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Trade - Battle - Breed

This thread isn't for Hacks, Clones, or Injections. There are other threads for those.

A more in-depth explanation of how the thread works: https://pastebin.com/jMU7dE4Y

Old: >>57084814
I have to wonder if the reason why there's no SV with the dlc on the cartridge is because they're going to rerelease it on Switch 2...
Just wait until the secret third DLC
>This thread isn't for Hacks, Clones, or Injections. There are other threads for those.
Link 'em?
No. Go find it
>spoonfeed me pwease
Hey guys i have 30 shiny 6iv Rayquazas in luxury balls. Anyone want one?
i mean ill take one if you're just tossing them out
What do you have to trade?
>Still holding out hope for a Carbink evo in the year 2024
I swear it's coming bros...
There is one it’s called Diancie
Hold me closer shiny Diancie…
Are you pretending to be smart or retarded?
>Catching all my Carbink in Crystal Pool
Fuck balltism, anyone a location autist?
Post balls, fag.
It's honestly stupid that Diancie isn't actually a Carbink evolution, but it's also stupid that we have shit like Wugtrio, Toedscool, Poltchageist, etc. now just being regional variants, etc.
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I made it better
Probably about 10 minutes after the sandwich. I had found a random Farigiraf before, but I wanted a girl because they're cute. And I found another male (that pic rel).
Now I remember why I hated the endgame of Platinum.
Who the hell thought it was a good idea to have the elite 4 be 10-20 levels above the level of the pokemon/trainers on victory road?
Fucking hell, man, what a slog leveling up to at least 50 just so you can slog more fighting against the elite 4 before your actual winning run.
So true honestly. But I understand why they did it I just wish they could have gone about it a better way.
Not wfg, fuck off
Is wfg, fuck in
I felt that way about both Platinum and Emerald and they had way better movesets in Emerald.
The Platinum E4 movesets are much better though
LF: scyther in let's go, has to be caught in game, no GO transfers.
FT: Pinsir

My pinsir is also caught in kanto, I'm doing this for the pokémon home completion dex. Anyone willing to help?
sorry bro i dont have lets go
Can't blame you, don't really like the lets go games but since I have the eevee one might as well get the eventual home reward. Just discovered that transfered GO mons don't count for the kanto dex in home, pure bullshit.
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W h y
The power of love.
If my breloom loved me it would stay poisoned. .
So you wouldn't worry.
How is this hard to understand?
My theory is that Cetitan, Carbink and Haxorus are each getting megas in ZA and this event is a tease.
poketuber tier theory
Anyone hosting Fug?
>official outlets emphasize the Pokémon in question being black like Rayquaza
>Carbink would match Diancie, Haxorus is in need of an upgrade and Cetitan... ???
You wouldn't get it.
>You wouldn't get it.
Yeah because I'm not a drooling retard
A pantshitting retard is worse than a drooling retard.
Thread's dead, somebody start an internet fight
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Fug falls to ostrich waifu.
Espathra @ Shell Bell, Tera Psychic
1. Lumina Crash
>one intimidator
You didn't beat the game.
How are tera raids still so unplayable? The lag means turns are pretty much meaningless and the amount of time taken up from the animations is so frustratingly punishing. It's impossible to even get excited about raid events because the mechanic is so broken.
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First: nobody on the planet cares about your opinion. Second: she beat the fugger without an intimidator too. Besides, (you) never beat any game by any means, so shut the fuck up, well poisoner.
Feel free to sperg out again.
It's been established that this is not a game though
>getting this mad

oh no he's gonna samefag
Good old Gyarados-Staraptor switcheroo. Who said Cynthia was hard?
>wifi general
I hope you're catching all your Fraxures in the part of the Canyon Biome that looks like the Nature Preserve.
>that OP
a lil soleless, dontcha think?
I admit, when it came time for OP to shoes the image, it was a bit cobbled together
okay newfag
Can't decide what ball to catch mega ray in
Luxury would be the most apt, but I sorta like Level as well.
Agree, doesn't even mention Autism

>Luxury would be the most apt
That would be Repeat
I did Luxury, Beast and Level.
Anyone up for BBQ today?
are multis a thing anymore
Like 2 other anons are asking sometimes so i guess we would be 4...
So what are the most efficient shiny sandwiches that dont need salty herbas? Are the peppers still the best way or is there a better way?
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Chat i came to inform you that i got shiny jumbo marked Haxorus in a beast ball.
Post pics, anon, that sounds cool as hell
Kill yourself
Chat, is this real?
Is it possible to find six star Ditto raids currently? Refreshing tera raids as often as I can, but haven't seen one yet.
Hello. I'm a violet only player. I have a shiny Iron Moth and Iron Bundle, both EV trained and leveled at 100. I'm hoping for shiny Scream Tail. If anyone's willing to do that trade, I'll gladly include a golden bottlecap or an ability patch. Both have the sleepy time mark.
I didn't bother hunting any shinies yet, sorry. Maybe during the holidays if you can wait.
Sure. Give me a bit.
>Please wait 800 seconds or give us your email (you still have to do CAPTCHA lol)
this website really has gone to utter shit
You're the best anon! Let me know which (or both) you want, and the link code when ready.
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Found only one. Re-rolling.
Are you still here anon?
I am still here! Are you ready?
Not that anon you were originally talking with but I am ready whenever you are.
Wait- are you the anon I replied to? I'm confused.
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I'm the original person you replied to here >>57118202
Still hunting, but I don't need anything in particular so you're free to trade with whomever :)
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Sorry about that I had something else to do but to answer your question, No but I am a regular here. I'm G***, I was lurking the thread and noticed your offer and the other anon had promised you but has yet to deliver. So I was thinking that you had gotten baited by our resident trouble maker who loves to shitpost. He's an ok dude when he's calm but 'annoying' when he wants attention. I just wish he'd learn that messing up the thread just leaves it empty with just him in it but it matches his favorite mon.
Does this mean you were just trolling?
Please ignore that reply! My browser's being weird about refreshing. I've been trolled out of trades before so my guard's up. I'm glad to trade if you are, for one or both if need be!
No problem anon, I'll take a bundle for the scream but mines doesn't have a mark if that is ok with you and to answer >>57118287. Yes they were the trouble maker I mentioned in my post.
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Nah, anon. I'm laughing at how hard you guys are trying. I'm the one who asked about BBQs.
Still happy to trade- just drop a link code! My name in game is Pie.
Good to know code is 57118326
Any reason you quit?
Thank you for the trade anon. If there is anything else then please tell me.
Thank you so much! <3 <3 I'm taking it to camp for a photoshoot now!
I hope this is the same person I successfully traded with- my internet was being weird.
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Ok that's good I was worried for a bit it is the same person. Also If I had known you leveled up the bundled I would have done the same but I'm glad that your enjoying the Scream anon hope you have a great night/day.
I'm having a great night and hope the same for you! I love doing it myself, it feels like part of the bonding process- so this is perfect. Thanks so much friend!
>! I love doing it myself, it feels like part of the bonding process
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literally me on the left
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Should have been little bit bigger
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she's female
Damn, that's awesome
Congratulations, anon
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Anyone for BBQ right now? Just gotta do 'em for the legendary treats.
Next up is Cetitan and Carbink. Gotta take advantage of the increased odds.
Sure whatever, i could use some points on my Scarlet file.
Awesome. 27458S
Hey, my game has glitched, so I'm going to restart it. My talonflame is just floating there lmao.
6VT6N1 for the new code
I dont have any materials on this account so if you see those make 1 tm you gotta do those
Got it. I'll run over and do that after I get the photo.
Just Psychic type
Alright, I need to step off for a bit. Thanks for your help.
No problem.
Really nice anon, I should really hunt for a jumbo one as well.
>Never done online raids before
>Decide to farm Fug for herba with randos
> poke***com
Is it always like this?
yes for event raids
Found two 6* Ditto raids so far. One I couldn't join, and one got me a Ditto with 0 IV in the non-guaranteed slot
What do you need the Ditto for?
Just want one for breeding stuff. And yes, I know you don't "need" a perfect IV especially considering hyper training.
>she needs a Ditto for breeding
95% false
You should go for a different language one then
I got a 6/6 Ditto but using a 5/6 Japanese one
I literally said I know it's not needed.

>a different language one
That only affects shiny odds, right? I'm not really much of a shiny hunter.
could anyone help me trade evolve some pokemon please? 2 golem, 1 milotic and 1 conkeldurr
Thank you very much!
Happy to help.
anyone playing LGPE who can help me with the trade evos? I want to complete the home dex just to be sure.
I'd help but I don't have internet right now
Can't you just transfer them to Legends though?
i think you can't transfer them back to LGPE
I can help you, I made the code bulbasaur pikachu squirtle
You wouldn't need to transfer them back if your goal is just to fill the Home dex
Well give me a holler if you come back and still need help within the next half-hour or so.
i still need the in game entries so in game trade it is. Give me a moment I will get them out of the home box.
Searching right now, same code
Many thanks anon! I am now free to hunt rattatas in the outskirts
No problem, enjoy your full collection.
Can someone help with trade evos in S/V? I don't know where all mine went and I'm trying to get this stupid ass Meloetta. Have like 4 mon that need it for now at least, I can't seem to see any other I need in the dex.
Still need help?
How long do the blissey raids last for? I was excited to lvl stuff with the chansey outbreaks but logged into to find they're all just low lvl 20s ones. Like what's the point
Just join the BBQ sessions we have on here every so often and use the points from that to buy a shitload of Exp Candy from the Blueberry store.
I want to try competitive Pokemon for once. Is it worth it? Should I start with rental teams?
If you want to try things, just use showdown like a normal person
Yeah, start with rentals. It'll be quicker and give you an idea of how strats work snf ig you like them.
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I, for one, am enjoying this event
Hello! I'll be doing some BBQs today - if you'd like to join me, speak up and I'll open up an online session.
What is this event?
1. The level depends on the map zone.
2. Do the chansey/rayquaza raids for candies instead, it's much faster.
Boosted shiny chance Fraxure, Cetoddle, and Carbink outbreaks
The can also appear in some unusual spots. I've seen Cetoddle in the desert...
Yes, its random across the map
It's a good selection of mon really so I like it as well.
It's so weird though... but good. There's no other ice type in the desert. But there are also no FPS there, hue hue hue.
Anybody up?
Trying to knock out more BBQs

Joining for an hour or so.
Session has ended it told me.
I assume it was you. Thank you.

I think I'm 4 snackworth treats short, so if anyone else is up. Or I''ll do it later
Nah it wasn't me I could join but it's up to you really.
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/wfg/ I got some credits for Nintendo to spend and I'd like your opinions. I can get the Violet DLC and finish my dex on my Scarlet file with those Paradox Legendaries (and replay Violet with the full DLC if I get bored enough I guess). I can buy the Shield DLC that I've never played for the experience/exclusives. Or I can save/spend it on something else (if you guys have any tips I'd appreciate it since I only really use my Switch for Pokemon atm). Ty to any who have the time to reply.
If you care about shiny legendaries, Crown Tundra is a must. SV DLC is also good.
Not that anon but I bought both DLCs from jap amazon to save money as well. It was a headache but it saved me a lot of money.
I don't worry too much about shinies at the legendary level because I don't have the patience to reset for them anymore. If it's a fun DLC though then I think I'm leaning more towards that since I've only played Shield once and that was last year just to play Gen 8 (I missed it when it was current and just got back into Pokemon for Gen 9). I like the SV DLC but already have it for my Scarlet file so not entirely thrilled to buy Violet too (I own Violet just to have a file to replay but getting the DLC will let me finish the dex on Scarlet without needing to find a touch trade for Iron Boulder/Crown).
Thanks for the tip, I'll remember that for the future.

I think I might just go with the Shield DLC since my light research shows people enjoyed it and I like playing the game for the shitty stories etc at least one time through myself for my own personal judgement.
Who up?
I need some BBQ

On the first day of christmas wfg gave to me, a wall of text in the OP.
On the second day of Christmas wfg gave to me, Two image lists and a wall of text in the OP.
On the third day of Christmas wfg gave to me, three multi battles, two image lists, and a wall of text in the OP.
On the fourth day of Christmas wfg gave to me, four connection errors, three multi battles, two image lists, and a wall of text in the OP.
On the fifth day of Christmas wfg gave to me, FIIIIVE NEEEWWW FAAAAGGGS, four connection errors, three multi battles, two image lists, and a wall of text in the OP.
On the sixth day of Christmas wfg gave to me, six mystery eggs, FIVE NEW FAGS, four connection errors, three multi battles, two image lists, and a wall of text in the OP.
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On the seventh day of Christmas wfg gave to me, seven sekrit clubs, six mystery eggs, FIVE NEW FAGS, four connection errors, three multi battles, two image lists, and a wall of text in the OP.
On the eighth day of Christmas wfg gave to me, eight ebin Oldfags, seven sekrit clubs, six mystery eggs, FIVE NEW FAGS, four connection errors, three multi battles, two image lists, and a wall of text in the OP.
On the tenth day of Christmas wfg gave to me, ten breeding leftovers, nine stupid questions, eight ebin Oldfags, seven sekrit clubs, six mystery eggs, FIVE NEW FAGS, four connection errors, three multi battles, two image lists, and a wall of text in the OP.
On the eleventh day of Christmas wfg gave to me, eleven lazy beggars, ten breeding leftovers, nine stupid questions, eight ebin Oldfags, seven sekrit clubs, six mystery eggs, FIVE NEW FAGS, four connection errors, three multi battles, two image lists, and a wall of text in the OP.
On the twelfth day of Christmas wfg gave to me, twelve anonymous shitposts, eleven lazy beggars, ten breeding leftovers, nine stupid questions, eight ebin Oldfags, seven sekrit clubs, six mystery eggs, FIVE NEW FAGS, four connection errors, three multi battles, two image lists, and a wall of text in the OP.
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Merry Christmas wfg ~
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Yeah the Crown Tundra story about Calyrex is good in particular.
As for shiny hunting, it's not about resetting. In fact, resetting punishes you heavily. It's about the gamemode of Dynamax Adventures. With a shiny charm you have 1% odds on everything you defeat and catch. And unlike normal raids, you are guaranteed to catch.
Aside from Calyrex, you will get one of the horses, Regidrago or eleki, all 3 gorgeous G-birbs, Kubfoo, Max Soup and of course all the legends and UBs from DAs.
For example, I shiny hunted Pheromosa and I'll be catching Reshimom into a Love Ball.
Anyone has a phantump for trade? Can't find any using 07080708 currently.
Merry christmas all.
Merry christmas

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