Mega WigglytuffMega VictreebelMega DragoniteMega SunfloraMega SkarmoryMega DelcattyMega FlygonMega MiloticMega DrifblimMega WeavileMega TogekissMega FroslassMega ChandelureMega DruddigonMega GolurkMega ChesnaughtMega DelphoxMega GreninjaMega FlorgesMega GogoatMega AegislashMega HelioliskMega XerneasMega YveltalMega ZygardeMega TsareenaMega Kommo-oMega ZeraoraMega ArmarougeMega CeruledgeNo new Pokémon or Regional Forms.
Machamp is an fn organically popular mascotmon at this point and they need to right the wrong and give him his mega
>>57172601Mega Charizard-ZMega Charizard-A
>>57172601>Mega Zygarde (Complete)Hopefully it is planet-sized
>>57172601*BIG YAWNING* Meh, all fake Mega Pokémon.NICETRY
>>57172751I can't see some new Mega evolutions in the news. That is very truth. Hmmmmmm......
>>57172601>Mega Weavile when they just made Sneasler's tranny assstopped reading there
>>57172638I fucking wish
>>57172601Why even have a game with no new Pokemon
>>57172601Fake and Gay