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I love this fat fuck like you don't even know.
yeah thank you for posting a whole thread to express your shitty opinion, please make a genwar or porn one next
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Overshadowed by its pre-evo, sadly. I've used one in a couple of contexts in Gen 1 but just felt like the perpetually safe but perpetually weak choice.
>Overshadowed by its pre-evo, sadly.
Horseshit. Wiggs has its own identity due to Mystery Dungeon.
>T. chatot
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I don't think I've ever spared more than half a thought for him but I like him too now
Yeah only furries care
Normalfags don't even know who Wigglytuff is
>Normalfags don't even know who (kanto pokemon) is
Nope I've never played any of them so that totally slipped my mind.
Wigglytuff is a furry magnet??
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>Try to stick my pindick in
>She pops leaving entrails covering the walls
No, that anon has furry derangement syndrome.
must save fat fuck from the purge
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even as an inflationfag, I'm sorry to say I always forget about her. But, she's perfect for this stuff.
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would cuddle

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