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Is there any beta pokemon that would have been one of your favorites if it was real?
For me, its beta Escavalier. I still like the one we got but this one is miles better.
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Well yeah
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Why Sugimori-sama... why...
so that's why Luxray looks like a clown, fuck sugimori
Rather a mon have ugly features than be forgettable like Digimon or whatever other monster battler came out in the 90s-00s
My theory is that Escavalier was originally going to be a late game strong mon counterpart to Volcarona, but then they decided against it and made it look weaker because of it
>unova could have had good pokemon design, GF just chose to make the mon look like shit on purpose
The absolute fucking state
I dont like it
>>unova could have had good pokemon design,
It does.
Gen 5 is the only gen where I like all Pokemon
even tokupod?
I understand and even agree with a lot of the changes, especially for gen 3, but this and that unown ruin lizard would've kicked ass
I liked Altaria's beta and the design still holds up to be a standlone mon
It could've been a likeable derp like quagmire or slowbro instead of the thing we wish we could forget that we got instead
yeah no i agree i like the final design but this is a case where id genuinely say that we were robbed
That's Rayquaza
It still is a lovable derp.
It's both
Why is this so radically better than what we got anyway in your eyes?
I am genuinely mad over how bad we were robbed
almost as bad as no Battle Frontier
What gen did this one get cut from?
Ah, I should have guessed.
nta but it being completely covered in armour and having less colours because of that makes it look cleaner and refined. having less colours then makes that green eye pop out in its design the same way Aggron's blue eyes do. and having mecha antennae is cooler than not having them
go back to bed Sugimori
It has a more robotic and evil look to it
While I agree, it honestly made me appreciate the actual escavalier more. Oh well, hopefully we get a move animation or mega or something that incorporates its elements into it.
This shit's too damn cool, but so is Tyrantrum so... I guest they thought those feather things are the "uncool" part?
We wont, it would be a cool mega
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Correct, I’m happy they kept it instead of cutting the best out of every game like they usually do. I remember i thought it was already pretty edgy when it came out.
We coulg have had both
It would unironically work as a future paradox

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