If I emulated a vanilla DS game, could I trade from there to my actual DS games?
>>57113476from you pc to your ds? i dont think so. if you have 2 systems, you could put your emulator rom/save on a flashcart or modded 3ds and trade with your real game like that i suppose
>>57113476If you transfer your save to a cartridge and have a second ds. Not straight from your pc though.
>>57113490>>57113491Damn, so I can't trade from my computer to my DS? Shame
>>57113495There's the fan DNS servers you could upload your pokemon to and trade them to yourself like that, but idk if emulators can connect to them
I think if you wanna do some real tomfoolery you could probably do emulator to hardware with the gts private servers [poke classic netowrok or something along the lines of that]I've been meaning to try it out myself but I'm really lazy when it comes to emulating since I have so many games physically already. Has anyone ever tried that?
>>57113516Melonds can do it, so a trade using the GTS should be possible
Can you not just upload an extracted pokemon into the fake GTS from your computer? Why do I remember that being a thing