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Does this mean pokemon lack agency?
Pokemon are dumb beasts who can't even fight each other without some human shouting commands at them.
They’re normally like dogs that just want to do anything to earn the praise of the person they like and respect. Except cranked up to 11 because of having an innate love for battling and (allegedly) once being the same species as humans too.
Agencies are for the Democrats… No good Democrats ended the government shutdown before it started!
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It's part of TPCi wanting Pokemon to be seen and treated like animals, hence "Pokemon can do no wrong, and if they do something wrong a human probably caused it."
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The intelligence of Pokemon has always been a really inconsistent thing. Treating them like animals is the easiest option but many animals are simply not intelligent enough to form genuine emotional bonds on the level that many Pokemon are shown to be able to form, and it's still up to debate on whether or not house pets like dogs or cats can do so.
Generally I view them as very high intelligence animals with the mental capacity of small children, similar levels of intellect that dolphins, elephants, or parrots have in the real world.
The Pokemon morality stuff is really awkward. In the early games, you get a Pokemon because the wild ones are dangerous. You're told to avoid tall grass without one in Gen 1-4, and this is even consistent with the history presented in PLA. BUT they also want Pokemon to be viewed as these colorful pets that can't do anything wrong and live in harmony with the people.
Koffing and Ekans were just blame shifting because, ironically, they're bad pokemon, and Meowth immediately contradicted what they were saying in the very next line of dialogue.
Animalfaggotry is invalid and retarded. TPC is retarded. GameFreak is retarded. Pokemon are more than mere beasts.

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