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Give drain punch
Make him Planet-sized.
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Give last respects
What le fuck is he dabbing?
aggron's cry sounds like it's shouting "OH NOOOOOO"
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Give intimidate + fake out
Give strength sap, last respects, and spectral thief.
give her to me
Really no clue how to buff this guy without fundamentally altering its stats/ability/moveset. At least you can make the mega good just with recover + another hazard move.
lamenting how he doesn't get any proper recovery despite having a mostly defensive stat spread
Give it Dynamic Punch and No Guard.
here's my idea
make it the pseudo legendary it was always meant to be
hell it's a version exclusive with tyranitar in x/y so it deserves to be brought up to the pseudo-legendary standard
+33 HP as a general bulk increase, something this huge should not have 70 base HP
+5 Attack because why not
Defense is fine as-is
-10 Special Attack because nobody runs special/mixed aggron
+25 Special Defense so it can actually shrug off special attackers a bit
+17 Speed to let it outspeed 252 spe +2 Basculegion, 252+ spe +1 Lilligant-Hisui, 252 spe +1 Roaring Moon, 252+ spe unboosted Deoxys-Speed, and the entire rest of the OU tier below that if you use autotomize with max speed EVs and a jolly nature
New statline is 103 HP 115 Atk 180 Def 50 SpA 85 SpD 67 Spe
And if that's not bulky enough try Mega Chadggron with 103 HP 145 Atk 230 Def 50 SpA 105 SpD 67 Spe

behold, lore accurate Aggron
Seconding this
Give it Earth Eater
that's a total different Pokémon you don't love Aggron you fake poser shit
Fatten him up into planet-size
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Give Poland.
>87.5% male
Why? It's body is already perfect for a Planetary scale. Same with others like Rhyperior, Mega Swampert and Complete Zygarde.
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Give accelerock
no it fucking isn’t
literally everything’s the same except its defensive stats are enhanced (to make it better at tanking hits) and it’s a bit faster
give him pre-nerf saluting registeel
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Make a Sacred Fire clone named Hellfire and give it to all Fire/Dark mons

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