In all these leaks that have . . . leaked, in the last couple of years, did we ever get any date over how much Red sold over Blue, how much more Ruby sold over Sapphire, etc. or is that info still not known?
>>57152945It's definitely known, but no one cares sadly
Found this
>>57153969This can't be right. How does Red not outsell Blue?Anyways the "cool" version always outsells the lame/faggy one.RedSilverRubyDiamondBlackXMoonSwordViolet
>>57154376I've noticed a lot of poke tubers actually started with blue
>>57154376Agree with most but I feel sun probably > moon
>>57154376My guess is that parents bought the version that was their kids' favorite color, and didn't buy the one with the cooler mascot.
>>57154797my parents bought me the other version for birthdays/christmases because they thought it was a different game. i didn't ask for it nor did i have to heart to tell them, just acted thankful and guessed it was just time for another replay.
>>57154376This makes sense outside of Gen 6/7, Y/Sun have the better box legendary/starter, everything else checks out.
>>57154376I bought the White version because Zekrom is cooler than faggy Reshiram, also Yveltal is way cooler than faggy Xerneas, but im sure a lot of people goes for the X version because Megazard X and Mewtwo X i guess
>Better NamesRedSilverRubyDiamondBlackXSunSwordScarlet>Better MascotsRedSilverRubyDiamondWhiteYSunSwordViolet
>>57154376>"cool version">Xare you trolling?
>>57154983>>57155064mega charizard x mogs the shit of of y that alone makes it outsell y cuck
>>57154797This, my parents only bought me the blue colored ones, not the blue-coded ones, literally the ones on blue cartridges only so blue, crystal, sapphire. After that I bought my own and saved up for other versions. They knew my sister and I could play together, but they had zero idea how it worked, we didn't even have a link cable until after frlg came out and we didn't even always get opposite versions because her favorite color kept changing a lot.
>>57155067Yvetal > Xerneas, that's all that matters. Also Mewtwo Y > Mewtwo X, and at least Charizard Y looks like proper Charizard rather than edge lord shiny black version