Pokédoko is a weekly Pokémon variety show starring Abareru-kun, Ryogo Matsumaru, Hikaru Takahashi and Shuhei Nakano Today:>Orange Academy President and Top Champion Inodaka(?) Visits the Show for the First Time! / Pokémogu Themed Around IshitsubuteToday's guests: Comedian Yusuke Inoue, "comedian" Sunshine Ikezaki and comedian duo Okazu Club Stream at:https://ok.ru/videoembed/7858423078516https://stream01.willfonk.com/live_playlist.m3u8?cid=BS297&r=FHD&ccode=JP&m=d0:20:20:04:35:cc&t=0d6938cb3dcf4b79848bc1753a59daf1http://vthanh.utako.moe/6/index.m3u8 Starts in 2 hours 30 minutes. Are your bodies ready? Preview:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlBts9zdrRQ >Orange Academy president and Top Champion Inodaka(?) visits the show for the first time! The cool Omodaka has encouraged Inoue from Non Style to show what he's truly capable of...? We're also getting Okazu Club looking like Kiraflor! >Summary:>Togeppy new year!!! >You viewers make sure to have a fun year with Pokémon once agaiNendoll!>We'll have Pokémogu themed around Ishitsubute as well! Look forward to it!
>>57178931>Sunshine IkezakiEpisode ruined
>>57178931Looks hotter than the real Omodaka.
I've missed this show. Glad it's back, ready for some goofy cosplay fun.
Promo pics for today's episode
>>57178931Geeta if not an overdesigned ayylmao.
>>57178978This show really likes having men dress up as Pokegirls, huh?
>>57179130Men in dresses is classic comedy.
>>57178931Party game episodes are the best Pokedoko episodes, glad we're getting a lot of those nowadays.
Did they reveal next week's guests yet?
>>57179263Yeah, it's a Pokedoko Volt Tacklers episode set in Osaka, with comedian duo COWCOW as "villains" and NBM48 idles Wakana Sumino and Kurumi Mikamo as "allies".
>>57179275>NBM48 idles Wakana Sumino and Kurumi MikamoNice
>>57179195Ikeda must've cosplayed as half the Pokegirls in existence at this point.
>>57179275It's nice that they're starting to have cute girls on the show again, when it started out they were just doing constant boyband faggots.
>>57178931Willfonk stream seems stable today.
Should we expect some anime news from this episode?
>>57179447Yeah, it's promoting next week's episode and the official anime promo twitter account posted a plug for it.
>Yugioh episode is replaced by a live action special with the voice actors>hosted by Mr. Shachihoko of all peopleAlways fun when I catch something random on nip TV and it's featuring a celebrity I know from Pokedoko/Pokenchi
It's time.
Kono ato sugu
I have NO clue
YEEEAAAAH! Sunshine time!
Today's guests, Sunshine Ikezaki and Okazu Club
Akemashite yeeeaaah
>SunshineEpisode ruined
This is new footage?
Hope you have a Happy New Year, anons.
>>57179538and Yusuke Inoue from Non Style.
That's actually not terrible cosplay.
So basically they have to carry a badminton ball balancing on a piece of wood while walking down those painful courses. Should be fun.
>Matsumaru fucking everything up againSasuga
That looks painful, poor Hikaru.
This is fucking hilarious, I'm laughing like an idiot here.
Goddammit Matsumaru.
4 minutes 2 seconds, I'm sure the Inodaka team will destroy that.
Boss hand gunshot.
They need to torture cute idles with stuff like this, not fat comedian uggos.
Surely those things can't hirt THAT much.
Damn, they did that bad and still won.
Food time.
>Geodude-style soba okonomiyakiNeat, was wondering what that thing in the preview was.
Next week: COWCOW
That wig wasn't made for cooking in.
Funniest cooking segment yet. Abareru-kun and Inoue have great chemistry.
This looks pretty good actually.
>Ishitsubute-style Soba Okonomiyaki
Those eyebrows look really out of place.
>Pokemon bath toysThey should have them actually do a bath episode to show them off
>bath bombs with toys in themCute
Next week:>The Pokédoko Volt Tacklers have gone to Osaka in search of a key for the treasure chest, where they find the Osaka native Abaplorers members COWCOW...! There'll also be games with NBM48 and a big announcement!!>Summary:>The Rising Volt Tacklers gather together!>Let's steal the key back in a game themed around the local delicacy okonomiyaki!!>Cast:>Ryogo Matsumaru>Hikaru Takahashi>Abareru-kun>Shuhei Nakano from Kaerutei (voice of Koccar)>Guests: COWCOW, Wakana Sumino and Kurumi Mikamo (from NBM48)DONMISIT!
>>57179654>The Pokédoko Volt Tacklers have gone to Osaka in search of a key for the treasure chest, where they find the Osaka native Abaplorers members COWCOW...!
>>57179654>There'll also be games with NBM48
Really fun episode, one of the best yet. Inoue was great.
>>57179654>Let's steal the key back in a game themed around the local delicacy okonomiyaki!!
>>57179671Sasuga Matsumaru-kun
>>57179654Okonomiyaki two weeks in a row?
>Ishitsubute-style Soba Okonomiyaki>by Yusuke Inoue and Abareru-kun>Ingredients: 100g of soba, 50g of okonomiyaki flour, 100ml of water, appropriate amounts of custom-made sauce (water, mentsuyu and okonomi sauce mixed in a 2:1:2 ratio), appropriate amounts of nori>Mix the okonomiyaki flour and the water, then cut the soba into smaller pieces roughly 1 3rd of their initial length and mix them into the batter. Pour the batter onto an electric griddle preheated to medium heat and oiled with salad oil and form it into the shape of an Ishitsubute. After frying it for about 3 minutes, flip it over and fry it for another 3 minutes on the other side before transferring it to a plate. Finally, place two pieces of nori on top to create the Ishitsubute's eyebrows. Dip the finished okonomiyaki in the custom-made sauce as you eat.Get cooking, anons.
>>57179751Seems pretty quick and easy, maybe I should try
>>57179447>>57179456>actually ended up getting quite a bit of new infoNaisu
>>57179548Happy new year to you too, anon.