I picked up my Y save from years ago. I put it down because I was getting filtered by Grant and life got in the way. And I have to say, while it's not particularly hard, I do appreciate that there's at least a certain level of difficulty with little to no handholding. Why doesn't Gamefreak do this anymore? I love running into wild Pokemon that hold berries and having to search hard for rare mons like the elemental monkeys(I need these things for my HOME dex desu). But right now this seems like peak Pokemon and I adore it. I'm not going to progress any further until I see my friend on Sunday and use his 3DS for memory link, but I'll just explore a little more and train up my mons, I neglected to do that when I initially got the game.I also want to say that this is the first time I've decided to use the magnemite and zubat lines for a main game playthrough. Not sure why I never used them before. I mean I know why I didn't in Gen 1, because zubat was a shitmon before crobat and magneton was outclassed by raichu and jolteon. I guess I don't have an excuse for skipping on crobat in Gen 2 and beyond though. I've also heard this is the game to use a magnemite as well.
My personal issues with it are>The difficulty level being particularly easy even relative to Pokémon>The worst set of rivals ever introduced>A bias towards Gen I>Pacing issues in multiple fields (story progression, Pokémon availability, mechanics)For the last point, progression in the sense of the gap between the first badge and the second badge. I actually like this part of the game, but it makes the rest of the game just breeze on by as every town after has a Gym. But I had over 150 Pokémon registered by the second Gym, and that leads me to the progression of Pokémon. I think many Pokémon should be available in a Pokémon game, but Kalos is NOT how I want it to be done. It feels like bloat on every route, I want there to be more mechanics introduced gradually throughout the game, like the Poké Radar with its Gen IV functionality, stuff that more gradually expands upon the earlier areas and encourages you to make use of multiple features. I want more things like daily swarms, regional music, headbutt/honey trees. And this leads to my issue with mechanic progression. A ton of things are dropped on you at the beginning, the bottom screen can take up hours of your initial play time. I think they should have been introduced more gradually, along with these other encounter mechanics.
>>57199272it's funny how exactly zero of these are issues if your IQ is above 50
>>57199319>the first two are unnoticeable if you’re not dogshit at a series of games made for toddlers>the third is unnoticeable if you’re not a retard who seethes over pokemon existing in a pokemon game>the fourth isn’t a factor if you didn’t invent retarded fanfic rules about how games should be paced
>>57199330Do you follow these standards consistently? You never criticize the difficulty of other games?
>>57199215wow you're pathetic and super fragile
>>57199272Shauna is hot and it's all that matters.
>>57199350I don’t look for difficulty in multiplayer focused games where the campaign is effectively a tutorial designed for toddlers to beat, no.
>>57199215Hi Yawn Phaggot, how are you
>>57199735mald harder, sagie
>>57199656Good thing it's not intended to be a tutorial then
>>57199215Bro got filtered by Grant. Lol. I swept him with my level 27 Frogadier. XY were pretty hand holdy. Quite a ling tutorial. Plus they were piss easy, arguably the easiest in the series. Though you claim every game is piss easy, despite the fact you clearly got filtered by Grant. These games aren't even designed for toddlers. They're designed for 8+
>board-wide psyop to convince people the agreed upon easiest game sonehow has difficulty nowHow low have we fallen? Is this was a news drought does to manchildren with no jobs?
>>57200169>t. retard
>>57199215I know this is just a parroted post but>filtered by a tyrunt and amaura>when hawlucha, a mon so good it's used in speedruns, is right outside this cityis fucking hilarious
>>57200192It's not just the typo. Everything about your posts screams brown.