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Come here for talk about all things Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.

Previous thread: https://arch.b4k.co/vp/thread/57052383 >>57052383

PMD Catalog (Down at the Moment): https://mega.nz/folder/tr8i1aiQ#AWzqkesoNSeSUGjHSug5dw

PMD Fangames Catalog (Down at the Moment): https://mega.nz/folder/QuYRBJAL#JhfXAuBdsZhQ_7jeIslqHQ
Romhacks Overview/Reviews: https://rentry.org/pmdglph

PMD Guides: https://pastebin.com/Dbq61R5u
Explorers of Sky Romhacking Guide: https://rentry.org/skytempleguide

Everything about the Clover Guild: https://cloverguild.com/
Drawing Board: https://magma.com/d/e6bibx19rn
Mobile Drawing Board: https://magma.com/d/syjlokge94
Drawing Request: https://rentry.org/DrawReqPublic

>What is the strangest way you've died in a dungeon?
>How far would a weather-changing Ability reach outside of a dungeon?
>Do you believe certain Pokémon eat meat? If so, how do you believe they obtain it in the PMD world?
>How do you believe mystery dungeons influence a Pokémon's abilities? Do they even influence them at all?

Recap of the previous thread:
>Ribombee-anon put out the 9th chapter in his Learning to Fly saga (https://rentry.org/RibombeeFly9)
>Vee-anon has started a new comic, A Day to Deliver (https://rentry.org/ADayToDeliverHome)
>Petal_purr released the final chapter in their Summer Festival story (https://rentry.org/Festival2H)
>Vaporeon-anon published another story staring Team Eevee, The Stars Like Dust (https://rentry.org/CG-TSLD)
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it's hard to get the panel right lately... i'll hope i don't take too long one this page for you bros
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>>What is the strangest way you've died in a dungeon?
spoilers for Orion's changed final boss fight
>use Pin Missile on Darkrai from close up
>Chatot's Bodyguard activates
>Chatot had Mirror Move up which bounces my attack back at me
>lose my reviver seeds and die to accidental suicide

>>How far would a weather-changing Ability reach outside of a dungeon?
I imagine the pokes can control it, otherwise anywhere a Tyranitar would live would be a hellscape of sand
>>Do you believe certain Pokémon eat meat? If so, how do you believe they obtain it in the PMD world?
Slowpokes don't feel that tail getting lost so what's the problem?
>>How do you believe mystery dungeons influence a Pokémon's abilities? Do they even influence them at all?
Some of them probably get intensified
Comicbros are the most powerful beings imaginable
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I wish Super's society had more character development, only Ampharos had anything going on.
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I like this guy's artwork.
Damn I wish I could read
No you don’t.
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What is written there are just the Japanese names for Google Specs and X-Ray Specs.
If you mean the Charmander x Squirtle pic, the Charmander is asking if he should stop, and the Squirtle is agreeing.
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Give me a single reason why I shouldn't do this
You'd look like a goober
if I poses some more Charmander and Squirtle stuff would you translate them
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I can only read Hira/Katakana
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Never played a PMD hack before, what's the best vanilla+ hack? Something that lets you get everything in postgame, akin to a mainline Drayano hack.
You could always recruit every pokemon in gens 1-4 in Sky.
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I wish they junked the society entirely. They're introduced way too late into the plot to give them a chance for anything substantial without sacrificing elsewhere.
Meanwhile, we spend the first ONE THIRD of the game with the school teachers and classmates only for ALL of them (aside from Espurr) to be made 100% irrelevant after the player/partner leave for the aforementioned society, who explicitly say kids are not allowed, but they're let in anyway because plot???
The society is where I mentally checked out of the game. They're the most bland "group" out of any major PMD groups, and that's saying something when your competition is Rescue Team where everyone there is so one-note they could make for a good white noise youtube video for background ambience.
super's story as a whole lacks cohesion in that regard, not helping is the localization trying to marvel-ify the script at points
Super had a lot of problems in general. What retard thought breaks were okay?
>What retard thought breaks were okay?
Managers who think the same IRL and wanted to get kids in on it young.
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What's the most kino moment in the games?
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I'll still say it's when you and the partner have that conversation during the fugitive arc. When he/she gives this whole speech about how they'll not abandon you. It was pretty special to me as a kid (because I'm a lonely sperg)
I don't know why they don't just give you pick of most of the non-legendary or evolved pokemon. It's not like they give a shit about balance
Because they’d have to create portraits and animations for 350+ species in that case??
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this looks like a 2006 scene girl post and i think that's pretty cool. good work anon
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I saved that pic ages back, I didn't make it.
You posted it
cute couple
Then they completely abandon you after the credits.
not if u play DX
Officially licensed fanfiction is still fanfiction.
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This makes me think of a fucked up scenario:
>Wake up in the PMD world
>Get a partner
>Become friends with all residents of the town and guild/society
>Every day is fun and full of excitement and discoveries
>Eventually you and your partner get dragged into a series of events that result in you two saving the world
>Have a couple more adventures together
>One day, you wake up and find that your partner is staring at you with a blank expression and repeats the same line every time you try talking to him
>Go outside and find out the same is happening to all town residents and the rest of the world. Each of them only repeats the same dialogue when you try talking to them
>Your partner is following you, but still only says the same line with his expression unchanging
>The next day, all residents are doing the exact same thing they were doing on the previous day, and each of them is still only saying the same things as before
>Realize you are forever stuck in a never-changing postgame
>Eventually go insane and try murdering everyone to see if anything changes
>They don't react at all, and just respawn on the following day
I feel like I played an RPG Maker game years ago with this exact premise.
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What makes this special is how your partner doubts you at first, which later makes you extra hopeful for the good news at Mount Freeze. Not for the sake of yourself, but for the one friend who chose to risk their life because they believe in you.
sad cope
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Reminder that for all the game's faults, Gates had the realest of all partners.
So many fun character pairs that we’ll never see (everyone’s too scared to write each other’s chars)
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>niggerfaggot unfunny eceleb repost
Gates had the best overall characters, honestly.
If the gameplay wasn't shit, it could've been better than Explorers.
And I'll do it again.

And I'm not even that person.
the Charmander is saying something like "don't hurt yourself!"
Same energy as Joker fans pretending the second movie isn't canon
I like the side characters in Gates but the partner was a brick wall. Post game gives him a little bit of personality but overall he's the most forgettable one in the entire series without question
I can't believe my partner got raped just to own the chuds...
>be sure not to be late to class
>buying something? take all the time you need
Fucking Kecleon
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Explorers of Alpha status?
Any PMD comic recommendation?
My most guilty pleasure:
Ngl, based.
Shitposters pushing their crackart are always better than boring gatekeepers.
pmdanons, is gates to infinity worth getting? its the only mystery dungeon game i dont own and haven't played.
The game has some flaws but I enjoyed the story more than Super. It’s not very expensive to get or you can always emulate it.
Oh yeah I remember this one! Very soulful. Time to catch on the newer pages.
It's better than Super in every aspect besides gameplay
least obvious samefag
>le boring gatekeeper
no one even said anything about that, it's well known that the guy is painfully unfunny and comes to repost his shit here to bait out (You)s
Nobody is gatekeeping this artist. He can keep drawing his shit art, I'm just never gonna laugh at it
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Ironic samefagcalling. Btw nobody forces you to laugh or reply to anything
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I am so fucking sick of people trying to call out samefags
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I like my screencap better though
Sorry guys, I forgot to take my meds.
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Stop bitching over a shitty artist and appreciate the superior artist instead.
only screwballs hate this one

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