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Discuss Trainer OCs and further your designs/writing behind them through discussion with others. Be cool, be cringy, be creative, be racist, just leave your ERPing at the door.

>Thread Question: Is your OC the type who works during the holidays or do they overindulge in the fun?

>Paired Thread Question: What is something that your OC does 100% NOT want for Christmas?

>Thread Task: Draw your OC fighting a Delibird that gave them a shitty Present.

>/tog/ artfaggotry

>/tog/ writefaggotry

>OP template

>I don't know how to make a character!
Brainstorming ideas and dice rolls [NEWBIE-FRIENDLY CREATION TABLES WITHIN]:

>I don't know how to draw!
Picrew links, Sprite-making programs and resources, and AI-generated content:

>I want to learn how to draw!
Drawing tutorials and Drawing Program Downloads:

>Previous thread: >>57082822
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>Oh he's making a list
>He's checking it twice
>He's bringing me an improvised explosive device
>Santapult is coming, to town!
Hey guys, I hope you have an awesome Christmas. I'm going to see family these days, so maybe I'll chill with the posting.
Happy holidays!

David works until the 20th. After that he chills anywhere he is resting: a local bar, the open PokéCenter, or just watching Christmas movies in the cinema.

>Something he doesn't want?
Alcohol. Mainly because Sceptyle sneaks with it (shouldn't have taught him Thief), and then his team ends up drunk. Funny enough, Blaziken learned drunk style this way.
It would be more useful if he didn't set himself on fire.

Funny, because every time I fought a Delibird, I get an explosive gift, never the heal one. Fuck that wanna be Santa turkey, he will end on my table.
Who da lady? David has wife?
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Submit cards for the second /tog/ booster pack, CROSS ASCENSION, here: https://forms.gle/rinJ5WeXFW25GQva7

Take Pokémon to the next level: the Xth Level!
With LV.X cards, gain new abilities and attacks to turn the tides of battle in your favour!
MEGA Pokémon also return as LV.X cards!

>Use https://pokecardmaker.net/creator to create your cards.

>Access the recently-expanded Schizo Resource Pack here for backgrounds provided by the Archivist: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15yLgfXZUNxehHv79cBMEk5M8dueHg_9e?usp=sharing

>Edit your background/card style with https://www5.lunapic.com/editor/

Submissions end December 30th, all rules and resources included in form link!

>You can read about them and how they work here: https://files.catbox.moe/0vg83h.png (embed) (embed)
>Mega Pokémon will be reintroduced as LV.X cards also, be sure to place the following rulebox on the left just under the image border: https://files.catbox.moe/h63wnz.png (embed) (embed)
>Example of a regular LV.X card: https://files.catbox.moe/1bz70x.png (embed) (embed)
>Example of a MEGA LV.X card: https://files.catbox.moe/pj4cms.png (embed) (embed)
>To create a LV.X card, select the Sword/Shield Base Set type, and under Subtype select LV.X
>Look at existing LV.X cards here: https://pkmncards.com/level/x/
>HP limit is 210.
>Replace the SV1 tag in the bottom left with TOG2

Don't be afraid to post any cards you're happy with here too for the thread to look at.
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Got some progress on the Hali/Midori daki design done, SHOULD be done tomorrow.
Oh bugger, I forgot to do the artist for the Gengar line.
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Seems I've been banned. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?
What did you posted to get banned?
Did they show you what post you got banned for?
>archivist was daquanstein all this time
I knew it.
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Bump. Someone made an AI that can vaguely do 3D models but at this point it's just a textured vaguely person-shaped blob with all the details painted on it. Wonder how long it will be before it does proper 3D models.
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Yeah, it's pretty fun to see what it makes of certain images though.
I tried it with Polara's sister last night. It turned her tail into a cylinder.
The boobs also look like inhuman torpedoes. Definitely not gonna bother with the AI till an improved one comes out though.
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how dare you give me a good laugh with this! take your time getting it out, no need to rush perfection
done the art for the last couple of submissions! (unless i change my mind and make another since i've only got one lv.x design). gonna save writing up the skills for tomorrow or something i'm sleepy.
awww quit the flattery (and yeah, props to the archivist for all the great photos!)
hope you get over that block soon! yiyi looks so cute with the dot eyes
If I made someone laugh, that's something to celebrate.
Hope you have a good day today, bud.
Reminds me of late N64/mid PS1 era poligons.
Maybe Gamecube era? It's interesting.

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