Nothing we did was bad enough to deserve this thing as a starter
>>57147411It made furfags seethe for years so it's good
>>57147411U didnt boughted enough copies of pokemon blacked doe
>>57147411I think he's cool, clever way to keep the zodiac theme going subtly. And the bird is cute.
>>57147411Skeledirge is the best.
>>57147411ulgy piece of shit mon
>>57147411But he's the best starter in years though? Just because he's not DreamWorks faced babyshit doesn't make him bad
>>57147546you lost zodiactroon,
>>57147411You bought gen 8.You deserve your snowball of shit.
I think you got the wrong pic op, let me fix that or you
>>57147546the zodiac meme has been debunked since fennekin retarda fox is not a dog
>>57148725>since fennekin*cyndaquil
>>57147411Is that a exposed skull?Dia de los muertos reference?Skele... Holy shit it is. Im retarded
>>57148379he's not bad, but he doesn't fit with the rest of the line
>>57148632That's one of the best though
>>57148725Foxes are canine it's close enough.>>57148736>Fire Mouse Pokémon>Appeared in Year of the Rat art
>>57149594The rest of the line isn't very good
>>57148632This. At least skele is an attempt at creativity.
>>57149907>implying shrews are mice
>>57147411Like, a skeleton crocodile sounds cool, but then they made him look like a clown with the fire around his head.And the whole "singer with a fire bird" makes it look silly. Nah, the concept is good, but the execution sucks.
>>57148632>>57150549>Uuhm actually the one popular with women is the worst KEK like clockwork/vp/cels should spend more time at talking with real girls instead of being miserable all the time in this shithole board seething over a ladies mon
>>57147411>Nothing we did was bad enough to deserve this thing as a starterI dunno, praising the Unova starters despite all 3 being objectively worse than anything that came after is pretty bad.
>>57150793Shhh you'll upset that one janny
>>57147411nothing we did was bad enough to deserve this as a "remake" yet here we are
>>57150557There are no real animals in the Pokéverse, dumb-dumb. The closest is Ratata and it evolves into a Coypu. You are trying to apply Earth biology to an extraterrestrial planet. Cyndaquil is based on a Tenrec, by the way, so you're even wrong in being wrong. They fill the same ecological niche as rodents, so, it is reasonable to compare them to mice and rats. Pic related, inside the Mimiyku Snow Sculpture. You may cope and seethe at your own discretion.
>>57151314>There are no real animals in the PokéverseIndian elephants.
>>57147411I think Incineroar might just be slightly worse than this
>>57151340Gen1 doesn't really count as canon as they hadn't solidified the lore of the Pokéverse quite yet. It's kinda like how Season 1 of Family Guy was more like The Simpsons before it became its own unique thing.
>>57147411Nothing will be as complete dogshit as the Galar trio
>>57149907>>57151314ok wiseguy, explain how skeledirge subtly keeps the zodiac theme going thenand don't say snake because it's also a reptile
>>57151459It's quite clever really. A male Crocodile is known as a Bull. Skeledirge has a music theme and if you look closely at the white markings around the chest and back, it looks like it could open up, right? Like a music bOX, perhaps? They might have gone too subtle with it but I enjoy the wordplay on display. Denialists wouldn't accept anything but an exact 1:1 Asian Water Buffalo as the Zodiac Ox, their loss.
>>57151532you're probably trollingbut the fact that you came up with that in your head is still concerning
>>57151547Doesn't matter what you think. I'm right, you're wrong. Zodiac Theory is proven.
>>57147411skeleshit is the worst starter in history
I just realized pyukumuku, puke, because he throws his guts up to attack