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File: Pawmot56.png (689 KB, 657x933)
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689 KB PNG
Thread to appreciate this lil floof ball.
Previous forms also welcome.
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491 KB PNG
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File: Nemona and Pawmot 14.png (497 KB, 703x753)
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497 KB PNG
It makes sense that Pawmot is the best Pikachu knockoff, because he's the only one who was designed by Pikachu's original designer (Atsuko Nishida).
>Previous forms also welcome.
oh i can post the same thing but smaller? yay!
Alvero hiiiiij
Hai xir~
File: バカな外人.png (354 KB, 1023x1049)
354 KB
354 KB PNG
>oh i can post the same thing but smaller? yay!
I love all 3.
Was Pawmot a success or a failure?
worst pikaclone
Dedenne is worse, it's just a species that was lucky to have been carried by a decent anime.
It's in fact the best, and the strongest.

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