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Furest Edition

Previous Thread:

Slab of this just arrived for me today
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What apps do you use to track your collection and value? I want to upgrade my process for all the other cards I've been acquiring over the years and be able to quickly scan at conventions.
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but as said last thread, its in gbp
and also sometimes inaccurate
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I'm going to fucking kill myself. That was a ninety dollar box.
no refunds
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the shocking sands is nice. get any nice pokeball or master ball reverses?
Lacey, Groudon (which I really like), and Chi-Yu. None were Master Balls.
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>still grading cards
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>still buying vintage
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>still buying modern
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>still grading
>still buying physical
I started with collectr after this anon's >>57107379 suggestion last thread (not a bong)
I would prefer an app with scanning, but those that have it are clunky, while collectr feels fast and intuitive
>up to $1100+ ungraded
So why hasn't the bubble burst yet?
I don't fucking know
Please can we just delete the whole SwSh era from this card game, I don't want to think about the dark times anymore
two weeks!
Nobody is interested in buying them because it's retarded and nobody is interested in selling them either when they can hodl. No market, no movement.
The non-vmax version is way better, but eeveefuckers have inflated it to over 100$ as well. I hate this franchise
Nice that you found somewhere for your collection anon.
the new moonbreon is ass so it aint helping
I want this card but the Japanese version costs 20 times the English version, I hate this jewish hobby
31 more days.
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I wanted it so bad I impulsively bought a ton of boosters and didn't get it. At this point I could have just bought it outright
>ninety dollar box
Imagine falling for just released FOMO prices. Hey, at least you got two SRs.
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which one of you did this?
Can't get enough of these reverse holos, absolutely God tier.
>$100+ for a box of Terastal Festival at all my local card shops
How is this okay? I just wanted to rip one box but at these prices I’ll never be able to justify the cost.
idk, looks like they are selling to me.
Mew is giving off more of the "No bitches?" vibe
They are selling to themselves using alt accounts to create fake demand and hype. No one has ever sold a moonbreon in history.
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Had to settle for Engl*sh, but I can bear it for my fav gen9.
oh okay, that makes sense.
promos are cheaper anyways
anon this card wasn't printed in japanese
I still don't understand why this wasn't in night wanderer
why the fuck did I buy an arceus V, I dont even need it
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>eeveefuckers have inflated it
Interesting choice of words
That's his point.
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from four poster packs (12 packs). could have been worse I guess
I mean one SIR and a Hyper Rare from 12 packs is pretty solid anon, grats

whats the hyper rare?
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Pocket won
Is Shrouded Fable even worth it? I'm ordering some other cards anyway and I can tack on 4 boosters for £12.90 ($16.22) but I had such shit luck with the booster bundle I got before, should I even bother? I'm mostly a casual collector and enjoy the art so ripping packs is fun for me but after 9 packs (blister and booster bundle) I seemed to have a disproportionate number of duplicates.
I've opened around ~$900 worth of silver tempest and paradigm trigger since October and I've gotten 1 alt art V, skuntank.

>Meme'd Fable
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Oem of the stores I go to has a Pokemon card vending machine, but the thing is it gets scalped day one whenever they restock it. I see a few people buy hundreds of dollars of cards at once. Highest i've seen was 600 something. They always try to buy as much of a certain set they can by clicking up to the highest possible remaining mount of that specific item

Luckily, I was finally able to snatch a single booster bundle of 151 today before it got completely scalped in the first couple of hours.Was able to pull a full art Charmeleon and Blastoise ex.

They always immediately go for whatever the most recent set is (in this case surging sparks) and 151, despite that specific set despite it being over a year old.

Can anyone please explain why scalpers are so autistically hyperfixated on 151 specificlly?
I can only assume they're trying to bait genwunners.
gee I wonder why they are after the two sets with the highest prices on secondary market.
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total Hop victory
Predict the cost
>2D pack art
10000€ because this pikaxeevee slop makes me feel like there hasn't been a new set in forever
Is this the first for the entirety of SV?
I thinks so, yeah.
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>ordered a Jasmine's Gaze SAR back in mid November
>had a tracking number that only updates when they attempt delivery
>got lost in postage
>ordered another one from a different seller about a week ago
>sent out this past Monday with the seller saying it should arrive in a couple of days
>no tracking number whatsoever
>still nothing as of today
I'm never gonna get this fucking card, am I?
I’m gonna pray to the waifugods for you to get your card anon.
>The Clefairy I need in any art rare version will be paired again with that blonde bitch who will make its price skyrocket due to coomerfags
It's ogre
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bit the bullet and finally bought this. so sick of buying booster boxes and no chase card. fuck Lost Origin and their dog shit rates specifically
SWSH sets with Alt Arts are the most anti-consumer shit ever
explain how
We're getting good pack art again? Is the ugly hat era finally over?
Clefairy should be eternally grateful that it's graced by our golden haired goddess.
I've got two galaxy holo Nest Ball from prize packs that I need to catalogue. Is there any way to tell if they're from series 4 or series 5? One has the galaxy holo speckling more faded than the other, don't know if it helps.
Lillie should be eternally grateful she is paired with shit like bellibolt *spit on her face*

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