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They have Pokemon card vending machines now.
This was in a Kroger in my suburban town
Which suburb
Probably so people cant steal them at self checkout which you can do by forgetting to scan them or leaving them under or inside something wink wink nudge nudge
Japan just consume
>giving your fingerprint to the pokemon company
next you'll need to submit blood and urine samples to play the games
Not naming the city, but a suburban, formerly suburban/rural city in Central Ohio.

Not surprising with how hard it is to keep cards on American shelves these days, especially with shoplifting being more common than ever
A smaller end Kroger too.
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Oh cool so that narrows it down to like, 5 cities

I live in Toronto so uh, is it worth it to check it out if I'm in buffalo or something?
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I am not a fag or bureaucrat
That was my thought too.
This time of year and other times year pokemon cards are cleaned out in my city.

Thats pokemon cards are seemingly making a huge come back in the last 10 years.

At first glace the machine looks like the pokemon card app.

It just was so jarring to see this in my Kroger.
It is/was a basic bitch Kroger, the oldest in my town. The most fancy thing in that Kroger in the last 10 years they put a micro starbucks in it.

Theres a way newer (last 25 years) Kroger in my town you'd be more likely to see something like this in. Maybe one of those are in it too.
I didn't check it check it, just snapped a picture.

Based on what I saw it presumably sells the simple 10 card packs, but also small box sets.
The display really looks like the pokemon card app.
Lol I meant shopping at Kroger, like in Vancouver people drop down to Bellingham to buy shit all the time from trader Joe's and whatever

We'll probably get these machines in places like Markham or they already exist there
Its not a bad idea really. Pokemon card theft is probably horrible in America.
Its big and noticeable.

The only thing is, is it too niche to survive, especially where they put them.
It'd probably do great at toy stores, Gamestop, Walmart, Target, maybe CVS and Walgreens.
But Kroger, Giant Eagle and such, thats was just so random.
They put it by near the exist next to water cooler jugs and directly across from the micro star bucks.

Just knowing my town, I can see it failing at THAT Kroger.
If it was at at the other bigger Kroger, maybe. That Kroger has toy sections, small clothing section and I think a Liquor Store.
are you a professional marketing strategist?
Kroger is just a Grocery store.
Not like Walmart or anything. Some have bigger stores that sell a very small selection of clothes, like 3 aisels of clothes.

I don't know Canadian stores.
But Kroger in America is comparable to
Giant Eagle
Piggly Wiggly
I think A&P
And Ralphs

Ralphs IS Kroger.
Ralphs is to Carls Jr, what Kroger is to Hardys.
Except Kroger is the true store, like how Carls Jr is the true restaurant.

Kroger is HUGE in Ohio because it started in Cincinnati.
Pretty much everywhere in Ohio within a 15 mile radius has a Kroger.
For most everyone it was Walmart before Walmart took over at the end of the 90s.
>collecting little Japanese and American children's bodily fluids
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They started installing these October of last year.
They've been around for YEARS at Fred Meyer
they have been around for DECADES at toy r us
>gachashit, but by dogshittendo
I love vending machines in general, but I hate these video-billboard type ones.

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