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It's over.
I'm not a fan. But since he calls out cheaters, he is right to do so.
>you lived long enough to witness youtube documentarians migrate into your niche community's sect of eccentrics and lolcows
I think I saw this guy make a documentary on metokur or something a few days ago in my recommended
This guy sweeps for Wolfey for genned Pokémon. the intended way to get a competitive Pokémon is just breeding for good Iv's. This isn't a problem with modern Pokémon games, but in the past, you had to go through this process when building a team. This was the intended way to build a competitive team and how many competitors did it.
Its not that hard to do. you could breed in a day or two a good team with high IV's so you could have a legit team.
he would just gen them to bypass the process which is cheating.
its like having a baking competition where the rules are everyone must bake their own cakes, and you going to a bakery and buying one and presenting it as your own.
dems the rules. he is a cheater. Verlisify though a furfag is not wrong and only when people are called out for cheating will eventually learn how to do it the right way. sloppy form.
Once you start you never stop, As one Anon said
>Once they allow you to just pick a pokemon/ivs/evs he'll cheat that way instead.
Thing is, Verlis also genned pokemon and try to lie to his audience about it.
>its like having a baking competition where the rules are everyone must bake their own cakes, and you going to a bakery and buying one and presenting it as your own.
this is an incorrect and retarded comparison. A baking competition is about your skills in baking cake. Therefore using someone else's cake is cheating. Competitive pokemon is about battling. You're not being judged on how fast or slow you take to get good IVs.
You are unironically a lazy fuck if you cant get perfect IV's and EV's for your mons in 2024 0 IV in attack is 1-31 and for both speed and attack its 1-62 and thats only for legendary pokemon.
lazy? sure. Cheating? No.
Yes you are cheating my breaking the rules retard.
how about this comparison. I go amateur racing from time to time. there is a rule in the rule book because i read it, unlike many people that go racing. it reads in national events if you think a car has an illegal mod that would give an unfair advantage in your class. you can tell an offical, they will disassemble the car to look for the modification. if the modification is found, then the competitor will be disqualified. but if they cannot find the illegal mod, then you will be charged a fee to the officials for the disassembly and reassembly of the vehicle.
if you are caught with a modded car. you cheated.
this shouldn't mean much but when there is money, pride, and sponsorships on the line. a little faggot cheater doing an oopsie doopsie is a lot worse than you play it out to be.
Wow, and it only took ten fucking years for people to digest very easy information about an obviously manipulative hack.
some people never compete and dont know that cheating is wrong. imagine that.
I dont like the furfaggot but this video just feels like a sweep for cheating and wolfeyvgc is he really saying that its okay to cheat because its a children's game?
soft tit flabby arm sissies who never leave the house cannot fathom.
"cheating" in pokemon is essentially just a timesave that gives no advantage in an actual battle. Literally anyone can soft reset on a legendary to get specific stats if they wanted to waste hours of their life but anyone with half a brain is just gonna use pkhex instead of mulling through that boring process. Anything that would be actual legitimate cheating like giving pokemon more stats or illegal moves/abilities wouldn't be allowed to be brought online or to actual events.
It is just so low stakes and impact I don't give a shit. Like others said perfect IV pokemon is trivial now only 0 IVs will take awhile
>vid actually sweeps for him wholesale
how do I IV train retards to understand?
>is he really saying that its okay to cheat because its a children's game?
A lot of people feel that way. Personally, I think anyone that feels the need to cheat/optimize a glorified calculator designed to satiate the escapism of a small child should probably reassess their life choices, but aside from that, if people believe they won't get caught for using steroids, they'll use them to get ahead.
nobody likes cheaters doesn't matter the hobby or sport. people that cannot understand are childish themselves and don't compete because they are afraid, they would lose without their unfair advantage. no other reason for the cope.
>first 20 seconds of the video is him explaining he broke up with his girlfriend because he was mad about Smogon
This perfectly sums up the type of retard this guy is and why he's so easy to hate.
>0 IV stats
Fuck right off, gold bottle caps are a bit tough yeah, but normal bottle caps cost 20k a pop in levincia and you can get a shitton of money from item drops in the rocky kitakami biome. Rare bones aint rare there.
they are paranoid and will make excuses
>well i only cheat because everyone else secretly does so its ok, i just got caught
there's a ceiling in how much of an advantage you can get from genning pokemon
as opposed to taking steroids which removes the ceiling
the steroids comparison would be like if someone hacked their pokemon to have stats that are impossible
I hate modern youtube thumbnails so fucking much
That’s all I wanna say, nobody else will notice this
i dont actually care because i wont compete in VGC, but can someone find the rule book and read it so they can learn how wrong they really are?
If it's so quick and easy to get perfect IVs and EVs then why do you faggots get so mad when people gen them?
make up whatever imaginary loopholes, concepts and ideas you want. whatever it says on paper, dems the rules. if it says no genned pokemon. so be it.
Wtf is this channel. An OSRS nigger turned into a gossip faggot?
>hmmmm very interesting
>it says in section 13, paragraph 4, line 3
>says here you cheated and are a faggot.

Wtf does this mean???????????????????????


Why are zoomers like this?
from context I think it means "cleans up for"
maybe "enables" could be substituted but further research is necessary
Well you are breaking the rules retard and wolfs raichu was impossible to obtain outside of a specific timefame
Play the game loser
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>what do you mean i cannot cheat my way to the top?
Because its against the rules
sorry breloom. thats against the rules.
i played, thats how i know what i said
If it's against the rules why can everyone enter official tournaments with genned mons with zero issue?
Well dont break the rules
Bottle caps arent cheating, as theyre an in-game item used for hyper training, which is explicitly shown in-game
>wolfs raichu was impossible to obtain outside of a specific timefame
>just because I dont get caught its not against the rules
It was only available in a specific event from 2013 so for all intensive purposes its an event move
Also all his legendaries had perfect EV's (statistically impossible before bottle caps)
>Also all his legendaries had perfect EV's (statistically impossible before bottle caps)
Bottle caps don't affect EVs. If you are going to rage about "cheaters" then at least learn the game first.
I meant IV's point still stands
Boomer anger from 14+ years ago when breeding pokemon the intended way was actually difficult.
People wouldn't treat this guy like a laughing stock if he didn't make those horrible competitive sets and wasn't a furry lolcow

That said, training and breeding Pokemon has becomyso fucking easy it's hard to believe, I still remember how hard it was to get an outstanding pokemon with 3 perfect IVs back in gen3 without all the proper resources to figure out you SID, it's only until gen4 frame manipulation with the poke tech that we got a break and could actually get decent eggs, we have gone a long way from then like holy shit bottle caps at 50 and vitamins that go past 100 are such a fucking time saver
Nigger sweep it up janny came from here
These (>>57128363, >>57128319, & >>57128212) use "sweep" as some sorta non-word, not as what sweep is actually defined and used as.
>sweep it up janny
this uses sweep not even as a form of non-word, but as another word for "clean", as to clean something up, like a forum filled with non-word spam.
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"Welcome back wolf pack" lives in my head to this day
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i noticed and would like to wish you a Merry Christmas, anon
i screen capped my own post because I'm easily baited into retarded arguments over nothing while having an overwhelming urge to give my opinion on said arguments
both verlis and wolfey are faggots
they should kiss eachother and jump off a cliff
Wolfey won
Smogon won
Genning won
Masuda won
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>Smogon when they haven't nerfed a Pokémon in 5 minutes.
The furfaggot is here samefagging
I dont care about verlisify or your shitty video, stop doing self promotion here
Verlis is a hypocritical cringey faggot but he’s right about cheating being bad even if he’s done it himself.
Wolfey, while being a cheater, at least makes okay videos, Verlis is unwatchable.
>in 2024
yeah ofc. Cheating is 100% defensible before (maybe including) gen 7.
do you have the original image perchance?
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both are
So this is all basically one giant hitpiece presented as a history lesson.

I thought the contents were largely worthless, although the allegations of genning hypocrisy and his apparent forgettal of admission to controversy for views were legitimate points of interest.

Verlisify actually reuploaded a video a few days ago where he was discussing the decline in Poketube viewership across the board (i.e. multiple channels) during Gen VII. This guy here talks about Verlisify's decline in views from the millions per month back then, but who is getting that kind of viewership now in the Pokemon space in 2024?

A weird thing this guy does is dedicates a whole section to "Smogon" despite only using clips of old shit, where admittedly he may have had weaker arguments, but guess what? There were very few precedents for Smogon criticism and far fewer examples of the contradictions behind their decision-making; there wasn't the benefit of hindsight many of the videos he's made for this decade have been able to enjoy, where clear patterns of behavior and policy paint a picture of what really Smogon sets out to accomplish---which isn't "competitive Pokemon", but an autistic manchild's mangling and wrangling of the game into something which won't personally upset their love for predictability.

Also funny how he uses the baby Pokemon thing when technically anyone clicking pass on anything is a degenerate pokefucker already---what difference does it make if they're preevos, or special kinds of preevos?

Overall this guy didn't make a completely worthless vid, but he was hellbent on besmirching Verlisify's name, so he focused on garbage and mentioned worthwhile considerable points only in passing.
Verlisify calls out

who make people who don't cheat or devote hundreds of hours to crafting meta-relevant teams unable to compete on equal footing, since Pokemon is so heavily a numbers game where better stats provide overwhelming odds of winning---and it doesn't even stop with stats, but with access to certain mons and moves too that are terribly inconvenient for a regular player
who claim they love competitive Pokemon while all their policies show a consistent hatred of what Pokemon actually is, as well as an overwhelming desire to keep their metas stale and predictable in order to protect and promote their own favored strategies at the expense of others' idea of fun, even if those hated strategies have checks and balances which merely require adaptations in one's own play
like the guy who made this video that love to dodge his actual arguments and the content of what he's saying, favoring ad hominems like furry pedophile or bad player, all the while accusing him of being the hypocritical and unreasonable one
>GameFreak & The Pokemon Company
for putting out lackluster games and not only not taking action against bad actors, but actively promoting them

There's so many agreeable attacks he makes, but he's labeled a "contrarian" because, as he puts it, the community has become mostly "toxic" where all of this gets embraced and celebrated instead of rejected. It's commendable he doesn't bend the knee and continues cooking up more diatribes against what he notices wrong.

I've always hated Smogon myself, so he really just brings another perspective that validates my own and adds to it.
Verlisify isn't niche. He's one of the top 5 most famous Poketubers of all time and arguably the most influential upon the anglophone Pokemon community of all time.
well said

>Verlisify though a furfag
you realize where you are? pokefucking has become widespread accepted even in the normie space to the point they engage with the retarded smash and pass shit
this is legitimately like insulting j-walkers
what? i don't understand what you're trying to say
I draw cummies for 20 minutes and a spamfag shows up?!
this guy spent like 15 seconds of his video on that claim and barely explained anything
i'm not convinced he has a leg to stand on there---otherwise, wouldn't he be all over it for several minutes?
>A baking competition is about your skills in baking cake.
and teambuilding is like baking a cake
the taste test is the battle

sorry to say it is not the analogy which is retarded, but you
analogies are hardly ever 1-to1
that works too
some people do compete and dont know that cheating is wrong. imagine that.
Veris is a big baby lol
>Verlisify's obsession with wolfey is 100% a playground crush because his name is Wolfe
kek jewtube comments can be funny sometimes
>this video just feels like a sweep for cheating and wolfeyvgc
it was partially that and mostly just an anti-verlisify hitpiece
>is he really saying that its okay to cheat because its a children's game?
yes that's very much what he was saying, while not addressing any of verlisify's arguments against cheating, just saying "nah"
>"It doesn't matter because it's just a kid's game; nobody has time for all that; besides, who does it hurt?"
Wolfey has to travel a lot of distance to get to tornaments
He has to often team build entirely new teams sometimes days in advance because vgc changes party composition on the fly
He still wants to have a life with friends and family
Vgc is stressful as is. Often he makes very bad plays due to sleep deprivation
>but he gens some pokemon bros he's a fraud who can't play the game
>"cheating" in pokemon is essentially just a timesave that gives no advantage in an actual battle
the timesaves directly lead to advantages in actual battles
some sets are logistically impossible to obtain, or impossible to obtain on a reasonable timeframe in an ever-evolving meta
people who have the edge in time have more time to devote to testing (which can determine that certain sets were unviable wastes of time in the first place) and practicing for all the possible matchups they'll be facing
>Literally anyone can soft reset on a legendary to get specific stats if they wanted to waste hours of their life
if you already have your copy from your game, you have to start a new file and get to the point of the legendary capture if you want to use a set drastically different from the one you have, and still have to devote even more time for absolute perfection rather than just a good enough approximation of what you need
and the trading system is clogged with gen pokemon
>Anything that would be actual legitimate cheating
as if genning isn't """actual legitimate cheating"""; maybe when you willfully ignore the above points
Wolfy could ev and iv train a Pokémon while veris sucks his cock and veris would still call him a cheater because he sucks dick at the game lol
Don't worry, I hate them too.
Sick of seeing these stupid thumbnails of people with black boxes over their eyes and a random word written in it being recommended to me, when they have nothing to do with anything I watch.
If you've ever been in a relationship, you'd know people could absolutely leave you if you inadvertantly spent too much time being a downer, such that this wasn't outside the realm of possibility, if though poorly explained.

People also have to remember he made many of these videos in his early 20s, where many of us are significantly stupider and less articulate than we'll eventually grow out of.
>there's a ceiling in how much of an advantage you can get from genning pokemon
you're dumb if you don't realize the issue is the time taken to reach the ceiling
they know it's prohibited in the rules, they just want "screw the rules" to be the dominant sentiment

they want gamefreak to stop disallowing genning and/or provide what is essentially genning themselves, without the hassle of catching and training
thank you very much for watching
>Smogon won
Current gen smogon is losing players at an unprecented rate and they've been getting more pushback than arguably any point in history prior
Isn't it bizarre how you can tell these were made by the same poster
Wolfey won.
/vp/ is ruled by mentally ill gimmick posters. There's some fag who keeps creating these Verlisify threads so he can then samefag in them to defend his idol. He always posts in the same way. Always acts like he's a rational, unbiased observer and just figured out today that everything Verlisify says actually totally makes sense. Why? Because he claimed that 2+2 equals 4 once so everything he says is right. Being in love with some idiotic furry Youtuber fag is low even for /vp/ standards.
>if you think a car has an illegal mod that would give an unfair advantage in your class
key word: unfair advantage
you can't get unfair advantage on genning
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They're going to past gens, not leaving smogon altogether

but some have taken the VGCpill like mdb and freezai while others are exploring
Lmao I loved how Verlinigger went after Wolfey when he had like 3k subs. Now Wolfey is one of the biggest figures in competitive Pokemon and content creator while Verlis is a irrelevant retard hated by everyone
You assume too much and dont understand.
>I should have never cheated............ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
>"cheating" in pokemon is essentially just a timesave that gives no advantage in an actual battle
How to say you're a retard without saying it
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I don't understand what?
whats that supposed to prove? that im wrong because i dont have a stupid fucking card to prove i compete?
do you have one older than 2024?
so im wrong that cheating is bad because some asshole once competed and says im wrong.
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yeah well my uncle once ate a bag of chips so you know he says you're a faggot and disreguard anything you say.
like I said, cheating is unacceptable doesn't matter if I never competed in VGC, TCG or any other Pokémon competition. I compete in my own sport. a cheater over here is a cheater over there. doesn't matter the hobby or sport. doesn't matter if someone has some random competitor card. that doesn't mean I'm wrong. it's just all show. look in the rule book it says no genned Pokémon. that's how I know I'm right and you could be the fucking Dali Lama of TCG as long as you are lying and cheating it don't mean shit.
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and this isn't even my first year. I've been around for a while kiddo
actually I haven't genned on the switch because I haven't bought a second to modify. And I don't use online bots because they're shit and always get caught. I still understand there's not any advantage

>bbbbut more time to practice
if you didn't git gud in the hundreds of hours you have at disposition you won't git gud in the couple dozen hours you save by genning

reality is that you seething retards will never git gud even if you were handed actual impossible sets

so you got on the internet to try and make me look bad. but it ended up backfiring and i dragged your ass through the mud.
low effot troll posting.
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can you confidently say you read da rules and can point to where it says that genned pokemon are allowed for the classroom.
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This melty is just getting sad at this point.
heres the rulebook. cope. has to be a legal team.
Cannot use illegally obtained pokemon.
the only discussion is about competitive advantage, which doesn't exist

banning genned pokémon is arbitrary and gay, and the rule is not broken if you aren't caught

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Uh oh big man's got a big bad rulebook.
This won't change the fact that you're having a huge melty over a dude posting proof that he's competed.
cheat fags BTFO'd. hearsay doesn't matter. it says right there in the rules you fucking dipshit.
this rule book wasnt even long. i could read it in an hour. yet somehow the lack of rules, people still cant read the book nor follow them.
>Being in love with some idiotic furry Youtuber fag is low even for /vp/ standards.
That's saying something when /vp/ is currently the lowest it's ever been.
isnt it bizarre how you believe it makes any difference

and the top 3 and bottom 3 are not the same poster
take your meds schizo
>They're going to past gens
the only OU that's demonstrably grown is 3 OU and not everyone who plays it now mains it

Gen 3 OU is also the most modern and least regulated gen for pokemon, i.e. least tainted by smogon bullshit
>Last name Glick
>Is a proven time and time again cheater
oh vey this is basically antisemitism.
What does him being a furry have to do with anything
why am I just not surprised.
Read through the thread, retard. Some fag who keeps saying shit like "sweeped" is obviously doing this. This is also no the first time this is happening. Lots of Verlisify threads lately. Some retard really needs to defend the honor of his e-celeb idol here.
i see now why there are so many supporters of wolfe despite the clear cheating.
win at all costs, amirite?
Did you expect him to be an edgy /pol/ user or something?
well im just now not surprised that he is a cheater.
Also this fag created another thread because one thread wasn't enough? >>57130737
it was written in the talmud that genned pokemon is totally fine, thats why Wolfy Glick gets a pass because of his Jewish privilege. and its ok when they denounce whats written in other books like pokemon VGC rule books because that was written by gentiles.
got it.
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You should go back to having a melty about the guy mogging you with an attendance badge, sport, but I guess seething about the goys because one of them is better than you at a video game also works.
>some sets are logistically impossible to obtain, or impossible to obtain on a reasonable timeframe in an ever-evolving meta
Distribution moves have been culled. Argument is invalid.

Even just 5 years ago we could excuse cheating. But now? Not really.
And once there's a 0 IV bottlecap, the only niche argument available will also be sunk. Same as when HP was cut and bottlecaps invalidated max IVs.
pilpul too
also finchinator is jewish too

yet verlisify vehemently denounces nazism though
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people questioning the legitimacy of the past tournaments of genned Pokémon?
shut it down.
the core implication will always be that the person is a bestialist
just an easy means of discrediting someone
i really dont care about verisify. i just care of cleaning the cheaters from the cabinets.
you should learn to read and pick up reading comprehension if the first batch of posts using "sweep" read like the same person to you
>have been culled
that doesn't invalidate the situation hitherto, nor was that the only point made in that sentence
>Even just 5 years ago we could excuse cheating
who the hell is "we"?
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If you're going to gen mons just own up to it right out of the starting gate you stupid faggot.
>"hurtfd furf but you can't tell that my mon is genned derp it's no big deal it's just 1s and 0s"
It doesn't matter how retardedly insignificant it is. Your lies will catch up to you eventually and some professional autist will treat you like gigaHitler over it and ruin your reputation as an epic gamer.
>"hurf durf it would take six months of soft resetting to roll a legitimate perfect Trick Room viable Bloodmoon Ursaluna"
Play Showdown Anything Goes then holy fuck.
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I don't care, all poketubers are furry and trannys
except my goddess CandyEvie
>Your lies will catch up to you eventually and some professional autist will treat you like gigaHitler over it and ruin your reputation as an epic gamer.
That's basically what Verlis has been trying to do and he's been a laughingstock for years
if any, HIS lies have caught up with him, that's why he has no friends left.

>Your lies will catch up to you eventually and some professional autist will treat you like gigaHitler over it and ruin your reputation as an epic gamer.

I'm sure a dude who has visited five continents and made thousands of dollars will be heartbroken at the idea of a NEET with a dozen viewers dissing him
>I'm sure a dude who has visited five continents and made thousands of dollars will be heartbroken at the idea of a NEET with a dozen viewers dissing him
If he's spent the past 10 years beefing with other Poketubers I wouldn't doubt it. It sounds like he'll do anything for views
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so the arguments for cheating are as follows:
- you don't play the game, i do
- you are mad, i am not
- playing the game to become the best isn't a feasible option for a dedicated competitive pokemon player
the arguments against cheating as as follows:
- it's written in the rules
- it's included in the contract you sign
- there are alternatives to VGC for competitive pokemon that are not being considered
- this behavior has not been healthy for competitive pokemon and the numbers show it

my conclusion: you are all retarded faggots. Merry Christmas!
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>you don't play the game, i do
This is all that needs to be said, comments from the peanut gallery that don't play the game don't matter. Glad we could clear this up.
heres proof for why i dont play the game, there are cheaters.
It's a fun game anon, maybe you should give it a try, you could stick it to all the jews and cheaters if you really, really believe in yourself.
nah in actuality i dont have time or care for VGC. since there is way too much to learn and it would take years of dedication to learn it.
its not the real reason for why i just dont. but its an supporting reason.
I play the TCG.
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There's new blood coming in and top cutting all the time, if you can learn the TCG you can learn VGC.
TCG has cheaters but its usually sleight of hand and or lying about order of operation.
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Based TCG enjoyer. I love both formats but a good TCG match is tops.
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>Glad we could clear this up
indeed. if you need my services ever again you can find me on the gen 1 OU/random battle ladders.
>Gen 1 OU
I guess the equivalency to TCG cheating would be you printing fake cards not obtained through opening packs to build a deck to win money.
you must obtain the Pokémon in game. you must obtain the cards in game.
Dems the rules.
which people have done and get caught doing. but you dont hear about it because normally its no big deal in the TCG world.
why cant cheaters just realize that you must obtain the pokemon legit in the game world to be used on your team?
Even then wouldn't fake cards be way easier to detect? Cards in basically any TCG is also autistically scrutinized for the secondhand market. Genned Pokemon are basically indistinguishable and can't be detected even by a computer if they're genned correctly.
they make pretty good proxy cards. all you need to do is fool the judges. some cards are like 100 bucks a pop when used in a meta format for TCG. so the motivation would be paying less to obtain a card illegally so you can play.
yeah i know disparaging sucks and you cant afford it. but whatever.
Non-tourneyfags are cool with you using proxies. Nobody wants to pay $100 for a deck used in casual matches.
In the second reply was talking about wolfe. He obviously doesn't give a fuck.
Now verlis, obviously he cares, keeping the last bits of audience he still got depends on that. He's the one whose lies caught up with him.
I think that's pretty much the consensus, there's a reason why commander is such a popular format in MtG despite not being official (well I guess it's official now that WotC is taking over rulings for it). The casual nature makes it easier to get into since proxies are more accepted which allows for more experimentation and deckbuilding than if you had to hopelessly open packs ad infinitum.
>for both speed and attack its 1-62 and thats only for legendary pokemon.
These are the anti genning fags BTW. They can't do basic fucking math
Two things can be true.
>Verlis is a lolcow
>Verlis is right about cheating within the VGC

Always thought it was funny that this bitter, retarded furry triggered countless people without even trying.
Verlifaggot either: has a lot of fans in here, or he is massively samefagging in this thread
Wolfey has been top 5 competitive players since like 2014. After his worlds 2016 he has been cemented as top 2-3. If he ever gets another worlds title then there is a serious consideration of him being the best VGC player of all time
t. Been watching VGC since before it was called vgc
He did not won any high-level tournament for years. His last big "win" was mess of an online event during Corona, otherwise he's just sliding on small regionals that make him look "strong" and even there he gets very often humbled down. It does not help that he has massively overbloated ego and acts like he's deserving praises and victory. His behavior when people were using "his" team that this entire publicDiscord community build for him or when people started hard countering his Dondozo team were extremely pathetic.
Stop sucking off this spoiled faggot.
I can’t wait until Gamefreak inevitably introduces a mechanic that basically allows you to gen Pokemon legally for pvp battles only. I think some people will unironically off themselves.
Name 10 competitive players that have better results than him then. He is undoubtedly one of the best players of all time
No I'll not, fag.
And your favorite e-celebrity is lame.
Wolfe should have his 2016 title stripped because he clearly used hacked pokemon.
if they would strip lance armstrong because doping. decades after. i dont see why he is not up for debate.
This would unironically be perfect.
It could be something you could unlock after completing the postgames which allows you to generate a team that you could only use in 1v1s.
I don’t think anyone would be mad at this except a couple of autists
Because competitive Pokemon is all fake. Wolfe is just an advertisement model chosen as face of it. Nobody care if it's fair or not if his ugly mug lives rent free in heads of dimwits like >>57135096 as "teh champion".
It's one obsessed fag who keeps creating these threads. Maybe it really is Verlisify himself
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he will always be the DISPUTED not the undisputed champ.
You won’t because you can’t. I literally couldn’t care less about Wolfey personally, but saying that he isn’t one of the best ever is straight up a lie. And if I’m wrong you could easily prove me wrong by listing people who you think are better then him.
Lia Thomas is to Wolfe Glicke as in they are not cheaters and are heckin valid forever
Veris, I know you are in this thread samefagging. I used to laugh at you when I was an edgy teenager, but honestly now this is just making sad. Being this mad, after all these years, on Christmas Day, it’s just not healthy. I honestly think you are ruining your life. You should seriously question your actions and seek some help, this is literally just a videogame for children. None of this should matter this much to someone who is mentally sane and has some self love and respect.
I don't need to prove shit to delusional wolfe's cock-slurping faggots. You're not that important so pipe down you bag of human waste.
In an alternate universe Wolfe doesnt cheat and is still ends up more famous than Verlisify because he is a greedy merchant.
>1/219 trillion that he had a shiny perfect IV Thunderus during 2016 championship
>1/17 trillion shiny perfect IV terakion was used during a 2016 championship
if you know anything about shiny hunting these odds are actually unfathomable. it took Reversal 4 years to catch a 1% shiny feebas.
not saying its not possible for the stars to align, but them conveniently aligning twice in a row. thats questionable for sure.
>If i dont cheat to win the VGC tournament, then someone else will
- Wolfey Proverb.
I actually do agree with his points but the problem is he's a furry and all his opinions can be completely ignored because of that fact.
If he wanted to help support the cause he should be switching sides and encouraging people to use hacked mons, he is just that abhorrent.
I think it's less that he's a furry and more that he's a jaded retard that rivals even the average /vp/ user
>small regionals
US regionals have the highest attendances in the world and honestly at this point the value of a tournament is so arbitrary. A 900 player regional in USA can't have the same value as a 65 people special event in Argentina. And I say this as a latam player.

>It does not help that he has massively overbloated ego
He does. I don't like him as a person - or even as a player, I find his style sluggish and boring. But it's effective. Results talk by themselves. Nobody comes close to his consistency.
>Post not found.
Well played anon
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>the second reply was talking about wolfe. He obviously doesn't give a fuck.
Whoops. I thought Verlis got caught cheating and has spent the past 10 years calling everyone else cheaters as cope
Wolfe is a MASSIVE narcissistic kike faggot but to deny his record is delusional at best. Wolfe has been the guy to beat at every tourney he has been at for 10 years and on the shortlist of guys to beat at toureys for 15
He has. Someone posted some shit were he was talking to a buddy of his to have him gems some shit for a video. Sure you can say it wasn't for tournament use so it is fair game but it is still a bad look
>small regionals
>800+ entrances
You are BEYOND retarded
Maybe if the prize for winning worlds wasn't enough to maybe cover the cost of going to worlds people would take cheating more seriously. But if you build a circus don't be shocked when your only company left is a bunch of clowns.
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Stop talking bad about Wolfey (((Glicke))) this is Anti-Probopass.
Both can be true. He can be the second best player of all time with an impressive record and also be a rat faced Jew
>reeeeee jews
>hasn't done anything jewish
Weirdo shit
>hasn't done anything jewish
people will bring up the troon endorsement but that's a bare minimum to survive as a public character in totalitarian zoomer era.

Probably he's brainwashed with that shit anyway
he has a long history of cheating and swindling earnings from competition by doing so.
>all the sargon vids in the reccomended feed
lol, lmao even.
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>caring about genned pokemon
sweeping for jewish swindlers?
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Who made this? The search gave me broken ass links
>wanting to save time by genning a mon vs rng egg bingo/grinding a million bux in a kids game to get to the starting line for a pvp battle makes you a jewish swindler

Cut off my cock end gimme some fucking mazos im a jew now

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