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>the slow wait for reminiscia continues
>John finishes Vanguard, its fucking terrible
>bunken finishes Emerald Black Pearl, it's generic
>Orevald gets up to the finish line in Ambrosia (for the maingame)
>smeargle continues their LAWDS journey, "enjoying" the retarded le balance changes
>ose comes back to continue bizarre, solidly winning 3 rounds of Russian roulette despite having shit luck in gacha
>What is this?
This is a thread where a bunch of autists come together and play shitty fangames. Join if you want.

>How do I join?
Just make a name and/or tripcode and start posting images of whatever fangame/romhack you're playing.


>Fangame Bingo Card Generator
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Oh nonono......
>Silver's team was literally just a gen 5 OU sand team with an extremely cancerous Excadrill that wasn't even part of his team previously
Fucking lame and gay.
Thanks bro.
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Back after new year
What the hell is up with this puzzle though?
>X = 100 but is supposed to be off by 25 (or 20 going off the middle pot)
>no Y given so can at least assume 0
>answer is not 80 or 120 but instead 100
are the left 2 pots just red herrings?
base empyrean and EoE both have egyptian themed puzzles with bad/wrong hints
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These guys' levels didn't change lmao
>Skarmory solo'd both Sabrina and Bruno with no effort whatsoever
Off to a good start, I'm really worried about Lance though given my gen 2 record.
gl, the dragonites can spam outrage forever without getting confused
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>Last member of the elite 4 is a shitty self-insert with a bullshit team and unfunny "le serious" dialogue
That's wonderful.....especially considering how Fairy isn't immune to Dragon because hmmmm....IT JUST ISN'T OKAY?!
>The AI is input reading now
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Arctozolt and Skarmory cleared house.
another small update

>meet nim, who tries to cheer us up
>i'm not sure rock sliding my bugs constitutes as cheering me up but i respect the effort
>remember when nim wasn't mindbroken and wasn't a fucking apocalypse in a can?
>enter sheridan. eldest engages in Foreshadowing 101
>aelitakino begins
>get a funny rock from keta's humanity ghost
>proceed to thoroughly embarrass keta in a way i haven't before, even with stronger coverage and a telluric seed pawmo in tow
>qwilfish (who set up tspikes for seviper's venoshock), swadloon (who also spammed the shit out of field-boosted breaking swipes), and arbok (who sat there and looked pretty) all made a mockery of the poor bastard
>into the waterfall he and aelita go. time to go from kino to annoying quirky robots. yippee...

i hate this kind of shit with a burning passion
again, what ever happened to a dev room?
gg. dev rooms are usually out of the way so that means people might not see it, and you wanna look cool
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I'm probably leaving the postgame for later, dunno yet. My overall feelings on Ambrosia are mixed, I did enjoy the game, but it is just Johto again but with some new mons for the most part, except it also has some bullshit design decisions like catch caps that are handled like shit, awful fucking gauntlets (normally this wouldn't piss me off as much but Yang is still fresh on my mind), the pool of Pokemon feels overwhelmingly small, especially considering most new Pokemon are legendaries or high level shitters you won't be able to catch anyway. That and evasion shittery during quite a few fights made this fucking awful, oh and ganks, for fuck's sake why would you put ganks on several fucking areas at the end of gauntlets for? Water routes got gutted, exploration often feels severely underbaked despite having good ideas like walking on DARKNESS, I dunno how I'd rate it, probably a 6, there is effort put into it and I respect it, but it also has a lot of issues that just exist for the sake of it.
GG, I remember having a really hard time against Keta on LAWDS until Eldegoss went ballistic and solo'd Keta by itself.
Yeah, I loathe it as well, sadly a lot of tarddevs, especially kaizoniggers love this shit.
Thanks bro.
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>You can catch dark celebi
who the fuck ever says *and life a long life*
congrats and good review. the evasion shittery is unforgivable, especially giving it to already annoying pokemon like weavile. I kind of like the red invader pokemon mechanic so the catch cap makes sense but it should've been at the same level of your level cap, having it be 10 levels below is fucking stupid, espicially when it's still annoying to grind. a lot of tedium could've been avoided by letting you catch an at cap pokemon and using an ambrosia on it
Thanks bro.
It gets worse too, several Pokemon have their levels increased when your catch cap increases, I've saw an invader Scyther go from level 25 to 30 at one point, and an Ursaring went from level 30 to 31, it feels like the game does this just to piss you off, I also hate how small the variety of new mons is, most of them are just popular fuckers and pseudos or Volcarona, which all evolve incredibly late, I get shoving a ton of Pokemon into Johto's maps and calling it a day would be dumb, but they way it was handled here wasn't great.
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this is what you get when you beat the master difficulty in the battle tower

>the pool of Pokemon feels overwhelmingly small
you can only fit so many in gen 2
why do you think the original starters arent even in lol
id rate it a bit higher. solid 7-8. i dont really get annoyed by gimmicks i just tough them out, it's a kids game at the end of the day
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What's this heart supposed to mean?
>captcha: VAJNA
it means that when breeding that pokemon's kid will always get a GP of 0. if that yamask was GP 5 it would give it's offspring GP 5 guaranteed forever.
Ayrei apparently
Basically if a pokemon holding a power seed has that heart, the power seed won't be consumed
I wouldn't even be that annoyed but IRL stress, making the mistake of playing Yugioh and occasionally going back to Yang throughout the week to try my luck with the horrid fucking F*ore gauntlet stacked up a lot, which made those few final gauntlets, ganks and the fucking ever present evasion cancer so much worse.
I find it funny how this is a gen 2 game and yet the gen 2 starters aren't even allowed in it. I've seen gen 2 hacks like Peridot for instance do a pretty good job with adding a decent new amount of Pokemon throughout the game in a way that made sense (granted it was spaceworld beta design mons but still) while still having a map that was very much inspired by and similar to Johto.
>It's a kids game
That's silly, what kid in this day and age even knows what a Romhack is?
Thanks bro.
Found the boarfag, h-haha
Meanwhile, are you ready for vanguard to be a TOTALLY DIFFERENT GAME again bros?
>"In version 4.0, the Overworld art style will receive a complete visual upgrade."
>The only changed tiles from the near 100% magiscarf tiles are the trees and the tall grass (that are also more public assets I'm pretty sure)
There's also a non binary mc now apparently (and discord did what it does best and spammed the tranny flag on it's announcement)
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going to try an elite redux run, the weird emerald romhack with 4 abilities on every mon, cause fuck it 3 days to go for reminiscencia is too much time
Never going to play this since the dev was shilling it here like a faggot last week
wait when?
He's probably referring to https://arch.b4k.co/vp/thread/57179362/
jesus, can't even get halfway through. gotta be something else I can dig up
I should probably quit Duel Links by this point, but I've sadly invested way too much time into this crap. I dunno what I'll play till the Reminiscencia DLC gets translated and I get a second chance to enjoy Infinite Mode aka gambling simulator.
I can feel my FPS dying just by looking at the top right image.
>Found the boarfag
Hope you learned how to dodge the charge attack h-haha.....
Seaglass maybe? Don't remember if you tried it.
I really hate the white outlines they put on everything, it's the sticker star problem
Did you ever play Berserk? I don't remember kek
but chuddie, the heckin ebin particle effects!!
>Hope you learned how to dodge the charge attack h-haha.....
Decided to look up if I could find anything on Pokeharbor and Eevee Expo, not much, apparently Dark Rising 3 is gonna be a thing, there were some progress updates on Sors 2 too.
Eh fair enuff, BioTerror seemed fun (and stupid) enough from Wagie's playthrough, so that might be worth a try? I don't remember if you played Scorched Silver, that one was decent but it is Johto again but IN THE FUUUUUUTUUUUUURE.
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I really appreciate the amount of trick room users I have fought, Pangoro can just spam hammer arm with no issues
At least it's not "recolored public asset tiles" anymore I guess
I wish he would just improve the gameplay and story and wait to fix the visuals in postgame, its not like the visuals are as bad as the rest of the game fucking hell
GG bros
If you want to sneed his charge you can probably try light roll
thanks bros. I might just replay something for now though so I can drop it the moment spanish johto kino arrives
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Found one of Lucifer's strongest soliders
Thanks bro.
I'm pretty sure they still are modified public assets, or at least I recognize the trees, but admittedly I can't immediately find them
They do look better I guess, but like you said, the visuals are probably among the last things that need to have a "complete upgrade" kek
>If you want to sneed his charge you can probably try light roll
I'll try that tomorrow I guess, because I'm still acking to the charge a lot kek
here it is, the code vein of yokai watch. I wonder how much has changed since I last played this other then the moon dlc
I can't believe it took me until today to look into Garchomps learnset and realize before gen 8 the only ground moves he learns via level up are dig and sand tomb
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apologies if progress is at a snail's pace here

>ugh. SEC
>oh wait. it's an actual boss fight now, and you fight alongside aelita
>its team is magnemite, archen, koffing, drilbur, hisuian voltorb, raticate, and crocalor
>ugh. clara.
>continue the running theme of the female characters in rebornlikes being damsels in distress
>bust some heads with keta, made even easier thanks to his souped up team
>madelis time. this is where my enjoyment of the fact that shadow pokemon were in the game died violently
>her team is relatively the same, but with better sets and her cuphant and golbat having evolved
>still fairly reasonable. not that it all mattered because winning in rejuvenation means nothing
>get warped by crescent and fight SEC again, where it is once again an actual boss fight with a full team of shadow pokemon
>fight rift volcarona, whose battle was completely reworked
>it's a fair bit tougher now, but you fight alongside aelita, it was actually really nice! i see what people mean by aelitakino now
>keta fucking dies
>meet the rest of team xen's executives, which made me realize i'd genuinely love these dumbasses if they were in a far less... team xen-y evil team. they deserve lower stakes to really let their quirkiness shine more
>it's been one week since you looked at me
>get the badge. remember that machine in amethyst grotto? well it'll be relevant A HUNDRED FUCKING HOURS FROM NOW

these are very long-winded i'm now realizing.

thanks... and GG as well!
oh i recall the same with intense keta i think. eldegoss and cherrim obliterated him
>sadly a lot of tarddevs, especially kaizoniggers love this shit.
like, i know why these devs do it, but i'd never have the confidence to do shit like that. ESPECIALLY not making my team so full of legendaries, ugh.

thank you as well!

trick room my beloved <3 breaking games open with it is the funniest shit
gg on the lawds progress.
>well it'll be relevant A HUNDRED FUCKING HOURS FROM NOW
like many things in this game
GG. Don't worry about your progress being slow or whatever kek, not like this is a race. The aelitakino really spikes in chapters 4 and 8
>>continue the running theme of the female characters in rebornlikes being damsels in distress
I've never even thought about that before, yet another "problematic" trope these people just adore shoving into their shit along with mentally ill/violent/confrontational gay people or blacks
Have fun with the Lies of P of Digimon. Looks like a lot of minor changes, but hopefully the actual campaign feels different enough besides just the moon
I assume that's why you find EQ in the same cave in Platinum or whatever, then they just never fixed that
gg, make sure to explore route 3, your first batch of aelitakino is approaching
>remember that machine in amethyst grotto? well it'll be relevant A HUNDRED FUCKING HOURS FROM NOW
The truly terrifying part is that there's only 2/6 statues filled this far into the game kek
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Gold-type huh
it resists flying so maybe it's a better steel?

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oh shit
You can go to the moon as soon as you get cut and can access the moon glade, note that the DLC is pretty bullshit at the start and in true SOVLS fashion, it doesn't tell you what you should do to complete quests or really give you any pointers, there's stuff you can miss too if you did quests in certain orders too and also the DLC is seemingly unfinished, at least the cave and a few quests from it seem to be.
Thanks bro and GG yourself.
>Jan makes WLL to try and compile lore about whatever the fuck was going on with Keta and such and to show just how important Amethyst Cave really was
>WLL's plot is a mess and doesn't actually tell you what the fuck is going on, in fact it just brings up more questions
>Nobody asked for it and even Jan's dickriders complained about it since it diverted attention away from the main update release, which had already taken ages to come out
>One of the big secrets and plot points from that game is that Keta somehow was the original owner of Mewtwo even though this plot literally doesn't go anywhere
>Said secret is literally impossible to access because of a bug that never got fixed
>The only reason and enticement for playing that scheisse was getting the password to obtain Lucario
>The password got delete from Rejuvenation
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leech sneed (+ sand attack because why does this thing have cc lmao) wins the day
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>almost get two good pokemon wasted by KANTOOOOOOOO that kept landing fireblasts
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thing is, i actually LIKE when something is teased super early in the game, and then you come back to it later
but those games usually aren't as long as rejuvenation, even by RPG standards...

genuinely hyped for those chapters, i like aelita, even after the weird garufan shit
>the trope stuff
honestly, seeing martin and kreiss just be a relatively normal gay couple (at least, so far...) was a genuinely nice breath of fresh air
the phone call was a legitimately cute scene

it is odd how many times these end up happening though. maybe it's just me, but as the faggotiest faggot who ever faggoted there is Nothing Wrong with making a gay character/character of another race who is just... normal?

>2/6 statues
sob. sob weep sob.
the statues were keta (and taelia?) and vivian, right? which means the rest of the statues are more than likely connected to sheridan
aelita and eldest will probably be two more.
knowing jan he'll probably introduce number 6 as a new character who was totally close to sheridan all this time and we never knew until now.

what the hell is that. why's it wearing a thong.

the VISION of having a smaller side-game to help answer some lore questions sounds really fucking cool on paper
it's a shame the execution was Not Good... as far as i can tell, anyway. i never actually played it and it looks like i'm not missing out on much.

also i apologize if the smeargle posting is irritating or anything, it's unfortunately kinda fun avatarfagging.
>why's it wearing a thong
to give her trainer something to take off
>gay character/character of another race who is just... normal
at least part of that can be attributed to the fact that every character in rejuv/reborn outside of a handful need to be epic quirkchungus baconmasters, so I guess you can't particularly blame the fags, but venam did not need to be BPD and adam did not need to be (turned into, i'll give) an attention seeking tard. also part*cia
i do really like the fact that arclight and eve/lumi are the only major black characters in reborn (even doe it's pokedetroit) and the game's characters are based on a LARP, very, ah, telling, there. dev team has a racial makeup that's almost as white as /pol/ pretends to be
>also i apologize if the smeargle posting is irritating or anything
it's fine, not like we don't already use trips kek
hundreds of mcs showed up and they only kept 13?
Not going to lie I just woke up and when I looked at the image I thought the sword was a massive golden dick for some reason
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I know a lot of you guys think Atlas is pretty meh, but I love this guy's design. Idk if it's just cos of the music, sound effects and mechanics (lmao), but a lot of the characters remind me of Ace Attorney. Feel like this guy is just as good as any evil team leader from the main series (I'm assuming he's not the leader.)
it looks good, and the cliffhanger the demo left on is interesting, it's just as it is now the plot and some of the dialogue need improvement
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At this point I probably am not even going to put him in my team but I am in too deep
Also this is a sign, spent literally all my money and got my number
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And today I see the shittiest opinion in reborncord history
not surprising as it came from the empiretard, but still
haha...just one more roll, surely!
I was wondering when that particular egg would crack, kek
I don't think anybody here thought it was bad, just not le amazing desu (at least not compared to some of the other spanish shit we've played)
>eye rolls back in head
>blood dripping from nose
>take out package and unwrap the kariume (T/N: kariume means "pickled plum")
>drop it into mouth
You are....a big liar, aren't you?
Oh that wasn't what...
I thought it was just referring to the argument over Full Moon....

...now there actually is blood dripping out of my nose kek (or there should be anyway)
Missed this, I think it's a good game, but it puts a little too much effort into it's visuals, like it looks great, but if they put even a bit of that effort into polishing it's already pretty decent gameplay and whatnot, it'll be really fucking good
but hey, we're still only in beta 2 of however many, so maybe that'll change
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A whole bandit raid
Getting right into the action, pretty fun
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Pretty easy dealing with them
I liked the boss's unique staraptor though
WLL is not worth playing, trust me.
H-haha.......I lost count how much time and money I spent gambling trying to get Kubfu......
What did those shittards get their panties twisted over this time?
what happened?
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It's always funny when you walk into a plot you know nothing about
we were going to the temple and i backtracked to grind what's this about a hostage
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It's also funny when they're 6 levels above you
and they have a card, I thought that was just EoE being shit. you can't get cards or shinies in true deshret but they still throw them at you
>Ack the boarfag
>Apparently I fucked up ansbach's quest by doing one of the other quests "wrong"
Just the full moon loving empiretard having literally zero standards apparently, though even that's an insult to people with no standards
Yeah it's usually around there that you start falling behind in levels again
for once i think you guys should be spared the brain damage
it really is that bad
it's a shame, since he gains some of the badass dialogue in the game later on if you do it properly
regardless, it's not AS necessary as doing moore/hornsent (also not doing freyja's)
I'll believe your guys' word on it.
>Fucked up Ansbach's quest
Sadly I did too the first time around because without pointers you can easily miss two of his locations, which is sad because he has some fantastic dialogue.
>Ack to the boarfag
The fucking charge and some of his gravity attacks are just pure fucking retardation, I tried abusing the Torrent mount invincibility frames to try and get through the former but timing it down is miserable.
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another day, another chapter of LAWDS rejuvenation

>ghost trees!!!
>battle amanda, who mercifully was basically unchanged barring the addition of a torracat
>ariados made shockingly quick work of her
>enter that weirdass manor. get yoinked by indriad and marianette gets me out of limbo after burning my fucking eyes
>i admit, some of her dialogue is cute.
>save literally whos and venam after going through unchanged trials. in fact the dusknoir battle was even easier due to marianette's team
>now for the Big Event, i looked at her team on the big text file full of trainers and i was mildly intimidated
>turns out, i had every right to be! she smacked me silly for a little while.
>her team consisted of arboliva, crested oinkologne, heliolisk, hisuian zoroark, farigiraf, and bewear
>arboliva set of a grassy terrain overlay, which had a nasty combo with heliolisk's razor wind, since grassy terrain causes razor wind to activate instantly AND it gets a field boost from blessed field.
>and crested oinkologne becomes considerably more bulky, and pokemon afflicted with lingering aroma take much more damage
>also, i want to say, SMTV Vengeance's "Battle - Deadlock" fits this fucking battle to a tee
>after enough brute-forcing, i prevailed. did you know ariados puts in a lot of work?
>marianette becomes God Jr. i guess. i'm sure this will all be relevant at some point barring the time travel mumbo jumbo
>problem solved!
>additionally, god i fucking love the xen executive banter. i so wish they were in something better than this.
>also, we get flash and facade as a freebie, no need to do any extra shit there!

i dunno man, i sorta check out mentally when all the blonde white girls with god powers come in. i had to go into a bit more detail there, marianette's team was the first real sticking point of the run, if you can call it that.
gg on the progress. smeargle, how can you not care about the best and most important character in the game? so important the dev just HAD to commission nude sprites of his own character
GG. that's fucking insane she has a hisuian zoroark and farigiraf considering she has a zorua and girafarig on AWESOMESAUCE mode. i mean sure the latter are PULSE3 and are on a team with PULSE3 pokemon, but that seems like it has to be a fuckup
i think they might have nerfed gaius a bit with patches too, or at least he doesn't do the charge at the start of the fight anymore (or isn't supposed to, unfortunately quite a few jeets worked on the dlc)
Messmer was a pretty neat boss desu, but I find myself missing the stance breaks from the bigass swords a lot on these bosses
haha...that's true, such a message shouldn't leave that place
..I completely forgot about him, that probably doesn't bode well for his quest kek\
gg, enjoy the aelitakino
>or at least he doesn't do the charge at the start of the fight anymore (or isn't supposed to
He definitely still does kek, and I couldn't ever really consistently dodge it (though admittedly I was only like 50/50 on dodging subsequent charges)
GG, he is really fun. I assume you've got maybe 2-3 of the hidden major bosses left, and then the final one?
>..I completely forgot about him, that probably doesn't bode well for his quest
tbf, I don't think you NEED to do his quest, but probably just go back and talk with him (you need to tell him to kill himself kek)
the quest is just if you want to end his questline semi-early without intentionally fighting and killing him
>He definitely still does kek
unfortunate but also expected, kek
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you can't
you can't just say this and not elaborate. what the fuck do you mean
turns out, marianette was supposed to have zorua and girafarig in normal mode as well according to the dev. this will be patched.

i will!

i would also like to add i kinda fucking love aevian solosis
>they instantly put a patch out the minute someone breaks a fight because of quick claw or because illumise has follow me or some stupid shit
>nah you just have to wait on a major boss being overtuned for the mode it's in
of course
>i kinda fucking love aevian solosis
It's really a massive shame the focus of the hack pivoted towards lame difficulty autism like AWESOMERINO instead of more aevians/aelita(or hell, even any other half decent rejuv character)kino
solosis is a great mon, galvantula and this mod's overhauled version of golisopod are great too. too bad there's no poison nuaevian or reworked old aevian albeit (at least none I know of or remember)
jan commissioned or made two nude versions of melia for himself, one of them is her in the visor uniform without the bottom part. I don't have them on hand
GG, the terajuma gyms are all fucking miserable, so watch out for those, Amber and Crawli are especially fucking awful, as well as......the moth.....
>Jeets worked on the DLC
I now understand why Radahn and a few other fights were so fucking awful, gods I still remember some of the hornsent enemies were fucking dogshit to get through near the final areas of the DLC.
To be fair I haven't and can't play Elden Ring right now due to my old processor frying and me having to rely on a horribly weak substitute, that and after quitting my job I don't talk with my coworker much anymore either. Sadly due to having no work/money for now it's unlikely I'll get to play anything that isn't Duel Links or TF2 or some other games that can run on potatoes.
GG on Mesmer, him and girlfriend and probably two of the standout fights in the DLC. Did you do the fights with Metyr, Putrescent or Avatar yet? Those are a bit out of the way, Metyr is tied to a quest and fucking sucks because of how relentless it is.
>What the fuck do you mean
People found out Jan left out naked Melia sprites in the v13.5 beta, an anon posted them here during the start of our playthrough threads of it, I'll go look for them in th archive real quick.
also yeah, regarding the melia nudes, jan is a sick fuck who likes a quick chuck
this was in the beta files. good luck trying to start any discussion on rebornevo over these
gg on snakeman. did you find the spooky forest
i completely forgot about avatar, i honestly was thinking of midra when i said the above thing kek
>To be fair I haven't and can't play Elden Ring right now
at this point, might as well wait for nightrein

can't wait for the network test to go as 'smoothly' as MH wilds did, kek
Ah noted, T B H I really liked Midra's fight, largely because the music was so good and the frenzy attacks looked beautiful, funnily enough my processor gave during my second run of the DLC right as I reached the cursed shithole forest he's in.
I'm definitely waiting for the gameplay footage to roll in, I didn't like what I've seen so far, it looks like cashgrab bait with old SOVLS bosses like NK shoved in to make tards soiface over it.
>MH Wilds
I've never played MH but I heard World was great and Wilds was a complete shitfest.
Canon due to multiple version .Karma timeline multiverse fuckery.
world is breddy gud. it does have a littany of issues and i do prefer older monhuns, but it's fine and i'm fine with wilds essentially being world 2
i wouldn't say wilds is a shitfest (it's not even out) but the network test does make me more cautiously optimistic for the game if anything. if capcom hasn't learned their lesson since dragon slopma 2 (which they probably won't, it's capcom) the launch will be horrific and eventually balance out into a probably solid game. will be fun at least to shitpost on /v/ for the first week albeit
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alright who got isekai'd into this shithole
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joy another stealth section
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Does he know
Also how the hell did the champion get captured by these guys, just use sound sphere
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Pleasantly surprised that curse used by a ghost enemy whiffs
I wish I had brough ariados too because fuck this fight, thank god i first try'd it
don't even ask about the outcome of the battle even paralyzed wiseraph outsped everything
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forgot pic
>Exhaust all dialogue options
>Character suffers because of it
Thanks bros
>Metyr, Midra, Putrescent, Avatar
I just did Putrescent and I did Avatar before the boarfag, haven't gotten to/found the other two yet
>the spooky forest
I assume that's like the only section of the map I haven't found a way to kek
>just use sound sphere
Words to live by t b h
If you want hints for where to look for both of them
Spooky forest: Messmer's keep
Metyr: cathedral
I wish I remembered any good grinding spots, I think I just debugged levels kek
There are the type boosting books you can find in that place that should maybe help out desu
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from what i recall, it was an oversight, but still. not a fan of the kneejerk reactions to stuff being "broken"
at least from some idle chitchat, the dev and i are on a similar page in regards to the aelita shit, where it feels like 13.5 has kinda pushed her to the wayside a little.

>aevian solosis
yeeeeah not a big fan of the difficulty mode autism either, which is a shame, because i genuinely am liking some of the things this hack is doing
grassy terrain overlay blessed field razor wind genuinely shocked me. that was fucking clever.
i'm VERY excited to try out the aevian bugs.

lol. lmao even.
as someone with funny little characters whose dicks i poorly draw, wanting pornographic material of your characters isn't an innately Bad thing

HOWEVER. where things get a little... off is when the character is in something that has a very high teenage following. that, and she's skirting a little too close to being an actual teenager, i know she's 18 at the point of those sprites or whatever but that's fresh 18. too fresh. yucky.
iirc her birthday is november 1st too
i know some anons would froth over that on this hellscape of a board (or maybe that's too old...) but

>terajuma gyms are miserable
oh joy...
wait the moth, you mean belial is even worse a fight now?
>left in the 13.5 beta
that is comedy fucking gold. i'm gonna have to look for the thread with that.

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