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>A sudden betrayal by elena has trapped most of the tripfags into playing Shitstones 2
>rg and wagie get to chapter 2 and tries out some of the new sidequests
>the dev has learned nothing, they're awful
>orevald, after beating salt n shadow's moon dlc, joins in on the shitstones 2 party and finds a hard working oshawott and has trouble getting his satanic eye to work, very relatable
>I'm trying out the new time warden's gauntlet, surprise it's cancerous
>how do you do SOS in morse code

>What is this?
This is a thread where a bunch of autists come together and play shitty fangames. Join if you want.

>How do I join?
Just make a name and/or tripcode and start posting images of whatever fangame/romhack you're playing.


>Fangame Bingo Card Generator
sorry haven't replied in a while, just slowly carving out pieces from my soul
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>Mining stones are still set
epic, at least my sneed netted me some evo stones early
Found that one faggot's "art" while changing the mining tiles
here's the first guy in the gauntlet, based shell smash comes through. I genuinely forgot about the free screen spam in this game until this
>get teamswept by a double team spamming niggereye who also has an HP draining move and fell stinger
remember how you guys seethed over the minimize clefairy in ashen frost? man
time to pay the repel tax to get back

Whiteouts: 7, i also ate shit against a faggot earlier since i'm not buying potions
you know normally someone might consider removing a species' ability to breed to be horrifying but then you have to remember that penectomies are just canadian 'culture'

T/N: wagie is laughing more at the person who made this shit for making it rather than the 'art' itself
>ice stone from my first rock
holy based
penectomies, black face, two keystones of canadian culture
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ez outside of the lead Zoruanigger outspeeding and 1/2hkoing my shit
Whiteouts: 7
gg, good luck on the rest kek
>fire/ice tyrunt

don't forget the entirety of india
speaking of canadians and blackface
has anyone seen Nigger since the last time someone asked?
...........why can you not use fucking evo stones?

i saw he was doing a playthrough of some FF mod on /vrpg/
You know, I did see something about an ItemDeprecated method while looking at one of my mons...makes me wonder if something got fucked up kek
why does everyone in these fucking games talk like they're from some shitty 19th century novel

i saw that too, it's not on any of the ice stone evos. that would be so funny if they legitimately broke every evo stone in the game. i don't even think the empire beta test team can claim to that one
Might stop for the night
sad when even the normal faggots actually whited me out more than this guy did (0 times)

i am using an ice team thoughver. probably should have tried to win that with more AP. it's so annoying you have to find the closest breloombot to even check it
gg, and thanks bro
>46 AP

also >>57117026 GG yourself and good luck, sorry for missing it
you forgot a space between /vp/ and plays
which means this thread won't get highlighted by filters set to put /vp/ plays threads at the top of the 'log
oh okay, from the FAQ
>Check to confirm that your Pokemon is at least level 30. In most cases, many Pokemon that required stone evolutions have a minimum level of 30 required AS WELL AS the corresponding stone. This is a new change as of 1.5.
yeah fuck you too
>minimum level to use stones
but the whole point of stones...nigga what?
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>No triage
Sad, Regenerator is neat thou-
>Base 51 HP
So I guess ItemDeprecated is the old method then? Really dumb though
makes sense. it's only reserved for the eevee and le broken mons like gimmighoul and magikarp which demice probably acked himself over and won't let you have
i knew so many guys and girls like this back in college, still know some of them now (not to the extent of being like terra or something, just HAHA BRO I LOVE SMOKING WEED AND BEING WACKEE AND CRAZEE). some of the most insufferable fucking losers you'd ever have the displeasure to meet. why would you ever make a video game character based on this archetype
>bro either pay the 1000$ goytax to fly back or just walk back lmao
forgot about this. i'm still mad. just give me 1000$ you fucking nigger i literally saved your worthless life
>After chapter 2 you get sent off to a desert
I s this new? I legitimately only remember the shitty t*wer in chapter 3 kek
was that in the previous version? i actually don't remember
also god shut the fuck up you niggerfaggot

maybe? i do remember you have to climb a mountain to get there
>giving a chapter summary that just restates the exposition dump right before the end of the chapter
lol what the fuck
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Why the fuck am I over here kek
I guess this is a new optional area?
Whatever, I'm done for the night kek
I'm pretty sure it was
haha yeah! big chungus breathtaking 100 ong no cap straight bussin!

yeah, i see what happened, you're supposed to go to route 3 to head to telescopium, but for some weird reason they say you can also head to 'corona' city via the boat (which doesn't seem to have any purpose at all). that is a new area
night bro
also what the fuck is with all these battle backgrounds kek. were they always this crusty
i'll just let this image speak for itself
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Why is this a fairy type kek
Ah kek, I was speeding though the dialogue
what kind of enormous faggot would make it that this entire desert is a cave map instead of just making like dark sand pits be where you encounter wild mons like every other fangame desert

food/dessert mons tend to be fairy i guess
it'll probably be fire/fairy down the line
Power went out AGAIN and now I have to put up with my bible thumper relatives telling me I should bend the other cheek and just stay without power for the rest of the month because being "mean" to people is "le bad", I love my life.
Don't forget the fact Trudeau has a vague resemblance to Castro and that his mother just so happened to be one of his most fanatical cocksuckers, it's hard not to hate Canada.
they were at full health, and I had light screen up. that rat did ONE boomburst
thanks bros.
>just stay without power in the coldest month of the year
they have mental damage
>you can actually buy fossils from here and then revive them at the guy in lyra city
i mean, they're wildly expensive, and fuck you for making walk that distance like i have to walk damn everywhere in this shitty game, but this does mean shitstones 2 clocks the speedrun world record for how fast you can revive fossils kek
of course, most aren't even rock. orevaldbros..

sorry bro, and thanks. hope your shit resolves soon
>FullDesc = User's Sound-type moves deal 1.5x damage. Stacks multiplicatively with STAB.
so yeah, basically a 140 * 2.25 = 315 power boomburst, and it probably has specs or something retarded kek
life orb
Wagie brought it up before, but I fucking loathe how little money you get from trainers, especially since I've been buying tons on Pokeballs to get the dex bonuses, the most I saw a trainer give you 300, every other one gives you like 70 to 100 at most.
Sound is such a repulsive "type".
Thankfully I don't live too far north, but pretty much.
Thanks a ton bro.
>Fossils are finally available at a reasonably early enough point
>Aren't Rock types so I can't use them
Why are we still here....Just to suffer?
i know everyone here is either smart enough to not play this shit or smart enough to figure this out, but yeah there's no fucking point in buying the low tier items from the AP shop. why even sell them there if i can buy them 'cheaply' for actual money elsewhere? god it gets worse kek

also this desert city sucks bro
>way too fucking big
>every npc talks about how they're getting lost and how they can't tell where any of the shit is
>randomly a fuckton of trainers around
>wild pokemon start attacking at you some point (?????) gotta have the player spam repels goy
please let me get the infinirepel soon

that'll do it kek
some of them are still rock. i got the claw fossil from mining and saw armaldo is rock/poison (worse type than its usual, but still)
>try to do triple triad sidequest
>players have busted cards
oh boy i can't wait to buy the booster packs all over again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This quest really makes me think if Jos is part of (((the tribe))), because it's such a bizarre stance coming from a tard who is such an adamant libshit.
stop being a broke nigger
2nd holocaust now

..is what i would say, but israel's already the one doing it

>frequently says protests are le bad
>the big business conglomerate is more 'moral' to join than the environmentalists
>not so subtle racism
tbf, canadians are slowly getting more and more angry over their buckbreaking by india
meant to say '2nd holocaust (but for real this time)' now

i'm already low karma why can't i do shit like steal shit from people. this might be the most limpdicked karma system i've ever played
man i don't even care that this is NTR

BROS....finally, FINALLY he made a sidequest which isn't 'go around and grab 17 nigger cunts'. it's just go catch a nacli and give it to this fag.

reward for this is toxic, btw, might want to try it orevald

dude for like two seconds i thought 'wait....maybe he's FINALLY realized no one likes the 'go do X of Y' sidequests'. i was FINALLY going to give him praise that he managed to do more than just the bare minimum. bros...it's so over...
before the fight starts he says "check out my custom team!" pay attention to the first and last pokemon, unoriginal motherfucker. I don't get how masquerain is that fast, it didn't have the choice scarf so idk how it's outspeeding daniel but fuck it. also free tailwind how cool
>guy gives you a relic vase as a reward
>you can't even sell it (or maybe you can, but i'm not hunting through that shitty bazaar again)
wow this entire place has been a waste of fucking time. amazing
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>One of the few announcements that plays on TV in-game is a loan scam
Also fuck the triple triad tournament, I don't understand why you'd put this in a game if you're not going to do it as well as Crimson and Colbat or Perish Song.
Fair enuff kek but good points.
I'll try it I suppose.
gg. god what an ugly sprite for the character and what a crusty background kek. badman is washed
holy digits
just be aware when you get to where i am that you'll probably want at least one card with a 7 side. i recommend trying to go for the guys in the lower right corner first, i think they might be the easiest (assuming it's not randomized across save files or something)
like the sex pest faggot from last thread it's pretty crazy that everytime these faggots try to be funny it makes them sound like they're the kind of 'people' that need to be placed on someone's watchlist
thanks bro. badman may be washed but the next dev decided to just be the lucariofag from that one movie
scamGODS won
fucking lmao

i, uh, don't think they intended for you to have it this early
>BaseStats = 127,133,110,25,50,105
>>>>>it's literally even more minmaxed than normal gholdengo (even if it's type and ability are way worse)

orevald, maybe not too late to swap out for ground or something kek
nature is shit though but surely you can get mints for cheap without debug, right? RIGHT?
Shitstones is like the pajeet of fangames, it genuinely cannot stop shitting on everything.
Noted, can't wait to have every single cent stolen from me so I can win some shitty card tournaments, h-haha Yugibros........
Kek, nah, I think I'm fine for new, if I'm breaking my dualtype rules it's for a mon I actually like using like the fox witch or the fossils.
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She's like the living embodiment of everything wrong with this game.
gg, and thanks bro. but dude it's a .5 update, they wouldn't put out a .5 update that actually makes things worse, would they? surely not
>you want to use a rotating team of pokemon....? NOOOOOOOOOOOO YOU JUST CAN'T ALRIGHT

i don't think the nature mints are expensive, the problem is that they're only available in one city, the regional flying service costs money and all the other optimization QOL also costs lots of money
well, pretty fitting given it's the biggest canadian fangame. GG
I think this game's backgrounds are shitty AI slop
wagie you wonder who would find caitlin funny? the way these devs talk I think we have the answer. also he lowers both defenses and raises his by one, great. probably stopping for now
god even with the amulet coin you get NO money from these trainers. and they all have like 5 mons. fucking why dude

GG, assuming you won
>wagie you wonder who would find caitlin funny? the way these devs talk I think we have the answer.
it's more of a rhetorical question anyway
iirc voltsy said he loved caitlin, which shouldn't be surprising
I did not kek. if you got money then you would be less encouraged to go all out for the AP points bruh
>Artie's mom punished him because....he was close to dying
>>57117893 i don't think the backgrounds were the only thing created by AI in this game

i guess kek. and then you can't spend any of your AP because you need it for the infinirepel or demonic eye upgrade due to 1% encounters. what a game
ez thankfully

>he used a super potion in that fight
pls no. i don't remember enemies healspamming last time, please don't fucking start
i dunno when i'll even start recording fights, i can't remember when this game gets annoying with them
h-hahahahahaa....it begins....

first thing i'm doing is finding that breloom for my infinite repel
gg. you might be annoyed by the muk anomaly
>Power keeps flickering
I'll probably call it a night here and hopefully by tomorrow this shit normalizes, I don't want to let the lads suffer through this hell alone.
Thanks bros.
Every single dev self-insert so far sounds like your usual discordtroon groomer, terminally online manchild or something along those lines.
Caitlin is like their avatar.
god fucking finally

>the breloom is right at the top of the tower
who wants to bet he deliberately did that and timed it so that when the player hits 50 AP (likely right after that artie fight) they'd need to have a struggle session up the tower and the gangbanger nigger wild mons

not even 'like' she literally is kek

whatever. i 'only' wasted 20 minutes of my life on this shit

>you can FINALLY skip the shitty ch3 segment
>but only after going through most of it, probably trying to talk to every single npc along the way because you wouldn't think it's skippable
>and ALSO, you have to be le shitcord member and post your heccin hall of fame run so they can heccin validate you

i mean i'm glad it's finally skippable but man kek. thank god it's not some shit like the HOF sekrit klub gets an exclusive download for the game where they get to skip this (doe, to be fair, you could just skip all of this with debug anyway)
anyway, code is 480134
oh also i'm really glad it's skippable because i went to see if i had done everything, and i'm pretty sure i hadn't kek
I can't help but laugh, what the fuck is wrong with this guy? That's so insane, I thought he acknowledged that he fucked up with the chapter but he's clearly butthurt that no one liked his shitty mash A on everything design, what a fucking faggot
>the faggot at the top of the tower is pretty fucking busted and also is a stealth rock enjoyer which my mons still do terribly against
>to train up new teammates i need to walk allllllllllll the way back down the tower to the previous city multiple routes away
yeah just because he implemented a skip code doesn't necessarily make this that much less painful kek

i guess it's a philosophy of like 'the first run should be le pure + people who engage in my community should get some kind of reward' just done in the gayest way possible
Actually, I'll (try to) finish up this area tonight
I get it's supposed to look like a cupcake, but it really doesn't kek
>it'll probably be fire/fairy down the line
It says pure fairy apparently
haha...I opted for the demonic eye upgrade, so I've still got a while unfortunately
Also thanks for this, I really don't feel like doing it kek

ithoughtyouwouldbestronger.png. i recorded because, yeah....

basically just kind of folded when i came back with some actually evolved mons kek. i should have optimized for AP but honestly after getting the infinirepel i don't really care THAT much anymore

>pure fairy garganacl
that's honestly not bad for the statline it has
>I opted for the demonic eye upgrade
it probably won't be bad, but being able to just run through all the shitty maps without being bombarded by repel messages and paying potentially tens of thousands for repels will be worth more in the long run imo. hopefully you can nab yours soon
also, Whiteouts: 11 fuck the mr. mime
gg. you could save up AP for shit like early loaded ice or assault vest
>Make my rounds of the bazaar
>Miss the triple triad faggot, meaning I had to do it again to fight all of them
>that's honestly not bad for the statline it has
Yeah, it gains regenerator, but loses salt cure (unless it has an equivalent oc move), it's probably pretty damn good even without it though kek
>but being able to just run through all the shitty maps without being bombarded by repel messages and paying potentially tens of thousands for repels will be worth more in the long run imo
Yeah, it's definitely #2, but I just didn't want to ever have to leave my mons in the desire sensor's hands ever again kek i also wanted comfey which can only be gotten via surf at this point
Also why are there trainers and wild mons inside the houses, fuck off i'm trying to npc autism here
>cynthia gives me a moon stone for my eevee
>i don't have it
>no pc nearby unless i want to run all the way up the tower
oh, i remember this bullshit from last time
next thing i'm getting is the remote pc. fuck you

by the time i save up for the remote PC + the demonic eye upgrade + the actual battle items i'd want i'll probably have gotten the items regularly kek
fair enough kek, and thanks
>ripping off empire's bad qualities
why am I not surprised
>the lag on this route wasn't fixed

gaze upon this image and weep (there's also 2 more pages with the exact number of mons)

apparently one of the main devs of empire literally was a main dev during the early dev of this game kek
they kicked him out and tried to scrub his influence apparently
look how far that went
thanks bro
also you know one thing i realized when i did that fight, i thought i had the difficulty set to 'randomize boss teams'? what happened to that kek
Oh my PokemonChallenges this is just like heckin weed green
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I think it got changed to a set number, I got #2, which i think means the bosses are always going to use their second team of their sets
yeah i can tell you're trying real hard to evacuate that fat faggot over there
the roadblocks in this game are legitimately like, how /vp/ memes how bad unova/kalos roadblocks are

oh. i mean i'm glad they did it that way, it was dumb when they did that in SS1, just kind of weird it's not the same
boy it sure is pogging epic how every enemy gets +1 crit ratio loaded dice multihit moves
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Yeah, It's definitely a good thing kek, I sure as hell wouldn't want to put up with prepping for 4 teams on top of bullshit rng
don't look up crime stats for rich blacks compared to other races
i've talked to everyone in this stupid fucking shithole just give me the fucking reward already
>the evo stone vendor is blocked off
lol why. i remember this from last time. but now it's truly pointless since you can't even use them by this point
>nature changer/ability is 2500
>IV changer is 6000
>to travel between cities costs 1000
so to 'optimize' a full team is going to run up about ~50k assuming you're not currently at what you want for anything in your IVs/natures, and potentially another 10-12k popped on for abilities

50k is all the money in my pocket right NOW after having fought near every single trainer with amulet coin, having done every sidequest, and maybe having bought mass repels like once or twice. and of course i'm not going to be using a full team, i'm probably going to need a rotation. fuck off
that's also before all of the black market exclusive vendors as well
awful sprite

there's also eggs you can buy in a lot of cities, and i assume some kind of price to gate move tutor shit
>go find 10 yobbos in the underground so you can then fight 5 retards on the docks

>your reward is probably the worst seinfeld reference in anything i've ever seen
>retard gets an evasion boost and free attack for nothing
>when you white out because you weren't expecting a shitty boss after the bunch of retards you need to watch the minute long cutscene again
I'm tired. Whiteouts: 12
really we should start putting this in the OP
literal filth

he also uses some bullshit item that lets him get free +2 SpA and +1 SpD on his charjabug on top of his evasionniggery

Whiteouts: 14

the game has native 5x speedup, it's just dogshit without instatext
there's a reason more than a few of us consider this game worse than fucking empire
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Whiteouts: 12, 3 to faggots on my way up kek
Didn't wanna change my team for the boss, the geodude was more of a faggot than the mr mime for me d e s u
Gonna stop for the night now and try and finish the quests here tomorrow

finally, a sidequest that actually has something of interest to it

thanks, and GG yourself RG. the fuck is going on with draining kiss in this game kek, is it normally that busted
>Draining Kiss does damage and restores the user's HP by 75% of the damage dealt.
Thanks bros
>he fuck is going on with draining kiss in this game kek, is it normally that busted
It's really crazy earlygame when you still only have shit bp moves kek, Butterfree is basically my shitter clearer because of it + Tinted Lens
>finizen gets a special version of huge power
>plus rain
>plus mystic water
it sucks too because palafin looks dogshit compared to its base game version. but at least it's fun for now
>artie casually mentions the mountain in the desert opened up and he went there earlier
when, nigger?

they really just made this whole area, then slipped into unrelated dialogue 'HEY YOU SHOULD GO THERE FOR SOME REASON'. really?
i oneshot it kek

thankfully you get back the scope lens that you gave away during this quest, but all that for a ~9000 profit and a morgrem form i can't use was not worth it
describes this entire game, actually
you WILL obsessively complete overdesigned sidequests that don't give you anything useful
this is so fucking retarded

>guy gives me quest that deals with first 3 floors for the ubisoft checklist
>have to climb all the way back down and talk to him again
>then i have to re explore the second and third floor for the ubisoft checklist
>go talk to the fag again
>explore the 4th and 5th floor for the ubisoft checklist
>climb back down and talk to him again

and then he gives me an item i already FUCKING HAD (plus a useless tm and barely any money). you FUCKING N I G G E R

nobody in this project should ever touch a video game again. i mean jos especially, but none of them, even badman or hexx_viktar. everything about it is tainted, from the people who made it, to the people who like it, to even the people who hate it like us

i wouldn't even mind if the sidequests gave dogshit rewards if they at least felt somewhat interesting to do
some dude summoning a demon is at least halfway interesting, but then you have shit like the above which is so beyond fucking stupid and has nothing to do with anything. god
what rejuvenation mod is this?
oh never mind, i get a cosmic type phantump, i guess i can le heccin use that! never mind i could already catch one of these fucking things
what shitty sprite am I supposed to look for
where's the bloody jokes

just in case anyone thought exploring with surf after you get it is worthwhile

lol, lmao
this is literally the best part of this entire game, when caitlin talks like a normal human being for all of 10 seconds
all of 10 fucking seconds
how is this joke never funny

he only tells it like 50 times, surely it'd be able to land once
do we at least get to fuck this slut
maybe she'd be more bearable if she had a dick in her mouth


i don't think you could pay me a million dollars to even just touch that thing
>dry skin (in rain) + auto-ingrain + leftovers i think?
>also spams cosmic power and has a million defensive evs
basically just 'bring cheese and win' the fight, except you wouldn't know that heading in, and then you'd have to try and navigate out of the clusterfuck that is the slums while also trying to dodge the niggertrainers that all have 5 mons for whatever goddamn reason

my haunter has an ice type version of hex, which worked well enough
also yeah, forgot, but she's a coalburner

the 'been there, done that' is referring to the nigga who cynthia is obsessed with >>57119116
if you want to fuck that, be my guest
>the anomalies are trying to escape through the ley lines
>yeah i think the anomalies are trying to escape through the ley lines
>the anomalies hail from the space between universes, i think they can get out
>so angelo is trying to destroy the ley lines...
>wait, i think angelo is trying to destroy the ley lines to free the anomalies
>this is so that he can get to the space between universes
>but then the anomalies will invade our world! that'll be really bad!
>we've got to protect the ley lines from angelo
>the anomalies will escape through them if we don't

anybody who thinks this game's dialogue is good does not deserve to breathe air. i'm going to bed
wtf who put a merged image of every screenshot of this game to ever exist as the battle background
hey I think we need to stop angelo from destroying the ley lines
did you know? the anomalies are trying to escape through the ley lines
did I ever tell you about Leon and his unbeatable Charizard?
if we don’t stop angelo from destroying the ley lines, we will lose the game!
wait what is angelo trying to do?
I think he might want to destroy the ley lines!
that’s why we need to get help from Leon and his unbeatable Charizard!
But will it let the anomalies out? I wonder what Angelo is trying to achieve by doing this...

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