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Post your comfiest Christmas/winter art
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so cute!
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>Is there snow on the ground in your area?
>What do you want for Christmas?
>What are you hoping to accomplish next year?
>Who's your favorite Pokemon?
Nice costume, good to see him getting into the holiday spirit
comfy, thanks anon!
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>Is there snow on the ground in your area?
Nah, we never get snow
>What do you want for Christmas?
A few things, like a book, a plushie, and a new keyboard
>What are you hoping to accomplish next year?
I want to write stuff--I've been procrastinating and stuck in the idea stage for so long
>Who's your favorite Pokemon?
Probably Sneasel
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Then the Raichu falls asleep and Santa Claus gives him a present
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thread ruined
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When will gf give us a comfy slice of life game? I just want to hang out with my bromons and chill or explore in some of the picturesque towns and routes.
Got some dust
>model train
Get employed
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>Texas so lolno
>laptop desk for my truck, one that won't be in the way
>working to better myself in a few ways. Losing weight and interacting more with my faith group being top priorities.
>Altaria, love this fluffball birb.
Never ever
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Merry Christmas!
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I miss those days
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i'm gonna finally get sword and arceus tomorrow and get comfy for a while

is it a pain to fill the sword dex or do raids make it easy
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Hope you had a Merry Christmas
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I-Is she dead?

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