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Tell me more about Florian, anon. Does he wear boxers or briefs?
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I know the answer..
Cute boy
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Florian mentioned!!!
He goes commando
He's free balling all the way to Victory Road
Ask Perrin! She knows him
He good
Oh no he got tied up
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he calls you gay and kills you
Redpill me on this generations manga. Why does Juliana look like a fucking cunt
shes a based girlboss who kills people and uses men before tossing them aside
The writer decided to make the MCs have more derivative appearances from Juliana/Florian and made Scarlet (Juliana) look like that because she's based on Wednesday Addams.
All of his clothing options are unisex, therefore he wears briefs (panties).
boxer briefs
what did you do little boy
>Tell me more about Florian,
He's a slut.
Footfag image aside, we need more pokeboys in this pose
like, somehow disengage with the smelly icky feet spread tight in their rank socks, and thatd be peak image genre
what makes you think his feet are all smelly and icky, wrapped in rank socks
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Why does everyone headcanon him as a horny psychopath?
He's surrounded by bitches who want his dick, and besides manual, forced emotions like posing for a camera and Dendra's ESP, he doesn't emote.
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how about this pose
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He's a slut.
The author played SV with giant eyebrows on the protagonist and it made cutscenes look hilarious.
Most based Pokémon protagonist.

Boxer briefs.
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He's the first bisexual protagonist
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everyone wants a taste!
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He's just so cute, bros...
Bro who wears anything besides boxer briefs? Its the perfect compromise to keep your balls and dick from bouncing all over the place but just enough room so they dont feel squished
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Yeah same, but Florian probably wears tighty whites
going by the art of him, that seems to be what the majority of NSFW/borderline NSFW artists seem to think
a shame, really...

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