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Pikachubros... it's over...
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so this is gonna be the worst year for pokemon
So, were getting life size plushes of all the eeveelutions, right? No better time than a year celebrating everything of Eevee.
Wasn't there already a Year of Eevee back in 2018?
And in 2019?
And in 2020?
And in 2021?
And in 2022?
And in 2023?
And in 2024?
god I hate eevee. This probably means a new eevee form in gen 10, god help me
And nothing of value was lost.
Im sorry bro...
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Eevee, Eevee, über alles,
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Über alles in der Welt~
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Wenn es stets zu Schutz und Trutze
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Brüderlich zusammenhält~
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Von der Maas bis an die Memel,
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Von der Etsch bis an den Belt~
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Eeeeevee, Eevee, über alles,
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Über alles in der Welt!
Poor Glaceon probably gets shafted like typical
>unique Z-move in G7
>lets go game
>gmax eevee in G8
I know Slyveon was introduced in G6, but this is making my conspiracy gears turn for ZA
No matter how hard Eevee gets shilled it will never be a household name like Pikachu.
It was already pretty close before they started shilling it on the Switch. Imagine if they had done more than just occasionally toss it an extra evolution or 2 every couple of gens
Watch how this year gives the illusion to retards that a new Eeveelution will be announced for the upcoming game or Gen 10, only for it to become another Tera-Raid event.
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und mein Glück, Erika!
Um, almost nobody knows about him in the franchise so Blue from the games would have been a better pick
What type might the new one be, I wonder.
>year of HIVee
every year is the worst year of pokemon since 2013
Gamefreak already dicksucks mons like Eevee and Charizard a lot, making a whole "Year of" thing is pointless for them. Maybe if it was Mewtwo or something it'd be interesting.
Es heißt Evoli du dummes Ammischwein.
Like Year of Arcanine!
>Doesn't want Techeon the toy fox thing
resorting to shilling an already over-shilled pokemon means they are desperate and wants an easy money from these retarded coomers
I wouldn't say "never". As generations pass more and more people will be exposed to Pokemon and more and more people will know its name alongside Kantozard's & Lucario's.
One day there will be a Year of Soodowoodo, right?
The kike shill still wants to pretend a neo-nazi would be from a cuck nation where it's illegal to even use that salute.
Where's the part that said this was from TPCi and not GF?
We already had them. Guess what, Japan ONLY.
If they re-do that, guess what Japan, CUM (Canada-USA-Mexico) and UK only - since UK is no longer in the European Union, TPCi can ship their products directly.

If you happen to live in Ireland, Norway or Switzerland, better have a proxy ready.

Every year is year of the Eevee. Pikachu lost.
Every year is also year of the Pikachu. We don't care as much because Pikachu is THE mascot of the franchise.
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Take this, ya doity yella-bellied rat!
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>mfw they just dump all the rest of the types on us in one game
I loathe that they turned Eevee into an oficial mascot with merchandise because it has killed the chances of a new evolution to nearly 0.
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i feel like the opposite is true, in that having a new evolution would be a massive success in terms of merch sales for all the vees
>tfw sylveons killed every dragon eeveelution
>which is why it took so long to get one now
>johto pokemon
God, I wish. But they have invested so much into the merchandise that puts all the eeveelutions as a whole set, sunk cost fallacy will prevent them from moving away from that.
Wouldn't it be wild if they give Eevee a Mega Evolution
We know they rejected a flying evolution for it in SM because it looked too similar to a fan design. The existing branding combined with fan artists all drawing their interpretations of “potential” eeveelutions- and getting traction for doing so- completely killed any prospect of actually getting a new one.

Gamefreak doesn’t even care about the evolutions themselves, either; they’re just branded as accessories to the base form, and are stuck with the same shitmon movesets from Gen 4 even now. When they show up in endgame boss fights like Hau and Penny they still have dogshit moves like quick attack and baby doll eyes. To people who actually wanted to like them in a gameplay sense, they’re dead and buried. They’re just pure soulless consumer bait at this point, even more so than Charizard or Mewtwo which actually get the occasional buff.
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365 Chappy pics by now! Here's to another year of them!
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All eevees are monotype coal I don't get why people like these crappy pokemon that are basically just real animals when there are actual cute pokemon that are actually fictional creatures.
>jealous his shitmon isn't loved and shilled
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fuck you eevee is trash and pokemon fans don't know what good mon is
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>year of [SECOND FIDDLE]
>2025 is year of the Eevee
>Even though #25 is Pikachu's Natdex number

Holy cucked and kekked
Based. Luigi is a fucking embarrassment and needs to khs immediately so Mario doesn't need to save his useless ass anymore.
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Pokemon company please make a year of victini I would do anything for him to be a superstar if only for one year.
the image bugs me, why does eevee need a segment when its already in the middle? it just ends up squishing the rest of the family even more.
Honestly, not even that much of a long shot, and it would be more likely for Eevee to get one than for game freak to make 8 for the eeveelutions
>a Gen2 Pokemon ever being genuinely respected rather than just an accessory to a KANTOOOOmon, stepping stone to get a for a later gen mon, or nothing but a punchline
funny joke anon
what makes you say that?
>They’re just pure soulless consumer bait at this point
the doubled-edge sword of being shillmon adjacent, sucks because the genuine merit of the eevee family ends up getting overshadowed by them just being marketable set pieces, the though there are far worse fates that can befall a pokemon
t. Brian Thompson's family
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This is why we should have had Year of the Mewtwo.
>Eevee shit
>having any genuine thing to it
lol, lmao even
They're not making a new Eeveelution because jap fans already used up all the good concepts, and nothing GameFreak comes up is original enough to avoid potential plagiarism accusations.
Eevee is the primary shillmon, and its evolutions are accessories. A new eeveelution would take away from its shillmon status via cannibalization.
Mewtwo is Shadow the Hedgehog but shit
It's realistic, they've went long enough that they can retcon Mega Evolution lore to accommodate Pokemon like Pikachu and Eevee despite being NFE.
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90% of this board is fucking eevee posting, talk about stagnancy.
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Are their heights them on all fours or them standing from paw to head?
Someone posted how they measured things in an old thread. I think this was from the leaks https://pastebin.com/dqrti2cS
#133 Eevee 0.3m 正面から見て足先~耳先 From the front, from the toes to the ears
#134 Vaporeon 1.0m 正面から見て足先~頭部のヒレ先 From the front, from the tip of the foot to the tip of the fin on the head
#136 Flareon 0.9m 正面から見て足先~耳先 From the front, from the toes to the ears
#135 Jolteon 0.8m 正面から見て足先~耳先 From the front, from the toes to the ears
#196 Espeon 0.9m 正面から見て足先から耳の先まで From the front, from the toes to the tips of the ears
#197 Umbreon 1.0m 正面から見て足先から耳の先まで From the front, from the toes to the tips of the ears
#471 Glaceon 0.8m 正面から見て足先~耳先 From the front, from the toes to the ears
#470 Leafeon 1.0m 正面から見て足先~耳先 From the front, from the toes to the ears
#700 Sylveon 1.0m 足~耳先端 Feet to ear tips
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>Iwata died two years later
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Pokemon's second fiddle is Clefairy or maybe Marill. Eevee is more like.... The eighth fiddle.
> is Clefairy
No one has cared about Clefairy since the 90’s
>or maybe Marill
No one has cared about Marill except for the couple months it was pikablu. Even the most popular gen 2 Pokémon is 400th fiddle at best
>Even the most popular gen 2 Pokémon is 400th fiddle at best
Hey hey hey pump the brakes. Umbreon and Espeon belong higher on the rungs than Eevee.
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>"I had a bad day"
>that's depression
The word is really just losing all meaning isn't it
Give dragon dance
So it's Eeveelutions and not Marill now huh
Why are we supposed to hate this guy again?
Who's "we"? Anyone who isn't from sharty or shitcord?
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