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File: glalie-mega.jpg (144 KB, 830x1000)
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Is surf, scald, ice beam, and aqua ring a good moveset for Vaporeon in BW2? And what item should I give him?
Alola and their Glalie broken jaw propaganda was kekworthy

Also Vaporeon fetish thread
>Fucking retard is retarded
Gunna remake this thread even if it gets derailed btw
No one plays Blacked and Wasted 2 anon, especially with a male Vaporeon (gay) just give up
You made the classic blunder
Uploading a thread with a completely unrelated image and getting surprised when people discuss the image instead of your post

To answer your original question, surf + scald is redundant on the same mon, especially in singles which is the majority of BW2
I wanted them both since surf does more damage, but scald can burn. What should I replace the latter with?
I made the Lucario thread hours ago and same thing man
Retards trying to be funny and genwar autists
Never fails
>Baits with an unrelated image of an actually interesting mon instead of VaBOREon thats in every second thread
>Posts a retarded unrelated question and gets an answer fittingly related to the picrel
>Gets mad and schizos out about "derailing" when they derailed their own thread to begin with

Tired of you baiting faggots, get off my board already
It's the adventure, you litteraly can beat it with mon that know 4 stab move and no items.
imagine coming to /vp/ and getting mad about being trolled, like jumping into a lake and complaining about being wet. also sorry but it's just not a very interesting question. teambuilding in Pokemon campaigns is a joke, just slap the highest BP STAB moves and at least one coverage move and you'll sweep 90% of encounters. why do you need us to tell you that.
My adventure is over. I'm trying to get revenge for my 9, 10, 11 year old self and complete the PWT with my first pokemon
>hurrr it’s supposed to be like that
Dude no; I get trolling like pol chuds or schizos or genwars that’s fine but OP genuinely is asking, no matter how retarded the q is he isn’t asking in some malicious taste
Fuck off being muh board culture. Not everything needs a hahah funny reddit zinger and 40+ reply bait
This thread should have been over and andwered now but cordcels think giving flame bait and cringe humor replies is the epitome of humor so here we are, with a guy still pondering his moves for glaceon

And no. I’m not OP. Just sick of the FUCKINT cringe shit you guys pull on here
replace scald with hidden power if you get a type you want
or shadow ball/toxic if your HP type isn't anything worth mentioning
... I'm actually pondering moves for my Vaporeon today. When I actually evolve my glaceon, I'll be back for that
You could probably go with scald, toxic, ice beam and aqua ring and give it leftovers to make it a real beefy mon that's hard to take down
I might give it shadow ball. I'm running a stall set on my Umbreon in HGSS, so I'm against doing something similar with my Vaporeon
vaporeon has 110 special attack in addition to its 130/60/95 defenses so not only will it hit decently hard but it can also take hits well
aqua ring is dogshit lmao
just run scald/ice beam/rest/sleep talk if you actually want recovery

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