I saw my son drawing Delcatty today. I asked him why he wasn't drawing a more popular Pokemon, like Scorbunny or Rillaboom. He said he doesn't feel bad when school shootings occur because those schools probably had at least one Pokemon Sword and Shield customer! I became full of rage and disappointment towards my son with that statement! I began to scold him; I told him he has been behaving like a sociopathic racist incel monster of a human being all year and that he makes me quake with anger, resentment, and dread that I have not seen any improvement in his despicable behavior! He said I was a plebian retard who did not understand the rites and rituals one must complete to achieve apotheosis! I told him loud and clear that he was completely out of touch with reality and that his deranged demeanor was going to hurt an innocent person one day! I reminded him that if he were really a good person, he would seek to stop his wicked ways for his New Year resolution! He said he was Based and Delcatty-pilled, and he could do whatever he wanted! What should I do? I am almost in tears at this point. Should I ground-type him?
an hero immediatedly
Kill yourself, Delcattyschizo.
>>57162587a* heroit's not 'ero you brit bong
>>57162594bait or newfaggotry, take your pick
>>57162665I just made the connection that Delcatty is basically like Uncle Ruckus
Delcattyschizo is probably the 2nd most influential schizo this board has ever seen.PL is obviously number 1 and Goodrafag is arguably above Delcattyfag too. But I've seen this guys stuff reposted on many 4chan boards, other altchans, and discord servers. His range is beyond /vp/ and while I am not a super fan of his, I am interested to see how he will develop in the future.
Damn little homies threads hardly do numbers anymore :(
>>57162571>Rillaboom>popular KEEEEK!
>>57162691Dollars to donuts this is OP, he’s been known to samefag sucking himself off
Celcatty is still your magnum opus OP
>>57162698more popular than Deltranny
>>57162700Today I remind them
>>57162691Shuan is also agreeably more influential than OP. I believe that Cynthia vore image is still the most posted image on this board.
>>57162691OP himself posts his drawings in multiple boards and external /pol/ websites
>>57162748>OP is a virus that infects multiple social circlesgrim
>>57162757i saw him posting his drawings on chud win which is an alt home for s𐐬yjak partyhe's most likely a sharty but instead of wojaks he spams his OCs
VP Schizo rankings based on influence/ how known they areYawnfaggotPLPOWERGAPShaun (real one not discord teens)DelcattyfagGoodraBuiJustinRPG(he’s not from here but was reposted constently 2013-15)Mild POWER GAPIvyfagSamurottfagSkeledirge obsessed hater fagBraixen/Transcat/glaceon coomersYet another GAPSharty raidersDiscucks/ in fighting groups like Sabor/ cosmos etc Am I missing anyone? Any positions you’d change?
>>57162571What is this image referencing?
>>57162774>yawnfag at the topnobody knows him outside /vp/ since he's just infamous for hating gen2 and gen 5 games
>>57162774>yawnfag that high
>>57162774put on your filter again, ivytroon
>>57162774>least obvious ivycuck post
>>57162774PL should be number one, JustinRPG should not be included, and you forgot David, but I have no other major objections. >>57162691I am flattered but no I am not number 2. Alot of those reposts you see outside of /vp/ are just me posting on other places. Didn't know people reposted my stuff on discord though.
>>57162774>PLFriendly reminder that the filter that automatically bans whoever tries to post his name is still active.So PreciousBayleef but remove the "Bay" and replace "left" with "Leaf".
>>57162790>>57162786No need to samefag cordie
I saw my son drawing Delcatty today. I asked him why he wasn't drawing a more popular Pokemon, like Tinkatuff or Squawkabilly. He told me that if Pokemon Scat and Vomit was programmed by 5 Indians, it would have less bugs on release than it actually did! I couldn't tell if this was a racist comment towards valuable Indian tech gurus or the excellent employees of GameFreak, but either way I was deeply offended! I told him he needs to stop insulting the people who enrich our lives everyday! He said Ohmori likes to touch himself while he takes a shit in the street like the mindless gorilla he is at heart! I ground-typed him. Hopefully next year will be better.
How did it start with this?
>that desperate reply to a half hour oldPostThis is beneath even you. Sad
>>57162944dude wtf Delcattys ass and hind legs are massive in this pic, were you horny when you drew this?
>>57162951uh get well soon?
>>57162960how is that drawing arousing you in anyway?
Why do you hate brown people so much?
>>57162774I know I’ll be accused of being him but why is Ivysaur dude always included in these? Isn’t he just some schizo that’s mildly annoying and posts ivysaur like he doesn’t shit up threads or coombait like most of these?
>>57163110He used to shit up coomer threads
>>57162779Why do you think it is referencing something?
>>57163110He did shit up anything anthro or what he classified as coomer (it’s ok when he does it tho)
>>57163110Idk how it begun but he got into fighting with sharties and braixen and Meowscarada posters then they grouped up on him
ivycuck is posting that obesity fetish thread btw>>57161174kek
>>57163164in that*sorry I'm slightly tipsy
>>57163119What's wrong with that?
>>57163164I was going to post a very fat Aurorus to kick off 2025 in that thread...Shane that cuckold had to post in it.
>>57162725Cellcatty is based because it is modeled after Imperfect Cell and not the cringe and disappointing Perfect Cell
>>57162571Delcatty acting like she is literally not the worst FE mon in the whole franchise
>>57162731Are you trying to prove that Delcattyschizo is samefagging with this post? Because he is an confirmed American flag poster
>>57163468>an confirmedBritish English was a mistake
>>57163468Yeah because a terminally online schizo doesn’t know how to use an IP>>57162965Yes hopefully you do OP, Granted tho he does have one glaceon dicksucker who spams the “delcattyGOD” shit bc he does drawings for him which is equally pathetic
>>57162731That’s actually pretty embarassing
>>57162731This is Braixenfag
UPDATEI,caught my son samefagging today. I asked him why he wasn't just posting organic content, or how letting his posts play out in a more organic way would possibly result in a more positive thread without hate, like shaun or Bui . I told my son that self fellatio is based and delcattypilled!, and that what I do works because the same 4-5 esl replies calling me emperor and God look completely organic, and demonstrate a very real following!,He told me to fuck off and that “just because the IP counter is gone doesn’t mean what you’re doing isn’t transparent as glass!” I told him to fuck off and kys, and organic posting is cringed and haram, and hasbaraI turned my VPN on and ground-typed him! What should I do?
who the fuck is Bui?
>>57163553Based but you didn’t quite stick the template
>>57163553very cute anon
>>57162571>Delcatty starting her villain arc after getting dexcutted
Do you niggas think delcattyGOD is a zoomer or millenial?
>>57163665100% zoomer he said so himself
Ivyfag this is why everyone hates you, you make threads completely unrelated to you all about yourself.
Second best poster on the board, and quite possibly the site right behind Ivyfag
>>57162571Bad symmetry Kys
BasedLove from chilé
>>57164063Stfu Pinochet
Happy New Year!
>>57164524>Delcattyschizo reveals that he lives in the US moutain time zoneHow stupid do you have to be to dox your location like this?
>>57164560His flag is everywhere to be seen on /pol/, I don’t think he ever denied being American doe
>>57164577>doe Go back
>>57162571Damn I want to be bullied by a shtimon(female)
>>57164577OP stop trying to damage control it is just pathetic. Just do the needful and be silent.
>>57164640>delcatty anon freely posts on pol with his flag>Zomg! Did you guys know OP is American, check it out this retard Is from the US! Woah you really got him good anon
>>57164601>>57164640>samefag>poke Niggr Lel vp lost
Holy shit OP is posting in American time with an American flag..>guys… I think he might be Le american!Fucking zinger there, how will he recover?
Common euro L
>>57164683Without Euros, Delcattyschizo would be nothing.
>>57164690DelcattyGOD you fucking eurocel
Delcattyschizo is a Serbian who created Satirical Muslim comics to weaken Kosovo.This is canon
Why do browns and Europeans get mass triggered by these comics doe
>>57164647It is true though, every American poster is a retard
>>57162786>>57162790samefagging foxtroon
>>57164999that was me he called you lol, dude is obsessed and thinks anyone calling him out is you
>>57163468He's also a morally wrong Islamfag
>>57164769Deltrannies fans are exclusively European. They are the only demographic retarded enough to find this shit entertaining.
>>57162571Imagine stuffing your face inside that neckpillow as this shitmon teases you
>>57162774>no David HUH
Is it weird that I got so used to this thread that I am kinda looking forward to see which variation of the same shit is being posted today?
>>57165077These threads used to be cool when it was just delcatty and his updates but it just turns into Schizo infighting now (unless they were always containment threads idk)OP barely even posts in them I think
Passionate sex with Delcatty
Is OP the only non coomer Schizo we have so far? I’m assuming he doesn’t want to fuck the cat
>>57165302>he doesn't know
>>57162774Add ACK somewhere (solar beam schizo)He's not from here but he leaked here for a while
>>57162571Is this a reference to a specific manga panel? I feel like i've seen it before.
>>57162571Just wanted to quickly wish you a Happy New Year, Delcattybro. My brother is coming to live in Belgrad next month, hope he'll like it there.
>>57165547It reminds me of bitibiti's Kyouko a lot. But after double checking it doesn't seem to be referencing a specific scene from his works. I wonder if the similar style was intentional.
>>57165302He made a redraw of that manga panel of a cat saying "So what if I'm into humans?!" and he nicknames his Delcatty stuff like "Darling". He 100% wants to fuck that shitmon.
>>57162700This is OP, my sources tell me he argues with himself to keep these threads bumped. Also I'm the only real poster here.
>>57163110either goldfish memory or newfag
>>57165547It’s not a reference, it was going to be a normal smug Delcatty but I ended up turning it into a menacing smug Delcatty for some reason>>57165550Happy New Year!>>57165086I post in them but I keep my avatarfaggotry to a minimum in my own threads because I want the focus to be what other people have to say. Generally these threads are best when I draw something that generates some sort of controversy, something that gets people to talk about something other than typical schizo drama.
>>57165866Draw more Balkan propaganda. It'll do the trick.
>>57162691This post and all its replies are me
>>57162774Mild power gap should be changed to severe power gap. Those are the only schizos who did anything more than just be annoying.
ivycuck youre the only person left who still calls yourself ivyfag. its always obvious when you post
Wheres the delcatty yabbapost
>>57166656we get it. you want to derail and kill the thread by mentioning him but kindly fuck off
>>57166696Using this for future reference art, thanks
>>57166703keep making anti-Jews postsdon't become another stupid coomer
>>57166703don't listen to him. Keep making lust-provoking Delcatty art
>>57166708You don’t have anything to worry about.
delcattyanon, what does your son think about paradox mons?
>>57165302Depends what you mean by coomerHe is a waifufag, not just a waifufag but one so devoted to his waifu that it dominates multiple facets of his life.But he doesn’t make his whole personality about lust and porn and sex and cum.So I guess the question is does being a waifufag automatically make someone a coomer?
>>57162571>POV you are a Croatian begging for your life
I miss big guy for you in nuzgen
Do you think OP minds if Jewish people enjoy his art?
>>57162571What are your thoughts on White men who marries Mexicans, Delcattyden?