>Let's blow those whining women back to the dark ages where they belong!Is Pokémon ever going to be this based again or is it a thing of the past?
>>57100286This scene is supposed to shpw off how sexist the men are and put them in a bad light.
According to Eric Stuart, who voiced James, lines like this happened because the writers would usually send three versions of lines to the censorship guys: A bland one, a fun one, and a super offensive one. The offensive one was only there to make the fun one look more tame by comparison. But every once in a while, one of the "bait" lines would fly over the censors' heads and they'd accidentally approve it.That's how lines like this or Brock's "I'd let her violate my rights any time" managed to get in the show.
>>57100325well they failed
>>57100330Ah the Animaniacs strategy
>>57100286Pokemon is woke now
>>57100330Or, hear me out. This may sound crazy, but how about actually translating what they said in the original Japanese?
>>57100330Neat>>57101402BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO*throws trash and fruit at you*
>>57100475Ash first travelled with a non-white guy and a strong empowered women. If it came out today it would be condemned as woke.
>>57101402For me it's Funimation's original DBZ translation, so unfaithful and shitty that it still affects the fanbase to this day.
>>57101464Brock is Asian and didn't togepi domesticate misty?