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All dogmons welcome. Vulpines maybe

How many of your E4 teams have included dogs?
My King
This makes me wonder, do we have an updated Darwinian Evolution list of Pokemon? Because we know some random shit like Gastrodon/Shellder are related, Drowzee/Muuna, Omstar/Octillery, etc.
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Give dragon dance
Generally speaking:

Kanto and Johto both usually feature an Arcanine in my teams.

Hoenn, I usually use manectric

In Pokemon XD, I used houndoom

If it counts, I usually have Lucario on my Sinnoh teams

I used Arcanine again in Black 2

Used a lucario again in X, actually wasn't the gift, I caught a riolu prior

I used a lycanroc in Sun version. Haven't picked up UltraSun though

In Shield version, I used Boltund, had to go with the dog instead of toxtricity, even if it's cool

Unfortunately no dogs in my Scarlet playthrough. I have yet to finish PLA but I'm debating if I should keep Hisuian Arcanine on my team or swap for Infernape. A shame if I did but fire/rock is such a shitty typing it's unreal.

It's fucked up that XD was the first game to give you an early houndour. I'll never get over it's shitty GSC availability.
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I used both Dachsbun and Mabosstiff on my first Scarlet playthrough I love both of em.
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yeah hisuian arcanine is let down by its typing in its debut game where it doesn't get any ability whatsoever
but in SV where it does get rock head, it turns into an offensive powerhouse that can spam STAB boosted flare blitzes and head smashes without recoil
letting it act as a pseudo-glass cannon (the pseudo part mostly applies to glass though; its defenses don't suck but its elemental weaknesses are the main problem)
checked trips
i want to hug both of them
so fluffy and warm
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I will always find strange the way GF treats certain Pokemon, in this case a Hyena with the behavior of a wolf.
Even more so when you consider that this particular species of Hyena that Mightyena is based on is solitary and lives in desert dunes.
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Omega Ruby had Mightyena, Ultra Sun had Furfrou, and Shining Pearl had Houndoom.
Planning on having Arcanine for Fire Red next.
Like this one? Seems to have everything, including gen 9
Type Null is a dog?
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I somehow haven't had any E4 teams include a canine, unless you count Lucario.
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I'm gonna eat it

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