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>amazing color scheme
>manages to look both monstrous and cryptic with its eyes, rapid dragonfly movements and overall prehistoric appearance
>salvaged an otherwise boring pokémon like yanma
>subtle attack helicopter theming that isn't too on the nose and doesn't ruin the design in the name of ''muh themes and inspiration''
I love this thing so much
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can't be bothered to read all of this nonsense but yanmega is awesome indeed

ugly and needs to die
not a bad design but i'd take rhydon's simplicity and iconic design over this any day.
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He's my favorite bug type
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Still worse than Yanma
Roughneck Kirby the GOAT
>my mom's cartoon dragonfly
take off your nostalgia goggles
go back zoomie
>Muh spikes everywhere
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so cool...
ruined for me through weird shit i've seen of it
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Do I even want to ask?
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the only part that can be posted without risking a ban
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You get it. Pretty funny and based that he's the sole representative of his trainer class in Sinnoh too.
alright what fucked up fetish shit is this
rest can be found just by searching yanma on the blue site, should be the 2nd result
Don't do it, I came across it once while, ahem, gooning, and it burned my retinas
they've already been warned, nothing we can do to stop them from looking
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Yanmega has spikes because it's supposed to look like a dinosaur, you retard.
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nah you do
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The best of the three
damn beat me to it what i find cool is how it looks super japanese but at the same time is based of a native american totem its just amazing how it combines both
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Lapras is the pokemon that comes to mind when i think of 10/10 designs
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Giant steel spider that's a combination of its prior forms and smarter than you
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Sableye it captures the idea of a gremlen hiding in the darkness with the gems protrudeing from its body not just the eyes and i didn't even know it had sharp teeth until i saw the Anime i love this thing
its a tank as well
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Why is it a ghost tho
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Extremely fuckable.
>drop acid and design pokemon: the generation
Metagross is one of those pokémon that no one hates, everyone I know thinks this thing is badass as fuck. That includes me, it's just a good-ass design
cause the cryptid it's based on vanished after the family spent a whole night fighting it off
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I like how they gave Jessie one
Team Rocket's DP squad is the coolest by a landslide

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