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Solana is best girl. I will not accept any arguments otherwise.
I love Pokemon Ranger
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I love Solana.
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What do you love about her?
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Her bravery, heroism, kindness, and her soft, smooth thighs thighs. I'd love to feel them! . How about you?
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I love her design, her outfit, and her Plusle. It'd be fun to work with her. Her thighs and her ass also. It'd be nice to feel them after a long day's work.
>Today she learned that her ridiculous hairstyle was not an impediment to being attractive
>mogged by her own pokemon
not a good look
How could I leave out Plusle? Always liked her eye-catching blue hair and outfit too. Sameee, god that sounds like the ultimate stress relief to squeeze and rub those parts after a long day. I'm sure she'd need some nice... "stress relief" after a long hard day dealing with go-rock shenanigans and Aria's bitchyness too.
>kris and solana are sisters and their mother is a officer jenny
I just really like the cute Electric mons, and Plusle and Minun are always a cute pair to have with Solana. Her outfit is really revealing, but I do love her jacket. A girl's gotta have some way to relax. And after dealing with rabid Pokemon on top of all that, I'm sure the heat will get to her. Perhaps a way to make Aria jealous...?
Yeah, I still love Minus and Plusle from their antics alone, like bouncing on Snorlax's belly and messing with Gordor.
Maybe she wears that outfit for breathability and flexibility? Or maybe she just wants to show off her well-trained and tight figure?
Sounds like you have something fun in mind anon, could it be an effective way to really work out her stress? Yeah, Aria's personality is probably just jealousy from Solana being so popular with everyone she helps, and even those she opposes. Well, not her fault she's such a magnetic lady, she does travel with Plusle for a reason.
For me, Plusle has always been there for me when I used it in Colosseum. It was neigh useless with the ability but I like cute mons like Plusle, it's why I prefer it over Minun but it's cute too.
I'm thinking the latter, there's no way this is the uniform they have for the female Rangers. Very flexible and Solana unknowingly attracts lots of men.
I think so. Call it a soft massage to start things off before helping her unwind and relax. Build the heat up and release it all, you know?You're right about that. Aria is very stuck-up and bitchy, but Solana's kindness and overall magnetism draws in all sorts of men over to her, leaving Aria out. Maybe she should also unwind, but Solana has a lot of "stress relief" to work with...
Sex with Solana
>Maybe she wears that outfit for breathability and flexibility? Or maybe she just wants to show off her well-trained and tight figure?
>He didn't play the game
It's a standard issue uniform, but hers is a few sizes too small because they didn't have one in her size.
Best and sexiest girl
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I still gotta play the Colosseum games, the doubles gimmick looks fun, but I've heard the animations make the game feel slow. And agreed, ironically the older I get the more I can appreciate the cuter mons, game wouldn't be the same without them.
I get it anon, starting light but firm, kneading those knots out of her aching back, tired feet, and arm muscles. Then, working our way down to her sore legs, hearing her let out moans of relief. After that, maybe help her release some tension by tending to her more, "sensitive" areas? After all, it's a very common type of massage all over the world, particularly in Asia I believe. Just slowly glancing and teasing her, gauging her reactions over time.
Aria definitely needs some attention too, but Solana is the Unions Top Ranger and takes priority, she's such a valuable asset after all.
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>>He didn't play the game
If you're gonna be obnoxious at least get your facts right.
They're a childhood favorite of mine, and while the animations themselves are very slow, I still think it's a fun game to play for the novelty of it. It made me love Double Battles and I really like the region and the characters, they're very fun. And which of the cuter mons do you like nowadays? I've been harboring a lot of fondness for the Electric rats these days. Used to loathe them, but I've been using them in my casual replays when I have the chance. Just as there's cool mons for people, there's the cute mons to balance it all out, and that's what I like about Pokemon. There's a favorite for anyone.
You got it, anon. You work on her legs and thighs you love, I'll work on her arms and shoulders. After that, we'll release some tension by moving onto her "sensitive" areas. Perhaps after we've helped her feel more releived, Solana might reward us. What do you think? You're right, Solana takes top priority, we wouldn't be where we are without her after all. It's our duty to ease her tension and stress after a long day of Ranger work. Who knows, maybe a jealous Aria might be spying on Solana...
sex with solana
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HER games HER anime HER franchise
I never noticed until now, but they censored the Ranger uniforms hard after the first game. I get they're region specific uniforms but it's odd how only one region has the leotard
Her franchise is dead...
They are pretty lewd for how they looked. I'm surprised they even got away with that.
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I will never stop thinking that summer is the best female ranger.
I like this headcanon.
>Shorts instead of a skirt
Too woke for modern /vp/
Solana paizuri
It looks like a leotard in some frames.
Solana nakadashi
Nice thighs.
Touch the bidoof
Creampie Solana.
I've always wondered how the fuck does her outfit work, cause the line in the middle implies some sort of zipper area but the collar implies something kind of like a shirt, almost like a leotard and a dress shirt got cut in half and sewn to each other
I gotta play it at some point for sure because I do love double battles, and heard so many good things about it. Jigglypuff is one I've grown to like more and more over the years, and the Tandemaus line is quite cute as well. Agreed, probably Pokemons greatest strength.
Sorry to leave you hanging anon, I think I've lost interest in the convo, but that's just me not because of you. Here's a hot picture of Solana for you though https://files.catbox.moe/1umb4e.jpeg
I hope you give it a chance soon. I personally recommend it. It's a very fun game to try using mons you'd never really use before so that adds to another interesting element. I should get to playing Ranger again. I haven't played it for a long time.Jigglypuff is really cute.
That's a shame, but I hope you enjoyed the convo. It was really nice and hot talking about Solana in more ways than one. That is a very hot picture of Solana. That's how she's rewarding us!
shes taken
Occam’s Razor, Anon.

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