slopper have some lewds
har har har
>>57098320>>57098355>>57098356>>57098359>>57098363>>57098368>>57098371Did you really draw all these OP?
Dangerously schizophrenic. I like it