You literally can't argue with it.
>>57162991Where is Ivysaur Delcatty Seviper Glaceon Alolan Icetales and Meowscarada?
>>57162991>No RhyperiorWorthless
>>57162991Good taste
Anyone that ranks Typhlosion highly is automatically discarded
>>57162991Blud added Incineroar in there *skull emoji*
Megazard Y and Gigantimax Edgezard are forms not pokemon
>>57162995>IvysaurNot toady enough.>DelcattyLooks like a cat and it's elderly lady owner fused.>SeviperArbok mogs.>GlaceonIt's Eevee with the bpd haircut.>IcetalesKinda cool but not top 50.>MeowscardaYou can find the furry thread on trash.>>57163000>>57163034You know nothing, Typhlosion has a cool theme with the volcano stuff, his shape is pleasing to the eye and he's the perfect balance between cute and cool.>>57163006Rhyperior is alright but certainly not top 50.>>57163010:)
>>57163043No.>>57163056How could I not add El Tigre Lucha Libre?>>57163060Don't care.
>>57163066Good opinions but Ivysaur is toady enough
>>57162991grubbin is cute! CUTE!
>>57162991>torterra>ursaluna>krookodile>golurk>long neck raikou>bastiodonLOL
>>57162991Anyone that ranks Typhlosion highly is automatically based Only thing that seems off is having multiple forms of the same Pokemon, but it makes sense that if you like the base form of a pokemon you'd like the superpowered ones too. Surprised Zard Mega X isn't there but Y keeps more of the appeal of the original Charizard so I can see it.
>>57163000this and checkedinto the trash the list goes
>>57163000Cringe ,Typhlosion is based.
>>57162991Aww little timmy's first tier list
>>57163189His legs are too long and his body is not wide enough and his head is not really toad shaped.>>57163236I agree, too bad his evolutions are not as good, the everstone was literally invented for Grubbin desu.>>57163241I just don't like Xarizard's wings. The rest of the design is good but the wings are so front and centre and they look so bad.
>>57163000Spbp. That ugly shitmon shouldn’t be anywhere near a top 50 list.
>>57162991>You just know
it's telling how few are from after gen 4
ragebait thread
>>57164208Solid list. Much better than the dogshit trash nigger OP posted.
>>57164208>typhloshit still there
>57164241Rent freeMentally ill
>>57164241what's wrong with the best gen 3 starter?
charizardswamperttorterrablazikenflygonnidokingmetagrosshaxorusgliscorumbreontyranitargengarvolcaronascizorgardevoirgalladeaggronblastoiseespeonrayquazavaporeonabsoltyphlosiontalonflamechandelurestaraptordeoxystogekissrhydongarchompsuicunemawileheracrosskrookodileluxrayvikavolttyrantrumdecidueyeinfernapeexcadrillsceptileferaligatrweavilegyaradosskarmoryhydreigonannihilapebreloommewtwoannihilapei thoughted of 50
>>57164241Everyone loves Typhlosion.Gold with Typlosion is the peak trainer/starter combo.Everyone knows how fucking cool Thunder Punch Typhosion is.XY gave it a gay looking model, that's where the hate started but SV saved it.Typhlosion won, you lost.
>>57164304>typhlosion won>he already forgot about the 56666666 GET
>>57162991Horrid taste KEK
>>57162991Horrendous taste. Bait thread over.
>>57164309everyone did, noone really cares about gets
>>57163384>His legs are too long and his body is not wide enough and his head is not really toad shaped.Gen1 Ivysaur was like that. you are thinking of the Gen3 redesign
>>57164208>typhloshit Just as bad as OP’s list. Immediately invalidated.>>57164304Projecting Johtoddler. No one cares about your shitmon or your region.
>>57165031>Lucarioway to ruin your list quickly like that
>>57165041lucario is cool
>>57165451It looks like a smelly autistic Indian
>>57165475you are very silly
>>57165475She's an autistic ancient Egyptian
>>57165478wow she's fucking cool
shut the fuck up ivycuck
>>57165478Ugly Digimon shit
>>57164208You can squeeze in a few that are pretty cool imho
Whatever that first Pokemon is looks like the sonichu of Charizard
>>57162995>MeowscaradaIn the trash where it belongs
>>57162991>ranking every tier as "Top X" instead of 41-50, 31-40 etcDidn't even look at your list
>>57165704Its not necessary to number 50 pokemon in exact order. Pokemon can fall into different categories of "quality". 50 is a lot, so some will simply be included to fill out the list and end up in the bottom tier.
>>57162991>Every Charizard except the objectively best one>Mamoswine and Steelix in top 10>Inshitiroar>My Mom's Ox being "cool">Arcticuno instead of Zapdos>fucking Grubbin>Bastiodon being anywhere on this list>"My opinion is objectively the only true answer"The more I look over this list the more I realize that this list is from a zoom zoom who has fallen to blatant Charizarditus.
>>57162991Based Suicune respecter
>>57164887Yeah, that's way better, I wish he still looked like that.>>57165723X is objectively the worst looking Charizard.
>>57162991No Gastrodon, Staraptor, or Dustox but Bastiodon is a based pick.
>>57164280Agreed with most of that list
>>57162991Nah this is top 50
>>57168430>>57167937Grubbin is cuter then any of these things.
>>57162991Half that list is shit
>>57162991>STILL liking Golem
>>57162991A dogfucker made this list
/vpiss/ proven once again to have dogshit taste
>>57168679>grubbin>cuter than chikoritano
>>57169033Have you seen Grubbin? The cutest mon ever made.
>>57169653>The cutest mon ever made.but enough about chikorita
57162991 I mean, I know its bait, but godammn OP, you got a lot of shitmons over there
any everything else is in E and F tier
>>57164208>hoennbaby has shit tastelol every time.
>>57166212>Every Charizard except the objectively best oneCharizardtwo is not canon, anon.
>>57170646sorry, meant to reply to >>57165723